She was a good character

she was a good character

Literally worse than Jackie Lynn Thomas

Why did she like Dipper?

Stop posting lies on the internet.

she didn't

There is good porn of both.
Don't have much to add besides that.

They were friends and hung out all the time, for plot reasons

Wendy had more than Jackie

p u r e

She was barely a character

Maybe she was going to get some development in season 3?

>A good """character"""

> Tfw Wendy fucked so many guys that she forgot to break up with them and you have to grin and bare it.

Being Dipper is suffering.

She was basically a Disney sitcom mary sue but animated.
Her too.

How so?

All the lewds of her are shit.

You know how the main character of every Disney Shitcom is an overachieving teenage girl (except Austin and Ally when they put the show in Chad's POV)? Well just about all of them have a dorky ugly (usually idiotic) brother. Purely for the "I can't believe a hot girl would be attracted to you" jokes they give them Staceys just like Wendy and Jackie.

Two characters who did nothing wrong but were none the less crucified by less intelligent fans of blonde haired cunts.

How about stringing Dipper along for an entire season, causing those stupid fucking Dipper Pining plots and subjecting him to anxiety attacks whenever he entered her presence, even though she knew he had a crush on her from day fucking one. That seems pretty shitty.

I don't think she really knew for sure until Into the Bunker.

Let's not act though like Alex knew how to write shipping and it's Wendy's fault. Dipper seemed to hook up with her just fine in the first time travel episode, he ended up having to sacrifice that because Mabel wanted to win a pig.

Every time I think back about this shit I just want to slice Hirsch's neck open and pull his tongue through it, that's a cuban necktie.

She was barely a character at all.
she literally spends 90% of the series being as useful as a cardboard cutout

Do you watch shows with your eyes shut

Wendy was a good representastion of every high school crush I ever had. Shame she didn't get the heist episode with Stan.

1 episode where she’s actually useful and then that asspull of a finale aren’t really a majority of the series, and even then she was only useful for the first part of the finale. She was worthless in Mabel land.

Protip - use either an "order:score" tag or a "sort:score" tag on your site of choice. The community rating for most places tends to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Pretty much all GF characters have shit lewds thanks to those fishbowl eyes



>Two characters who did nothing.
