I actually liked that episode. I can't belive the amount of idiots who actually believed he was gone for good

I actually liked that episode. I can't belive the amount of idiots who actually believed he was gone for good.

He was supposed to. But people bitched and whined.

>all the people who got RIP Brian tattoos

>liking modern family guy
That's your problem

No he wasn't.


I don't desu


I thought it was a finishing touch on Brian's story and they could had just rolled with Vinny

No. Family Guy doesn't have a turn-around like South Park, where they can just change the story within a week. His return episodes were already made and set to air before the dog even died.

I had a friend from high school who made a protest group on Facebook, then put everyone in the group without asking. I told them it was stupid and tried to leave, but she kept putting me back in, because she was just THAT passionate about Brian Griffin. I had to block her to finally get her to leave me alone.

After later episodes I wish Brian would've stayed dead, anyone else?

>he was supposed to.
He came back exactly two episodes later within the same season. Theres no way in hell the creators ever intended for it to permanent.


You do realize that an episode takes months to make right?

Unironicaly my favorite zelda game. Dad didn't know much about video games, so when I asked for one he gave me a cdi white that mario game you kids like

yeah. fucking morons

I believed they'd at least stick to it for more than a couple episodes

> I can't belive the amount of idiots who actually believed he was gone for good

Of course they're idiots, they watch Family Guy

But why though? If you like it just for the animation just go play I. M. M.E.E.N.


More of a hope than a belief.

No, they planned on bringing him back from the start. it was just a ratings stunt.


What does an ideal tattoo look like, Sup Forums? I figure if I ever got one, it'd probably be of pic related.

Just the bust, or a full figure?

We need an exploitable

Bust. Probably of the part where he growls, afterwards.


Aaaaaaaaa BRIAN