
Other urls found in this thread:


>It's real

It's going to reach the point where looking at a girl just a bit too long is going to be cause for "unwanted sexual visualization" and a suspension/firing/twitter lynching.

>ocular trespassing

Does this mean a Chinese Fucking Thing will win an Oscar next year?

>tensions between genders will become so bad that reddit will start antiwomen hate groups which may very well lead to the first gender war
This is why women sufferage was a mistake

Don't be stupid. Animation Oscars are decided by which Disney movie the Judges' grandchildren liked best.

>The Emoji Movie wins

Even possibly glancing at someone has had them irate for years

>implying they will let their kids watch movies from a studio headed by a perv



But user, they're all pervs themselves, too!

>doing something relevant

Don't tempt fate here, man.

Like it or not those incels have alot more power on their side. Not only is reddit more popular and mainstream then Sup Forums, theyve had more impact politically then weve ever had, and capturing shias flag doesnt count

John 'Won't Pass On Dat Ass' Lasseter

It's already happened in Scotland

We should have gotten the Sunnis' flag, too!

I can only bet that the thread that results from this will be something to behold.

Why is europe so cucked?

Yeah just like soon they're gonna allow people to marry animals and for people to fuck kids, right?

Incels got kicked off of reddit. And the politician that was revealed as the founder of the red pill got voted out. Enjoy your fantasy though :)

What happens to pixar now?

It's spreading like AIDS.

Sounds like Berganza all over again

>implying there arent other subreddits
>implying voting them out will stop them
I hate Sup Forums, but the pushback the SJWs are going to get from them and fags on reddit will be nothing short of poetry

Maybe just treat women like you'd treat a fellow man?????? But that's just too much effort innit.

Let me know when that happens. I'll need to stock up on popcorn.

He's playing it VERY cleverly, if he gets in first with this "I'm going on a 6 month sabbatical to come back recharged or whatever" thing then it deflects a potentially scorched earth situation if the horrible truth leaks out

You can sexually assault 16 women and become president if you are a White man telling other White men the black president is a Muslim from Africa.

You have too much power, not too little.

>Sources say some women at Pixar knew to turn their heads quickly when encountering him to avoid his kisses. Some used a move they called “the Lasseter” to prevent their boss from putting his hands on their legs.


If a 50-something woman at my job touched my legs or kissed me without any prompt I'd be real uncomfortable.

Don't be attracted to them?

I hope Brad bird doesn't do this type of shit

Maybe if they acted more like men, and I don't mean nu-males.



You can murder a woman and a man and get millions of dollars if you are a Black man telling other Black men the white man is racist and the glove dont fit.

You have too much power, not too little.

Ugh, let's just replace all men in the industry with women already

According to a judge and jury, not to black people.

Where's his other hand???????

RIP Incredible 2.
This studio dies with Coco.
A fitting representation of the shift of power from the whites to the people of color.

>Brad Bird


at this point i'm going to be surprised if there even is an oscars next year

That works. But, like, if a chick's attracted to some guy she doesn't send a vagina pic or start groping some dude in public. Just ask and wait for a yes before touching someone in a way that can be seen as sexual.

>neogaf owner jumps in shower with girl he was drinking and sharing a room with
>she told him to get out and he immediately did so without even touching her

>comedian jerks off to women with their consent after he asks them
>one girl said no

>both men have had their lives torn apart

We're really getting there. I've been accused of taking photos of a girl at work on my cell phone and I was just looking for music on the internet.

Disney kills it off and sticks with Disney Studios alone, or is taken over by women and dies a nice slow painful death over the next 15 years.

I hope this is the proper reaction of feminists everywhere after the news on John Lasseter

Good. You deserved to be fired, you perverted ass bitch.

>It was true
Stan is next.

Perhaps you should find better female friends?

It's just laying the foundation for gender segregation.

Women will drive out the men, take over for a short time, crash the system due to incompetence, and new men will rebuild everything without the women this time.

It's the natural order of things.

Men treat each other terribly. I don't think anyone really wants that. And I think that you actually know that.


>physically pressing yourself against the window to stare at someone
>Doing so repeatedly throughout the day
Yeah I'd report that.

