In case you're still undecided

Trump has to be stopped!

Other urls found in this thread:

sample size?

I voted trump you falord get em out get um all out. make them shit in their own shitty lands remove kebabs.


yes and i wish the same.


Don't reply

Just Sage if you must

>Make America Great Again

When exactly WAS America great and why is that now over?

So basically Sup Forums?

I just got back from my polling station, and it's not looking good for hillary...

Everywhere I looked, 'MAGA Hats' shirts, but no I'm With Her shirt. Outside, 'Love Trump' bumper stickers on 90% of the cars in the parking lot and even on the buses loaded with marginalized Latinos,
Latinas and blacks brought in to vote Trump...

Why didn't Hillary have a strategy to get out the vote?

So which one of those things am I supposed to disagree with and why?

I agree to all of the above. This makes Trump even more appealing.

About 27 people

>Source: Entirely from a single state

Wow. So scientific.

They sampled Sup Forums lol

>a fucking leaf

America was great when the population was 90% white and it is over because America is only 60% white. If that ratio drops any further the US will become a one party state with the millions of Mexicans and other thirdworlders always voting democrat.

when one man working at a meaningful job could get a house and feed his wife and family with little or no debt.

Certainly not now when dental school costs $500,000 dollars, we all live in debt, our houses and furniture is made of paper pulp and plastic, and most people, even highly educated young people can't save any money due to the massive devaluation of our currency.

how do only 16% think whites are the superior race? I mean, that is pretty objective at this point. you could maybe make a case for asians if you tried really hard. that's the only dumb part i see here.

wtf I love trump now

Wow so if the majority feel this way maybe it's time to let the small portion who aren't voting Trump split off and live in their dystopian multicultural shithole

fuck you


>14% aren't sure if whites are a superior race

>Only 16% think that whites are a superior race.


>Wanting Trump to win
he's literally Hitler

>Sup Forums
>only 16% believe in white supremacy
Pick one.

Too late for anyone to refute it, probably just made it all up.




>Why didn't Hillary have a strategy to get out the vote?
What state user?

>you can't like this person, meanies like him you too!
If your favorite tv show had someone who went out and committed a horrible mass shooting while spouting the catchphrases and she you wouldn't be shamed for liking it

>put up stats under that are under 50%
They do know that means that the majority of Trump supporters DON'T think that, right?



that is all

which in turn means that 84% do not think that whites are a superior race

Fuck off leaf

>South Carolina
Nice sample

The South was right, though. The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, it was about state's rights to live autonomously and not have to be subjected to the will of a centralized tyrant.


Meksikane is beter as kaffers.

leaf please stay out.
you got your own battles to fight

>let's forget the statistics for muslims, though

i dont see anything wrong with that chart

1. Yes

2. Might as well since we're banning Muslims.

3. See 1&2

4. No, gay people don't bomb anyone

5. No. We're a union.

6. Yes, it that is on the state flag.

7. No. Married to a non white

PS - make America great again

Sounds pretty great to me desu

If hilary wins , then the USA deserves to be erased from this earth, America its like the roman empire in decadence. Since the three great emperors (Nixon, H W Bush and Reagan) america sucks. just like rome after Hadrian, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius;
America need a Caesar to cross the Missisipi like he did with the Rubicon and dismantle the corrupt senate. THAT MAN IS DONALD J TRUMP

Where is the fucking wall?
They always forgetting about The Wall.

Pair this picture next to an image of
>"Here's what muslims think the Quran means"

>only sampling South Carolina
Shame they don't do this for other parties.

>ample only Louisiana niggers/dems
>their answers must represent the entire party!

We need an edit of that sweating liberal meme with these figures and the amount of muslims who believe Shariah should rule.

Voting Trump this afternoon. Godo bless America

It's funny that people still make fun of the "basket of deplorables" when the statistical proof literally proves her right

Only thing wrong with it is that the numbers are a bit low especially on that 16%

>anything wrong with any of that
Blow away, leaf

>an undisclosed sample of GOP voters in south carolina

Trumps policies aren't so bad, it's just that the man has no ability to see them through

he's just gonna fall on his ass then blame everything else and moronic trumptards are gonna eat it up

if Trump wins now he's just gonna ruin it for the next guy and we'll be stuck with another century of the current shitshow

I cant fucking believe you guys dont give a fuck about the chinese slave state taking your jobs, Hilary is going tu win only because trump said "mean things" makes me sick

Fuck you


It's Trump or Civil War.

The Left has backed the Right into a corner. Millions of Americans believe this is the last chance to save our republic. If Hillary wins, a resistance will spring up, and militia units will in some areas be desperate and hopeless enough to start asymmetric warfare operations. We will stumble into conflict and fight a long and bloody war that will destroy the greatest civilization in history.

Save your country.

This is the perfect answer. The only reason a woman should want a job is to give their family an extra boost (i.e. a better house, being able to afford good vacations, etc.) or be able to afford some nicer clothes.

Right now a big reason (maybe the biggest?) reason for married women in the workforce is one family member isn't enough to make ends meet.

The average sized family shouldn't NEED more than one person working to provide properly for them.

Do people actually believe this?

adorable. go back to bed.

>70% of Trump supporters want the confederate flag flying on state grounds

If it's a confederate graveyard of a war memorial, then I don't see the harm in it. They probably included people like me on that list even though I live in CT and don't want a confederate flag flying over the capitol in Hartford.

These polls often ask multiple questions and then afterwards the results get interpreted and spun into something that sounds outrageous and headline-worthy.

People who oppose this should be deported to here and live with muslims as a punishment

There's literally nothing wrong with this.

There's not a single one of those things that wouldn't make America an objectively better place.



Where do you think you are?

Enige iets is beter as kaffers.
Maar soos jy self weet, sodra jy 'n wit minderheid is, het jy geen meer sĂȘ oor enige iets nie.
Hulle kan breuk en verander soos hul wil en jy moet moet maar net daarvoor betaal dmv belasting.