Fuck you swaglord

fuck you swaglord

didn't vote here, registered in the wrong district and I'm not driving 6 hours to vote in a state that's already red

fuck off swaglord

swaglord u r gay

>t. Hillary """""""""""""""Supporters"""""""""""""""""""


why are mods allowed to be fags

I hope you were gonna vote for Hillary after all that shitting up Sup Forums did to [s4s] and other boards

Youre a giant faggot. trade countries with me since you already act like a leaf

I didn't, only because Hillary has no chance in hell of winning my state

lmao at guaranteed replies

drumpf will lose

>mod of Sup Forums is a novote fag

I'm here for your rope-sizing

People who don't vote are worse than Bernie.

fuck off furfag nigger


/berniebro/ reporting in

I had to vote in the mayoral elections two weeks ago.
Feels good to be the only member of the family voting for a candidate and he ends up winning t b h

Based swaglord

Here in Oregon they mail you your ballot along with a voter's pamphlet. You can either mail it in or drop in one of many ballot drop boxes all over town. It's really easy to vote here, no lines at all. I pity other states with retarded voting systems

live in texas

should I even bother?

>went to vote
>no line
>took 2 minutes

ez m8



>>mod of Sup Forums

Why is swaglord so fucking epic bros?

Reeeeee Fuck you swaglord you're faggot

>moderator tries to demoralize Sup Forums
just fuck off you faggot shill
SAGED motherfucker

meme this post or your sleep will die in your tonight mother

Nah. Texas is blue this year no matter what


Are you retarded

>redditors GIGA TRIGGERED by /oureguye/ sweglard

Can't wait until loses and you get out of my site

Went to vote for Hilldawg but it was literally a freezing 67 degrees out and my sharts started to run down my leg so I Uber'd home instead


Holy fuck these redditor board are the most aggressive to based mods


I went to vote and there was no line. Today is MAGA day

What the fuck is happening here

Florida sent me a fucking primary ballot.



Nevada voter here. There was literally no line, and I was out within like five minutes. GG no RE












>A mod being a cuck
Saged and reported.

If you live in a swing state then go vote retard

He smokes weed

[s4s] is the best board on Sup Forums

>reporting a mod


I was going to not vote because I live in Chicago and its really pointless to vote here. But I thought of all the europoors who've been shitposting for so long and wont even be able to cast a ceremonial ballot. So I went in, waited like 5 minutes, and cast a ballot.


I checked the box to sign up when I renewed my driver's license 5 months ago, didn't know I would move

I wish I could do what you do.

Me, but I live in new york. So my vote doesn't matter lol.

bully swaglord all you want

he will be the one to close this board after the losing of drumpf

and of course after the days and days of mocking this cancer board is gonna receive

Please after the election drive out all the people that came here only for this with massive meme warfare



The fug is you?

same 2bh

here you go

I tried but they told me I wasn't registered and I didn't really want to argue with them


And the most nicest too.

thank you

there's more to vote on than just the president mah boi



you think this is r/Sup Forums ?

Was going to vote for HER after work, but I'm too tired. I'll just go home since she's going to win anyway. Any other Hilldawgs with me?

[s4s] master-race here

yeah - in NYC, we have Schumer (gonna win) and in my district we have an 20 year dem incumbent for house (gonna win)

the rest are all dems running unopposed


because mods are fags. just like op is a faggot.

yes you idiot.

if it goes blue it's your fault

(but seriously it'll never go blue)

sup gaylord

>Breaking global rules is ok because I'm le super mod man XD XD XD I'm like snacks aren't I guys I'm so crazy wewew

no music?

fuck right off nigger

moar liek cocklord

I Didn't. By the time I decided if I wanted to vote, voter registration was closed. Don't really care.

Post your oldest [s4s] meme

fug u swaglord

>all these reddit newfags shittalking based invisibro

goddamn can't wait for this newfag board and all its redditor frequenters to burn

Bit of rudeness there 2bh please behave yourselves

Doubles are checked

Are you going to remove captcha for tonight?

Sup Forums is most rude board.

>Stupid newfag redditor
Wow, you sure showed me. Do you feel like you fit in yet?

>he doesn't already have captcha removed


Good goy.

poor third worlder

>Calls me a newfag
>Actually bought a fag pass and is proud of it
Holy fucking shit HAHAHAHA

captchaless posting is certainly glorious

N-no bully, please.

>nu york valyouse


me neither

but trump is reddit

>Lining Hiroshima "I no speaky da engrish" Nagasaki's pockets after he pulls the "We poor, help fund" scam.