So, was there ever any mention regarding what happened to his offspring? like...

So, was there ever any mention regarding what happened to his offspring? like, Aang's family was so butthurt over family ties, how come they never mentioned any cousins or etc?

Avatar Questions thread I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

Aangs family wasn't but hurt over family ties. They were butthurt over making more airbenders. Sokka couldn't help with that, so they likely didn't really keep in contact and their kids never connected.

I want more fanfics and porn of Bolin and Desna

I like to think Katara simply forgot he existed. Like one day somebody asks her about him and she just goes: "Who the hell is Sokka?"

He probably had too many. Like half of the brown people you see in LoK.

How is Zuko even able to be scarred/burned by fire in the first place if firebenders shoot fire out of and in close proximity to exposed skin, like in an Agni Kai where they take off their shoes and shirt. Shouldn't firebenders basically be fire proof?

It's spiritual so intent probably matters

My personal theory is
>the virgin sokka vs. the chad aang

Its heavily implied he's Suyin's father

>Implying even Sokka knew most of his kids, much less the rest of the family
>Implying Sokka didn't leave behind a legion of bastards without ever being aware of it.

fan theories or?

"Heavily implied" usually means some fans want it to be true. Just look at Zutara.[/spolier]

They aren't burned by their own Qi, one of the reasons lightning bendings is so uniquely dangerous.

Sokka was the father of Toph's kids. Final answer.


nothing concrete, she does have a resemblance though, and she's stated to be only a half sister to lin

It is only Implied He is Suyin's, Lin is from a fucker named Kanto

So was Sokka the cuck or was Kanto the cuck? Or did Toph never commit and...
Fuck, this would have been a lot better if Sokka's grandkid had been a party member instead of...someone from the party. I don't know who you even fucking remove.

>one of the greatest charcters in the original show
>has no focus or even footing on any of the actual era happenings, along with every other character that had tremendous potential as kids
the guy made a meteor sword and he achieved nothing as an adult?
yeesh, they really dropped the ball with Korra

yeah, sokka got pretty shafted, he's barely mentioned even. Toph, Katara, and Zuko are all still alive

Yet another way Korra betrays original Avatar.

>toph: "oh i'm to old to fight"
then explain king bumi and the other white lotus members in the first series

so many infuriating retcons


holy shit I hadn't even thought about that fuck


So... A Tokka thread now?

>Avatar Wan or Juan or Van or whatever his name is and everything he fucking retcons about the original
>wasting episode parts in season 1 on a romantic subplot and you have to end it so poorly
>You give the Equalists a good point then you give them more economic and military power than most countries had in WW1, basically destroying their legitimacy
>Amon can't just be a non-bender who used spirits to figure out some sort of spirit bending or way to damage chi pathways
>power creep of benders
>removal of spirituality
>Asami was a plot device
>Season 2 of Korra in general

>Its heavily implied he's Suyin's father
He fathered Su Yin and Aang fathered Lin. For fucks sake Su Yin has all of Katara's bitchiness and the Water Tribe skin coloring. Lin broke it off with Tenzin when she figured out they were half siblings, something he was too stupid to realize.

fuck thats cute

Nah, He went the harem route

He got cucked by Zuko

seriously, Korra takes place 70 years later, How old is toph now? 83? somewhere in that ballpark?

Bumi was fuckin' 112

>Asami was a plot device
Asami was an apology to the actress for the humiliation of being in TLA (she had been a huge fan of the show).

He was on the city council and helped put away the Henry Rollins Band when they first showed up.

Sokka was the cuck, of course. He was the first in Toph's life and yet Kanto was the first to hit a home run. But that's nothing new. It was always like that between Sokka and "Kanto", whether it was blind pussy or kabuki pussy. It's canon.[/spoler]




Asami was originally meant to be the female equalist you see in the early episodes, but while writing they changed their minds and made her good, because her design gave Bryke a boner.

Then they had nothing left to do with her post season one so they made her a blander version of Appa


Here's my best.
The funny thing is, as a female equalist (who they turn good) would have worked just fine.
But they probably squandered time they could have done that with on the subplot that wouldn't have mattered past the twelve episodes they had.

Su Yin, Bumi and Kya were all Sokka’s kids.

If you’re talking about his legit children with Suki, they were all too smart to go on such a shit show like LoK.

NO! As if "I'll walk you home" is like officially abandoned, the fact that Fuufuucuddlypoops nuked her tumblr/deviantart and quit the internet hurts me immensely still to this day, She was Doublepines but for Tokka

How could Bryke look at their first show and fuck up so bad with the second one? All you had to do was add muskets...not this 1920's shit.

