What did you guys think of mexican superman and friends?

What did you guys think of mexican superman and friends?

Really damn good.

Best dc animation to come out in a while, since JLAction hadn't come out yet

I liked him

It was a good twisty storyline but I felt like batman could have been better.

Loved it, wanna see this worlds version of Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter

>Bruce Wayne exist
>Diana Prince exist
Why bother

An interesting world where black-gray morality isn't nessesarly evil, just misguided. Loved this representation of Superman where he gets shit done but in just his selfish way, later to start to understand that he can make a grater impact and thus, changing, hopefuly for a better way. The Wonder Woman character was also a good interpretation that made me feel sorry for her but also wanted for her happiness in some way. The Batman one was kinda ok-ish to me, but even tho I still enjoyed his story.

Unexpectedly Lutor captivated me since this interpretation is a well done what-if, where he is one of the best thinking people that, even though the allien was in HIS world, he never went into a fixation and thus went far ahead of the mainstream Luthor both mentally and healthily.

I really want to see more of this universe but even if that's not the case I still enjoyed this world, leaving the clichéed "Superman is evil" trope played with, and lrnding a good message: that anyone can change. It's never too late to fix your mistakes.

I want to see more of that world. Shame it'll never happen.

Loved this movie and the shorts that came with it.
Quick Sup Forums, let's make some Gods & Monsters versions of other DC Heroes. I'll start:

> Flash
Uses an artificial connection to the speed force in order to travel between dimensions, got stuck in the Gods & Monsters universe and was recruited by the JL.
He could even be Hunter Zolomon, idk
possibly a kinetic energy vampire/ thief?

This was probably my favorite DC DTV animated movie, and one of maybe 3 good ones.

they're usually pretty bad

especially the adaptations

Green Lantern:
An alien sworn to serve an ancient order, comprised solely of a race of beings who were already incredibly advanced in a time where even Kyrptonians dwelled in caves. Due to being the universes "first civilization", they view the protection of the universe at their duty, their "higher purpose". To this end, they crafted the Rings, highly advanced sentient weapons who seek out members of the universes other races , often selecting individuals with a strong will to enforce order and peace.

This version of the GL Corps is more regal, and Lanterns exude a sense of worldliness and knowledge from having been exposed to many cultures and races. This version sees the Lantern as warrior, scholar, ambassador and diplomat all rolled in one

Also, this Lantern will be a legit alien looking space man whose character arc will be learning to accept that being highly educated and worldly does not automatically make you the most capable person in the room

Basically, anti Hal Jordan

>It had a whole mini-season of shorts lined up
>Was cancelled

Fuck everything

How about this version of the Flash is a scientist who was studying a formerly unknown form of energy in the Universe, the Speed Force. One day he's studying a sample of the energy he's managed to extract in the lab when the lightning hits, incinirating his body and blasting apart the machine housing the sample. His consciousness gets fused into the speed force and he returns, a living fragment of the speed force. The kicker is it took decades for him to return, and now he has to adjust to the modern world as an ethreal creature capable of astounding feats of speed, but who is also hell bent on preserving what little humanity he has left. He'd still be the wise cracking, funny heart of the League, but its obvious that his wisecracks are a coping mechanism he needs to deal with everything he knew and loved changing in what seems to him to have been one night

I watched the shorts, watched the movie, and read the tie-in comics. What I took away was that BatKirk is top tier moe

If superman moves faster than 60fps can a human's eyes see him?

really good
Fuck Highfather that traitorous dick

Was he gay? bi?

Darkseid died too fast but yeah for once New Genesis New Gods were the assholes.

Mexican Zod was fucking awesome and one of the most charismatic versions of superman that I ever saw.

I wish mainstream Zod was this charismatic to counter Superman inspirational personality.

Speed isn't measured in fps, you autist.

I really liked the Batman and Lex interpretations

They have to go back.

>mexican superman
>luthor isn't threatened enough to go full retard
wtf dc

You're spending too much time on Sup Forums, my man.

it was good,i liked that superman and that batman,that superwoman?not that much

>JLAction hadn't come out yet
45/52 episodes doesn't count as out yet?

>45/52 episodes doesn't count as out yet?
Oh yeah, in 2015 JLAction had 45/52 episodes and was definitely out, stupid fucking dumbass

...You do know this is 2017 right?

user you should reread the first postvin the chain more carefully.

Holy shit you gotta be retarded, read my post again and please try to apply that reading comprehension your teachers failed to teach you in school

In a sea of "Superman, only EVIL!" stories, this "Superman, only less perfect" version struck me as pretty damned interesting.


it took me way to long to get the metal men tweest

it's more along the line of with superman being more of an immoral anti hero luthor retained the high ground morally in his mind and it never triggered his need to curb stomp superman