I slap my friend's asses I don't think that's a good idea

>Pixar is kill

Stan is too old and doesn't work for Marvel or Disney, even if he did do shit there is nothing to gain by exposing him. I doubt anyone will.

Do you have proof?

My kids loved JL so they could come away with a oscar.


How much longer does he have?

This is what Stan looked like in the 70's. Tell me you'd be surprised. Go on, tell me.

>It’s real
I did not expect that.

It's not like men and women are different species. Fundamentally there aren't many differences. What's the harm with treating both men and women with respect and common decency?

Just say you’re gay and bring a “boyfriend” to prove it, then to kill any more suspicious take him out for a bro dinner a couple of times introduce him to your friends and family and get legally married so no one will ever think your taking pic of women adopt a kid too tax benefits

Well, Suicide Squad did win two oscars. So anything is possible.




Some of them have kids that watch Pixar films

>Pixar is going to get the axe
>Net neutrality getting the axe as you read this post
This has been a good day so far.
Can't wait to see what 2018 brings in light of this news.

>toxic masculinity gets btfo'd

Funny you should say that...

Men are pigs. It cannot be conditioned out of them, not matter how much you try to guilt it out of them. It's in their DNA.

The sooner everyone realizes that men and women have biological differences, the sooner we stop having these unnecessary and wasteful conflicts.

Lasseter was ascribed way too much power in the company when he was the most creatively useless person among Pixar's brain trust. The man hasn't directed a good movie since Toy Story 2, is autistically obsessed with his Cars franchise to such a degree that we got an incredibly detailed recreation of Radiator Springs while most other Pixar attractions are mediocre to shit, booted Chris Sanders from Disney for being too weird and never followed through in trying to revive 2D animation.

I'm not gonna miss him.

You slap your friends asses and that's okay. But slapping co-workers (unless you're a pro sports player) or random people's asses isn't okay.

Honestly, you're good.


O really?


>be American
>get accused of rape

desu I'd let him fuck my ass

>man touch women asses without their consent
>get rightly accused of harassment

Off yourself

>men treat each other with respect
lol kys

H-He'll be fine... r-right???

>Be Japanese
>Manga is canceled because of your kiddie pron stash

Name one good reason a privately owned company in America has for hiring women now.

I think anybody's anything would be cancelled if police found your CP stash

I'm surprised they haven't thought to legalize perversion.

Lower rates of autism

>in the future, men will pretend to be gay and have secret heterosexual lives

Not that user but I'm starting to fear that putting your hand around her hip for a simple photograph would be misconstrued as "touch ass harassment"

I don't care how much a man is thinking about undressing me or groping my boobs in their head. Just don't act on those thoughts without asking me about it first and then getting a yes from me.

Everybody fantasizes about sex. Doing so does not make someone a pig. Acting out on those fantasies without consent does make someone a pig. And the vast majority of men have a level of common decency and aren't pigs.

They're 25% cheaper than male labor, from what I've been told.

Grandstand all you want, but this is going to have a chilling effect throughout all workplaces.

Women will be hired less as a result.

Reddit already had that, it was called r/Incel
Then they got banned and moved to r/Incels
Then they got banned again and now they're infesting Sup Forums even though they'd be much more at home in /r9k/

So no more Kenshin because the creator diddly was E for everyone, damn I really did like the show and wanted to read the manga

Are you saying it's okay to hop into the shower with random people without asking first? Or to tell people you want to jack off to them?

factually wrong

In Japan the sentence for CP is only a year, he may actually get out of that fine. Because culturally being a pedo isn’t considered worse than being a rapist or murderer like it is the US. Their drug laws are retarded though

>tried to assault Rashida Jones during Toy Story 4
Lasseter honestly deserves to go under the jail for this. That woman is a saint.

>Some used a move they called “the Lasseter” to prevent their boss from putting his hands on their legs.

jeez, you'd think with that pixar/disney money he'd pay someone to do that in the privacy of his own home and not bother co-workers with that shit

Some dude on youtube who links to infowars is not a valid source.

How does it feel, Sup Forums? How does it feel to have your childhood crafted by a rapist?