Is he retarded ?

Is he retarded ?



I did the same, the pen that I used was really weird and not very precise

I wonder if it was the same for NYC

>not bringing your own pen

what are you?

You do know it's illegal to take a picture of your ballot/show who you voted for in NY ?

whats with the moon runes?

>not having based arrows
Dots are outdated

literally nobody cares

>sop many ching chongs they need to put it on the ballot

America lol


You can't be fined unless your name or some form of identification is included in the picture though

people that edit out their named before they post their ballot are fine

Why the fuck are there runes on a merican ballot?

What is this from? The character i mean

>Everyone makes fun of Canadians for being chinks
>In America some ballots are in mandarin

What the fuck.

Except its not, now kys

Why are chinese runes are there?

Not if you print out a sample ballot and scribble on it.

America has always been multicultural.

Canada going from 99% white to 30% Asians is more funny.

Probably for NYC since there's a decent amount of Chinese people there I assume

He voted in NY where red votes don't matter. Do NOT vote for Trump in a Blue state (West Coast, Illinois, New England, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Florida), save your time and energy. Vote where it matters

Why would I bring my own pen

I don't care. The Trumps have good lawyers and can probably make the case that there's no way to tell it was Eric's vote and if it wasn't just a fake printout or photoshop or something, nothing will really happen.

its racist to not have every language ever spoken according to democrats

There would need to be proof it's his real ballot, not something he got off the net or printed out himself

Some states have laws about ballots being in multiple languages. Here in Texas all ballots must be in English and Spanish.

He's the dumb(est) child

Liberals in a frenzy saying its illegal. Turn a blind eye when it comes to anything illegal with Hillary.

people that are living in america, but can't speak / refuse to learn english shouldn't be allowed to vote

hopefully trump does something about that, its disgusting desu

Should have some ballots with Hebrew runes for Brooklyn then.

OP is the reason why Trump said vaccines cause Autism

There is a Chinatown. You even have to do few missions and rampages there.

Considering America is multicultural and multilingual and we have no official language, thats pretty racist....Do you k-know how democracy even works???