How do we uncuck Sweden?

How do we uncuck Sweden?

A couple nukes would work.

You can't.

>uncuck Sweden?

Replace it's people with shitskins who won't be cucks

Red blooded American and uncuckd Norwegian cock

deport kebab

Abba isn't cucky, wtf. Nothing wrong with 70's pop.

>yes goyim, don't pay attention to what is really going on! rag on sweden instead!

You can't. They want to be this way.

but ABBA was badass, some of the most successful pop of all time

nuclear winter

It's too late. Begin the exodus of the non-cucks, then nuke it.

Destroy the swedish media.

>the ABBA approach to binomial multiplication

Start it by false flagging muslim bomb threats/etc via letters or burners.

No need to "uncuck" us, whatever that means. We are fine, in fact we are better off than 99% of the world.

>better off than 99% of the world
massive amounts of rapes and beatings in the streets due to influx of shitskin muslims

France is better than 99% of the world

Vive le Roy

First real answer. Surprised it came from an American.

Sweden is the size of California. You'd need more than a couple.

rename it to Serbia

Trump-Putin axis forces are formed in 2018. Trump announces that Sweden has 1 month to remove every kebab in the country else they get nuked.

undo the du-reformen just to hammer home how little mudslimes get done

Which swedish alternative media do you follow?
I only know of the Golden One



Implying Sweden ever existed/ could exist non-cucked.


Wouldn't wiping out your two biggest cities uncuck you cucks?

>viking sweden was cucked
>the sweden that conquered finland and the baltics was cucked
>Gustavus Adolphus was cucked
Amerifat education everyone

I think Sweden just copies the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. Poland is the original cuck after all

>Nuking Stockholm and Gothenburg but not Malmö which is third biggest city

>Making Malmö Swedens biggest city and its new capital


Without destroying the infrastructure and I'll allow it

Speaking of which
"According to some estimates, by 1590–1591 there were about 200,000-500,000 Lipka Tatars living in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and about 400 mosques serving them" FOUR HUNDRED MOSQUES. That's something.
>inb4 they wuz good boys, they wuz loyal. They were NOT:
Well, they did betray Poland. Not even once
1)1591: The rule of the fervent Catholic Sigismund III (1587–1632) and the Counter-Reformation movement brought a number of restrictions to the liberties granted to non-Catholics in Poland, the Lipkas amongst others. This led to a diplomatic intervention by Sultan Murad III with the Polish king in 1591 on the question of freedom of religious observance for the Lipkas. This was undertaken at the request of Polish Muslims who had accompanied the Polish King's envoy to Istanbul.
2)1672: This was the year of the Lipka Rebellion. As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.
3)The worst: in 1683 most of them fought for the Ottomans
STFU, lipka

I thought Malmo was your second largest city.

Three nukes then.

Let them take in migrants until their entire culture is destroyed and they capitulate. They will be the warning against multiculturalism for history.

Funny, but Polcuck even OUTPERFORMED Sweden and Germany in forcing out the natives.
1679: As a reward for their return to the Commonwealth the Lipka Tatars were settled by King Jan Sobieski on Crown Estates in the provinces of Brest, Kobryn and Hrodna. The Tatars received land that had been CLEAR of the previous occupants, from 0.5 to 7.5 square kilometres per head, according to rank and length of service
>c-c-cucked Sweden(eugenics before 1975) and Germany(still that keeps racial record), m-muh based Poland!

Leave Sweden to me.

>union of sweden , norway and finnland
>no welfare
>working camps
>voting rights only for that ones who served in army(mental/physical health+entelligence census)

Sucks that we're doing so well compared to the rest of the west

>thread about uncuckening
>posts cuck picture


why is a nigger with a Slavic girl? why are you polish cucks not stomping his guts out ?

indeed looks like young Stalin. he was a good cuck. knew where to fluff the yellow meat

just let it die

Tfw Stalin literally sissified the Soviet Union by cleansing the entirety of its half-decent male population. is pretty much the only alternative media that won't give you autism from 90's style CSS

Literal White guilt cuck faggot
"Haциoнaлизм pyccкий cтaл нapacтaть, ycиливaтьcя, poдилacь идeя cмeнoвeхoвcтвa, бpoдят жeлaния ycтpoить вмиpнoм пopядкeтo, чeгo нeyдaлocь ycтpoить Дeникинy, т.e. coздaть тaк нaзывaeмyю „eдинyю инeдeлимyю“. И, тaким oбpaзoм, вcвязи cнэпoм вoвнyтpeннeй нaшeй жизни нapoждaeтcя нoвaя cилa— вeликopyccкий шoвинизм, гнeздящийcя внaших yчpeждeниях, пpoникaющий нeтoлькo вcoвeтcкиe, нoивпapтийныe yчpeждeния, бpoдящий пoвceм yглaм нaшeй фeдepaции ивeдyщий ктoмy, чтo, ecли мыэтoй нoвoй cилe нeдaдим peшитeльнoгo oтпopa, ecли мыeeнeпoдceчeм вкopнe— aнэпoвcкиe ycлoвия eeвзpaщивaют,— мыpиcкyeм oкaзaтьcя пepeд кapтинoй paзpывa мeждy пpoлeтapиaтoм бывшeй дepжaвнoй нaции икpecтьянaми paнee yгнeтeнных нaций, чтo paвняeтcя пoдpывy диктaтypы пpoлeтapиaтa. "

The problem will solve on itself. It won't be long before Muslims and Africans become the majority in Sweden due to higher breeding rates and the open door policy that only getting more liberal. After that the Finnish army can turn Sweden into a colony.

Polish been cucks since 1300s

I like Sweden. Sweden is a based country. Every people who mock Sweden never spent some time here. People are charming, girls are beautiful, lands are sublime.

There won't be any majority, because there will be racial war or ethnonationalist government in Sweden

>le master of correct quote

go back to vk underage wanker

Чё зa хyиня тyт твopитcя

Not when 99% of the men are liberal beta males brainwashed from birth to like "diversity".

Пoляк лapпитв гycapa и кpacный пeтyх бecнyeтcя.

1-2 Breiviks and 3-4 villages on a standoff is enough to launch a race war

Holy shit Sweden is beautiful, even the country side.

No wonder they want to destroy it.

Please save Sweden.

Jesus Christ you are butthurt Ivan, it's understandable since your country is 12-15% Muslim now while Poland is 0.1% Muslim.

>Пoляк лapпитв гycapa и кpacный пeтyх бecнyeтcя.
t.underage as it is

Stalin had daddy issues as well.

>age argument
Know your place, soviet filth

still better than america which should at this point be considered a third world country because of the amount of niggers and crime,

Hillary should just rename country to New Africa when she wins

holy shit never knew things were that bad Shame on Poland how can their parents be ok with this fuck

I always wanted to know, hows it in Russia with that topic?

I mean surely not everyone is pro Soviet in there right? What about the romanov family and the tsardom - do people justify the revolution and the murder of them?

I just cant believe its 100% red over there

>that image

>>age argument

if you're retard time will not fix you

>nuke Japan
>turns into an anime desu desu desu otaku country
>would work