Suki's children were too busy running the Fire Nation

Ursa’s kid is running the Fire Nation

>and fuck up so bad with the second one
They didn't invite back the story writers or editors and did all of S1 themselves. It's been compared endlessly to the SW prequels where Lucas ignored the co-writers who made the OT good and wrote shit by himself with no one to tell him it stunk.

Well, hopefully they don't try again and make a version that's even worse, somehow.

>She was Doublepines but for Tokka
That's heartbreaking, DP was one of the more tolerable incestfags for the fandom.

>incest fag
What pairing was Doublepines into...?

They ended Korra saying that this was functionally the end of the road for the universe beyond whatever comic books they made (which you'll notice remain firmly in ATLA timeframe and are generally only plotted by them but written by others). Nickelodeon learned their lesson from the movie and LoK and will probably wait until Bryke are dead before reviving the property.

Thank God. After Avatar Wan/Juan retcons, they deserve to never touch this franchise again.

First day on Sup Forums?

I've, uh, never actually seen Gravity Falls. I always assumed when I saw video that those two were fucking, so I would have fallen for Doublepines's memes.

Hard to not come on with her on either tumblr and pinterest either, like downright impossible

I wonder if they ever did anything with the other characters

>I'll walk you home" is like officially abandoned
Did the old fucker finally die?

Reminder that the LoK comics make Sozin a raging homophobe who invented laws against gay marriage.

He is to me, at least his last chapter more or less give some level of "resolution" of sorts to us before He disappeared

Man this stuff is 7 near 8 years old and Im still as autistic about the ship as back then, He said He got busy since He was working for like a movie studio or some shit like that as the props guy, no?

The dude’s a 70-something year old ‘Nam veteran, I don’t know what that has to do with the situation but I felt it was interesting enough to mention.

Wrong mate, here is his bio there:
I am a fat old man, with a big white beard, who was born at the end of the first half of the last century, but for some reason I have become fascinated with a childrens' cartoon show, very strange.

I went to Forestry school but never got a degree and have never worked in Forestry

I was a volunteer Fireman

>I spent four years in the U.S. Coast Guard, It was my compromise to avoid killing people in the Vietnam War.

I was stationed on an Oceangraphic Ship and an Icebreaker

On the Icebreaker I traveled to the Arctic and the Antarctic (Which is probably why I
like the Water Tribes in Avatar the Last Airbender)

I have been a U.S. Civil War Re-enactor

I have been a Medieval Recreator (not a Re-creator) I like period fencing mostly Rapier and Dagger

Cool, he’s still old as dicks

Please, the actual ATLA comics did way worse things than that.

>They didn't invite back the story writers or editors
I thought they all went to work on different things.

I don't know why you would compare Sokka to what would be his grandkids, unless you're implying he banged Suyin too.

>yeah, sokka got pretty shafted, he's barely mentioned even.
It's better that they don't ruin him by having him in the show, and from what we've heard of him, he's pretty accomplished.

>just wait for it to be answered in the show
>it's never answered in the show
What a fucking asshole

Sokka had a legion of bastards, everyone knows this.

No it isn't.

I just like the twin aspect of being tricked into gay shit and then going with it

they do share everything~

How long until this will turn into Korra hate thread?

She just wants to be loved and accepted

fuck korra

yes please

The best thing Korra can be is a good lesson on how not to sequel:
Don't fall for 'bigger is better'.

It wasn't his own fire that burned him.

my guess is its hard to write for genuis characters becuase you have to give them moments that show thy are smart, but also write danger for them without dumbing them down or making the character solve the issue in 2 seconds. Also my guess is they wanted asami to be the teams smart character. there was also varrick and bataar jr.

im do glad Sup Forums has the sensibility to see how shitty korra is through the nostalgia goggles for tla
since its universally hated I see no need in talking about how shitty it is so why not talk about the shit that makes you sad cause of what it couldve been?

I feel like if anyone competent had been the avatar the story couldve been told from the pov of someone without bending living in a world where theyre at a disadvantage and then stumbling upon one of the turtles giving him a new appreciation for his new powers and being a real advocate for the bendless while they hear about the avatar from the sidelines or something
they could meet older characters without some cheesy "destiny" crap
somehow it feels like there being an avatar just hinders the show more than it helps

Sounds like an origin story for a great villain rather then an MC desu

Seems off topic to me.

didn't those official follow up comics state that sokka never had any kids?

Which brings up a question, why couldn't Bumi or Kya produce airbenders? Even if they weren't themselves they still have airbender genes and could have a kid that is one.


The writers never thought about anything they did. You really think they thought about what happened to Sokka?

Shit, they pulled Toph out of their ass, and we STILL don't know what happened to Azula beyond "She got mad and ran off" even though the comics are still going. But hey, at least we know Ozin hated gays!
