Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

batman doesn't drink, so no

Batman doesn't smoke

>Tragic backstory dick-measuring contest

There's a point where having a shit life doesn't really excuse being a shit person.

This is all fucking wrong, Wade killed his own parents while in mind control

he would if it was bat-beer as we can see

But Wade's not in excruciating pain.

>my life was worse so that justifies my killing

In actuality Wade would sound like he's sorry for a second, pull a gun on Batman and start firing haphazardly. Batman would dodge the bullets, throw a batarang and disarm Wade. Wade pulls out sword and they tussle for a while. It'd end with a grenade going off and Wade runs off.

This feels super reddit teir.

Wait that guy with the skin over his mouth was meant to be deadpool?

I agree.

it never does

In the Wolverine movie? Yes.

Holy shit that's dumb.
I never did see the last 10 minuites of that film. The shot where he destroyed the chimney was cool though.

Yeah, going super hard in the tragic backstory bit comes off as forced.

>batman, a human with no powers would dodge bullets

It's comics, even the shittiest powerless villain can dodge bullets

Come on user from three hours ago, it's practically his base power.

>It'd end with a grenade going off and Wade runs off.
For some reason I imagined Wade making the Curly sound when I read this part.

Are you retarded?

No but most Batman writers are when he does things beyond human possibility

Don’t get mad at us, get mad at his writers.

>The Merc with a Mouth
>Make sure he literally has no mouth
You’d have to actively try to fuck up that hard.

I feel like after all the shit that's happened to him, Bruce's parents' deaths would be a bit less prominent in his mind.
Like yeah that's going to have a huge impact on him as a person, but he's seen and done incredible things way beyond belief. A human being just seeing Apokolips would eclipse anything in their mundane life.

They didn't have to cut to a panel of the Wayne's grave, we all know why they could've kept it subtle.

You're asking for a Batman writer to actually be competent and not poorly ape the 'weaponized autism' trope.
Good luck with that.