Poppy O'Possum 28/11/2017


I know this thread will be killed while threads with utterly furry webcomic threads with inferior art are allowed to survive, but here goes.

I expected panel 1, I did not expect panel 6

wait is it a comic again?

I thought this got turned into like a mostly text story is it back to comic form?

>dat last panel
I giggled.

Goddamn, I love back shots.

Morbi said fight sequences would still be comics.

Story is going to be text. Action is going to be comic.

It goes to comic mode for big action, like watching Tuna methodically disassemble Poppy with her bare hands

That made me laugh.

This is the part where Petunia finds out how much of a fuckup she got involved into.

Poppy better not win this. Petunia has been entirely too hyped for her to just get beaten like that.

Impress her enough to stop, sure. But this should very much be Poppy as underdog, here.

Thing is, the moment Poppy grabs Petunia, the fight is over, and as we have now seen, 'Tuna's attacks amount to nothing more than a vigorous massage.

>Morbi said fight sequences would still be comics.
"They fight."

petunia can crack ribs with her glare, she's gotta be holding back, if only because the lack curse makes it harder to gauge how much damage she's actually doing

Ya know I expected her muscles to go bodyhorror big but it went 100% freiza (which I'm more than happy with).


She was holding back on technique, not physical strength.
She can probably break Poppy's bones, but that's never stopped Poppy.

The longer this fight goes on the less respect I have for petunia, she is obviously willing to outright kill Poppy in order to maintain the status quo (Which we know isn't going to be maintained anyway, with out without poppy).
Especially the way she's fighting, cheapshots and underhanded tactics, Petunia has really gone down in my estimation because her reasons for fighting poppy are fucking trash. I can understand not helping her but actively protecting the bad guy? That's makes you a bad guy.
And the most annoying part? She absolutely isn't going to get her comeuppance, however this fight ends Petunia isn't going to get her ass beat because poppy is better than that.
So all in all this is just a really frustrating and pointless fight that isn't going to have a satisfying resolution.

Its the Betrayal Arc ®, user...EVERYBODY LOSES...

Also Petunia can now join the party,maybe not against Chicadino, but surely against the next big Boss on the list.

>Also Petunia can now join the party,maybe not against Chicadino, but surely against the next big Boss on the list
Nah, she can literally only fight possums. Her vow of pacifism is magical.

I'm guessing she'd feel responsible for the deaths of people in Eggton if she didn't stop Poppy for Chica. She can't actually stop Chica from executing any threat he makes.

well, we've already established people who can get treated magically have fast recovery time. Petunia even mentioned losing a foot as a kid being no problem to fix so it's not too far fetched to see Petunia with her spine snapped in half at the end of this and by the next arc already using a cane while on the last stage of treatment

>she'd feel responsible for the deaths of people in Eggton if she didn't stop Poppy for Chica. She can't actually stop Chica from executing any threat he makes.

"I can't stop the bad guy so I'll stop the good guy instead, just so long as I don't personally feel bad about the situation"
Without more explanation she just comes off as a massive cowardly hypocrite.

You know what the good guy does? Tries. That's what makes them the good guy.

And the fact that until now she's been happy to benefit from Poppy's existence in eggton just makes it even worse. In another story she would just be a bad guy's lackey.

>"I can't stop the bad guy so I'll stop the good guy instead, just so long as I don't personally feel bad about the situation"
"If I do not fight Poppy, my dad, friends and neighbours will all die"

There is only one Poppy. If she were to let Poppy go, Chica could easily send an enforcer or two over to wipe out the town. Who could stop them?

Poppy can take a shit load of damage. While Petunia is skilled can she really hurt Poppy?

Boris literally broke every bone in her body and it still wasn't enough to drop Poppy.

well she's not unstoppable. She beat Boris mainly by tricking him and getting lucky and Petunia knows this because she was laid out in her house afterward
Poppy's scary but Petunia knows there's a limit and she's just hoping to hit that limit and pray it's enough to keep whatever fake peace there is


Whats the point of hitting pressure points and nerves left and right when your opponent just muscle-thrust out of it and doesn't give half a shit?

I assume her dad will step in and say that Petunia is becoming her mother, or something to that effect. Tunia will get distracted and rattle by the statement and Poppy will land a shot that puts her down for the count.

Boris power was due to his lucky star power. Boris is fucking strong and still couldn't stop Poopy with just brute strength.

Petunia just smashed like a 2 thousand lb boulder over Poppy's head, and she just let out a casual "ow."
Not sure Petunia has the brute strength to do much damage to Poppy.

I think you forget the reason he lost was because he was unlucky enough to pop his pants and get humiliated. Even Poppy admitted that she couldn't do shit to him at the end and even holding up piglet Boris was making her arms shake. It was a great moment but it doesn't prove Poppy is an unstoppable force just a very very sturdy one

well it's a desperate plan, not a well thought out one.

Just saying that Boris is insanely strong.....much stronger than Petunia. He shattered every bone in her body yet she still didn't go down. Blunt force just isnt very effective with Poppy. Poda had the right idea and tried to straggle her.

I want Poppy to sit in my face.

Dude she would crush your skull!

This is one of my favourite webcomics. Please let this thread live.

After Boris cracked Poppy's bones, he got another power-up. He was about to smash the shit out of her before he got embarrassed and lost all his power. Blunt force can work, but it needs to be on Boris' level of strength, which Tuna doesn't have.


I'd die a happy man.

While the idea of the fight itself is nice, the placement and lack of reader prep for it is pretty bad.

