Lets post a Sup Forums character and then explain which board they browse regularly. I'll start

Lets post a Sup Forums character and then explain which board they browse regularly. I'll start
>The Punisher

>not /pol
Frank is right up there with them crazies

Frank wouldnt waste his time arguing about politics when he can just act on his politics by Franking criminals

>Sup Forums


Sup Forums is for Red Skull

Spider-Man browses Sup Forums without a shadow of a doubt in my mind.

>Sup Forums

Joker is /r9k/ and Harley is /cgl/



>Doctor Sivana

>Doctor Destiny


>Bueno Excellente

He browses Sup Forums.

you mean Sup Forums

>/diy/, /x/


>Frank likes posies.
He always struck me as a lavander guy.

>Tweek Tweak

>can't get over his oneitis
>hates everybody
>loathes and loves himself in equal measures
>thinks he's the smartest person on the planet but constantly shoots himself in the foot
DOOM is a shoo-in for /r9k/

If Frank goes anywhere it's /soc/ to find targets during a dry spell.

USM is fucking cancer

PUH-lease, noone with even a gram of self-confidence would even humor the idea of going to /r9k/

I imagine him browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums just for shitposting.


>Sup Forums
Latveria Strong! Latveria is TRUE heir of Byzantium. We WUZ Ancient Greeks and Romanz and sheeeiiit.

Bah! Everybody knows that idiot Strange is not fit for Sorcerer Supreme, and DOOM shall prove it!

Bah! You Fedora Tilppers better STOP SUCKING REEEECHARDS DICK!

>Sup Forums
Latverian Gypsies are white1!111!!


/x/ Is Deadman

This is one of my favorite comic pages of all time. It is so compressed that it renders the rest of the comic redundant. It’s self contained enough that for a long time I didn’t even realize there were any more pages.

Its good, but it's far from the "best".

Tommy Monaghan, thinking /k/ or /Gif/

/sci/, /tg/, Sup Forums, /lit/, Sup Forums, /an/, /his/

Frank just wants to discuss ballistic necessities and doesn't fart around on the internet otherwise. Also, I doubt a guy who idealizes Cap so much would be content on a board full of people who are unironically National Socialists or hate Americans.

the nazis were not socialists, they were right wing fascists. just because it's in the name doesn't mean it's true.

....This isn't USM though? That was Sensational. How the hell do you even make that mistake, that looks nothing like the art style of USM.

I hope you realize those two aren't mutually exclusive.

fascism is patently right wing. socialism is not.

I always saw fascism as more of a social thing-- it's not about economics, or really any small things, it's about the big picture of making sure the strongest and smartest and bravest are the ones ruling
>t. fascist
I'm not one but I understand the appeal, just like I understand the appeal of communism and libertarianism and direct democracy and a bunch of others

fascism is authoritarian, right wing, calls for traditional values and engages in identity politics.

the appeal is either for violent people who like the "aesthetic" of being brutal assholes to people who look different and privatizing resources for the ruling class. the nazis privatized their resources, murdered the ethnicities they didn't like, and owed their war machine to u.s. corporations. they were allied with fascist italy where mussolini had been GIVEN power by the monarchs there

*either for violent people or people who don't know any better*