What should Marvel do with this character?

What should Marvel do with this character?

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I don't even know who that is.

G*d I love Jews.

viva la israel!

Ongoing all about her beating the shit out of Palestinians. The Palestinians respond by getting their own hero who's power is to make explosions.

Sabra's infant son was actually killed by Palestinian terrorists.

Captain Israel, Defenders of the Jewish peoples from the Arab Oppression. She stands for freedom, justice and the creation of a Jewish homeland.

I like it, think I'll start reading

It makes sense that Israel would have national superheroes considering the situation around there and the page literally having talk of national service.

Honestly anything that features superheroes outside of America is good.
Bonus points if they aren't a fucking one-note stereotype cranked out by a hack comicbook writer to job and be killed off in their cameo appearance to the storyline.

She looks like she's presenting her chest for inspection.

Why is there no western superpowered individuals going to the middle-east to slaughter groups like ISIS as the "western mercenary" fighters in real life do?

A guy who's powers make him a flying brick that looks like an armoured knight with a magic sword going full DEUS VULT on the cowardly scum?

The Thing going to Paris to escape Civil War and teaming up with a team of ACTUAL french superheroes who were doing their job of fighting ACTUAL villains instead of being retards punching each other was pretty good.

>Why is there no western superpowered individuals going to the middle-east to slaughter groups like ISIS as the "western mercenary" fighters in real life do?
Who is USAgent?

It passed.

Has she done anything since crossbones shot her in that Spider-man end of the earth story?

A knockoff of Captain America?

What has Marvel done with that character up until this point?

Put her into an abusive relationship with Captain America

She would be the abuser just in case that wasn't clear

>The Palestinians respond by getting their own hero who's power is to make explosions.
Wasn't that sorta originally going to be the deal for Dust of the X-Men?

She was originally going to be an evil mutant terrorist with suicide-bomber powers but Marvel realized that might have been too ridiculously racist and gotten them bad press... so they made her a heroic sand-nigger with sand controlling powers instead.


If only

It's a pity they haven't seen since. The only French superheroes that have made multiple appearances are Guillotine and the Peregrin Falcon.

Sounds edgy

Greg Land was a fan of Lost, I see.


Kind of

iirc Morrison (who broke up Xavier and Lilandra) wanted to ship Xavier with Sabra.
She always seemed closer to me to the Xavier-Sebastian Shaw generation than to the O5 Generation

I would make her be Mossad with superpowers, kinda like Emma Frost, someone who isnt a hero or a villain, just does whatever is necessary to protect her people. Someone who gets shits done even if it isnt the most moral thing.

unnecesary because Canada has all the Alpha Flight heroes and Vindicator has an even better costume than Captain America.

Emma is totally a fucking villain, even as an X-men.

Telepaths like her and her proteges are a legitimate justification for people to hate and fear superpowered individuals.

He's not a Marvel character though.

Also it was always ridiculous how Marvel made CANADA of all places the super evil and exploitative government running secret military programs rather than America.

But Marvel America also has a super evil and exploitative government running secret military programs. It's just that unlike Canada they never get caught or face any consequences.

Are Jews secretly behind the homo superior movement?

Have her killed by a hero with gas powers

Going by Sup Forums logic, every single media outlet in the MU is rabidly anti-mutant, and so is pretty much every politician and rich asshole we've seen, so no.

Emma and Shaw used to be very wealthy and powerful businessmen who were also mutants in the closet.
The same goes for other hellfire club members like Leland.

Powerful people who hide they are mutants used to be a thing, at least before the M Day decimation.

They should do a comic where Captain America, Captain Britain, Guardian from Alpha Flight, Red Guardian from the Winter Guard, Hauptmann Deutschland, the Arabian Knight, the Collective Man and Sabra all team up.

The League of Nations

That's not Land, it's Mike Perkins.

Maybe have her and Justice make babies just like she really really wanted to.

he also reminded her of her dead son, so it was a bit disturbing. there must have been a large age difference

>Collective Man

Is she a mutie?
Let her get killed in a terrigan mist, I gas.

A Chinese guy who's made up of other Chinese guys fused into one.

is he a "all rook same" reference?

No, they're quintuplet mutants

it's an obvious communism reference

What exactly is their power? It must be more than being five regular Chinese dudes, do they get all their physical abilities multiplied by 5 when they are fused into one?

You're thinking of Mother of Champions, who's basically a joke about China having a massive population and no regard for human life.

Her superpower is getting super pregnant

Yes. They can also temporarily turn other people into Collective Men under their control and fuse to become even bigger and stronger.
Also, if they're separated, each of the brothers can teleport right next to another.

>They can also temporarily turn other people into Collective Men under their control and fuse to become even bigger and stronger.
>turn other people into Collective Men under their control
That sounds pretty fucked up

It is.

Magneto used to live in Israel, right? Did he ever become a citizen?