Chapter 1 sets Tuna up as being supportive of this kind of thing and we don't get enough time with her afterwards to get the impression that said attitude only goes so far. She hasn't been building any meaningfully negative feelings towards Poppy on panel and the prelude to the fight doesn't give any nudges towards the idea that her whole spiel was bullshit and she's doing this because [xxx]. We don't know Tuna well enough to be shocked or care, just enough to get pissy at what looks like (but likely isn't) nonsensical character motivation.

This. When Petunia began threatening a fight, I was convinced I must have missed several pages. There was no lead up to this. The last we saw of Petunia, she was happily training Poppy. Well, maybe not happily, but her anger wasn't directed at Poppy.

I still really don't understand what Petunia is pissed about. All things considered, things have worked out pretty well for her and Eggton since Poppy arrived. And Halia isn't even in jail, she's under house arrest and for things that are frankly more her own doing that anything related to Poppy.



>your skull after

Does that count with females? What do you call buff females?

It would work if she was previously established as a different kind of character, but Tuna has consistently been wearing her emotions openly. When you have a betrayal and your character isnt naturally quiet and reserved, you HAVE to inject at least a single moment of internal conflict before or during to keep them sympathetic, specifically at or about the people they'll betray. It doesn't matter if they're faking or actually doing it, that moment of doubt creates mystery for the audience and opens things up to interpretation. Is it their conscience? Are they bad at pretending? Are they only thinking about themselves? It leads to a sense of fulfilment when they find out. Instead Morbi has her act OOC with no flaws, meaning that we know there are two options and only two options here:

- Tuna is really fucking stupid

- Tuna's faking (100x more likely)

Sad part is he kinda tried to do this, but it was muddled. Tuna's reaction to Chico seems to be her moment of conflict, but she's reacting with anger, we've already seen her be cool with lashing out against the guy, and her demeanor around Poppy doesn't change. It was so close to working but it just doesn't.

A happy guy with a weird smile

Lmao did this seriously go budget mode with no pictures? Webcomics were a mistake.

The text pages still have about 4 pictures for each page though.

Well, females and males is a social construct so bara works for both.

Someone doesn't know about the Flash. Or time stop.

I'm actually super happy that Poppy didn't just get BTFO!!1! and can still has a chance to win. Because then the arc can just go "We have a chance against Chicadino, let's take it!" instead of her losing and realizing she's not that hot and then we would have a moping arc with her changing her approach. Or maybe it will be somewhere in between.

No Flash in Floraverse. Yet.

Tuna redemption arc; she's going to tag along with poppy and land an earth-shattering blow on chicadino, venting all her anger for him, herself and her mother, directly into the blow and utterly obliterating him.

There will then be a tearful moment before the retribution blow kills her.

Why do you do this?!

What happens if the good guy tries, fails, and loses everything? What good would "at least you tried" be then?

the strength of their conviction? Inspiration for the next generation?

So has morbi explained why the change to text format? he just got too lazy to draw panels unless something interesting happens?

He did it because it would help speed up the plot so a chapter wouldn't take 6 months and he enjoys the format more than the comic format.

Also each update has about 4 panels/pictures drawn, so there's still a lot of art.

RIP office dress

>she can literally only fight possums. Her vow of pacifism is magical.
I think there is a way to make anti magic zones afaik.



are you happy to keep this shitty meme going? Does it fill you with a sense of pride and accomplishment?

>Kit gives dragon blood to Poppy
>Poppy bath herself on that shit
>This expands her anti magic field, giving Tuna the chance to fight without her charm back-firing,while nullifying every single magic stuff inside it

Poppy best support ...also OP as all fuck, please nerf.

I stopped reading when Morbi said he'd make the switch to text format. What's the reason for Poppy and Tuna entering mortal combat?

Don't be autistic, newfriend

He's a lot better at writing updates than he is drawing them and people seemed to like it when he wrote out a Christmas special a year or so back, so he switched to that format so he can still write a story but still do art.

>two weeks later
>VG possums

Tuna was given an ultimatum, stop Poppy from interfering or [Insert dastardly deeds here]

... Oh and Tuna has some pacifism spell forced on her? but since Poppy negates magic she can fight her. idk that part hasn't really been explained yet.

Chicadino something something idealism vs realism.

Poppy needs to talk to Hallia because she has information that will help her take down Chicadino and locate Charlie the missing opossum.

Chicadino called up Petunia saying that allowing Poppy access to Hallia would be treason and if she failed in stopping her he'd do something like kick everyone out of the town since he owns it now because Petunia and Alvus signed away the rights to him in exchange for dragon blood to power the town.

Petunia thinks Poppy doesn't stand a chance against Chicadino and he's too well connected to have any sort of evidence bring him down and that Poppy will only make things worse for everyone. So now it's Poppy beats Petunia to get to Hallia or Petunia beats Poppy and Poppy stops going after Chicadino.

>Oh and Tuna has some pacifism spell forced on her?
She placed/made someone put the spell on her out of her own will (though the reason why wasn't explained yet, likely something related to her mom).

>but since Poppy negates magic she can fight her. idk that part hasn't really been explained yet.

Basically if she attacks someone, she gets the same wounds, this page hints a bit on that (tuna being confused after hitting poppy and all that).

why did she break her jaw again? I forgot.

remember when I called it way back when
I do

Chicadino was threatening and stressing her in the page before.

what said

Did I miss something? Why is morbi switching to wall o text instead of full time webcomic?

He said he'd be able to update faster. He has not. Granted, things have certainly moved quicker since a single page covers what might have been several pages previously, but still.

Morbi wasn't happy with how long it was taking to tell the Poppy story (we're on chapter 8 of 9 in part 1 or a part 4 story) and he was being burned out by the comic format so he switched to a illustrative narrative format which has each update be text with about 4 images accompanying it.