What did Pooh mean by this?

What did Pooh mean by this?

and this?

and also this?

and that?

It's an old joke, OP.

>A guy said to me, “I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else.” I said, “I am.” - Demetri Martin 1973

>Demetri Martin 1973
Is this a meme?

Everything posted here becomes meme.

what an asshole

Pooh possessed absolutely no chill back in the day.

that's why we likes him.



Are these real?





I tried


This can't be real...but it describes my mother to a T.

Who, Owl or Piglet?

These strips are legit.


Oedipus the Pooh


Post the one where Pooh and Piglet are talking, and Owl comes out of fucking nowhere to swoop Pooh up like a field mouse.

not that one but I could search it if i have it on the CBR.
