Daily reminder that Whedon made Hack Snyder movie far better

Daily reminder that Whedon made Hack Snyder movie far better.

>fans are petitioning for a "Zack Snyder cut" of Justice League

Sounds about right.

Justice League was decent. Much better than BvS. Ain't gonna say it's a good movie, but it suited my needs.

Why can't they just make a Marvel movie?

>Look Ma, Rotten Tomatoes!

They did. Or at least attempted to with Justice League

Man of Steel is the only good DCEU movie

you meant to say Wonder Woman

It does have over 144k signatures. That's quite a bit

Fuck critic and audience consensus, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Zack Snyder Movies. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Superman nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the bible, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these Jesus references, to realise that they’re not just beautiful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sucker Punch truly ARE idiots

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Zack Snyder tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid but THIS IS SPARTA!

Wonder Woman and MoS are both pretty mediocre, but MoS beats it in terms of the visuals and soundtrack

It's kind of dumb though. Snyder wasn't finished with the movie. If he had been, Whedon wouldn't have been brought in. These people are acting like there was a full finished movie, complete CGI and all, and then they ripped it apart and did reshoots. It wasn't finished in any capacity aside from maybe principal photography. People are asking for a director's cut when Snyder doesn't even have a full movie to piece together.

I'd be happy just to see the three hour Rough Cut.

>Look Ma, An Oscar for costume and makeup

It's really not even close to being that bad, and I say this as someone who had major issues with Man of Steel and BvS.

A well deserved Oscar. Killer Croc's prosthetics mask was impressive and really expressive.

JL was easily better than any Zack Movie.

MoS had a higher reddit tomatoes score so no. Critics were still mad about Batman saving the sex trafficking victims in BvS, which is unforgivable in Hollywood.

Just looking at the Critic Score (Because user score still hasn't taken into account late, less enthusiastic viewers), that's really not much better.

>It's really not even close to being that bad, and I say this as someone who had major issues with Man of Steel and BvS.

The final end of the DCEU. Even the rabid fanbase is going to gnaw off their own foot by claiming that the Snyderkino was bad now, and that the JL stuff is some kind of OK.

DCEU is the apologetic universe, with each film apologizing for the previous films.
The MCU never made apologies for the early stuff. It embraced it all, emphasized the good and continued forward.

Three more movies till the masterpiece.
It took 18 year for Fox to find own niche, DC gonna learn out of own mistakes as well.

It's too bad then that its trailers are better movies than it.

no that guy is just a cuck
bvs is still kino

Fox niche?

Logan was the culmination of Huge Jackedman's long career as the Man of Bubs.
And Patrick Stewart's what, 9th appearance as Charles Xavier?
A lot of people grew up with those two in superhero movies.
Batman will be recast again, making the third Batman since Jackedman started playing Wolverine. That guy will be the 6th Batman.

There's no pathos, just pity for the franchise.
They can play snippets of the olde theme songs all they want, there's not a shred of connection.

4.9/10 for BvS is just mad. This movie is nowhere near average.

The story is told in the most boring way, the characters range from obnoxious to uninteresting, the monolithic tone of the movie often plays against its themes and the action scenes are either ludicrous (the batmobile crushing walls and tanker) or varying degrees of bad (from Batman punching Superman to cgi fuck fest).

There's a nice character interaction scene (Clark and Lois in the bathroom) and one competent action scene (the warehouse fight) which still made Batman seems stronger than any human being should be.

How is this average ?

>That guy will be the 6th Batman.

And? Wolverine had never been played by before Jackman. Batman has been recast since the fucking film serials.

>the monolithic tone of the movie often plays against its themes
The only theme of the movie is "How great is Superman, we sure miss Superman, Batman really misses Superman, Lois can't function without Superman, even with this kewl team we need Superman, Superman is so great he beat us all up, Oh My Gosh, here comes Superman to easily save the day!, John Williams Superman theme, don't you have 'memberberries for it? Fuck yeah Superman!"

That's the whole theme of the movie. A fake-as-fuck nostalgia for a Superman that they DCEU walked as far away from as they possibly could.

For that hypocrisy alone, the DCEU deserves to die.

>A lot of people grew up with those two in superhero movies.
Does the average moviegoer really care about the x-men though?
Nobody mind the absence of the titular actors in X-men: first class. It's not like if they had changed Harrison Ford in the 3rd Indiana Jones.
Nobody cares that much about the x-men.

That's a drop in the bucket as far as a multi-million dollar movie is concerned. You think 150k people is enough for months worth of work in editing together a film using Synder only footage?

The point is that Jackedman had become utterly connected with the character in a way that Chris Reeves did with Superman.

Having Logan die had the same impact as having an Old Man Chris Reeves Superman die in a final stand. Logan is a pretty so-so story overall, the villains are crap.

It's impact lies in large part in the performance of the two actors, nostalgia and love of the actors in those roles (even through bad films), and saying goodbye to them.

DCEU will never make a Logan. Fox's X-Men franchise as a whole in in little better a place than WB's.

I was talking about BvS.
Not planing on watching Justice league. The trailers are worse than BvS which I watched the extended cut in streaming like a year later. I won't pay for that.

Apparently what was shown was unwatchable to test audiences.