Why are people only just now starting to have a problem with Apu...

Why are people only just now starting to have a problem with Apu? The Simpsons has existed for nearly 30 years and never once had I heard people calling for the removal of this character before, yet now I'm seeing it everywhere. Even a friend of mine who loves The Simpsons and never once had any issue with Apu before was telling me that the character should be retired.

Why the hell is this only NOW a thing people are talking about?

I'm sure they tried before and it was met with a resounding WHO GIVES A FUCK, but now finally the climate is right to talk about

>Why the hell is this only NOW a thing people are talking about?
Because it’s in fashion to be offended.

God I hate this weak, fragile, easily triggered society we live in now. Nothing but a bunch of pussies who can't take jokes and find everything offensive...

why are people trying to take a job from the Indian guy that voices him. They are hurting a minority by trying to remove him

It's all a gig

Because all they care about is their little feelings being hurt

Did this trigger you, user?

Hank Azaria is not Indian

>Sterotypes are now considered the same as racist.

So let me guess, Sterotypes about Amercians being fat, Canadans saying eh and British having bad teeth is fine but the second it touches someone who might be from somewhere else all of a sudden its not ok?

Most time it isn't even some one from that nationality complaining about it. Its some fat nerd who is acting offended on the behalf of someone.

Yeah, sorry about that I just needed to get that off my chest

You never saw that? I remember Kal Penn talking about it back around Harold & Kumar. It's also kind of obviously bad to anyone who thinks about it for more two seconds.


Isn't Apu considered a role model? There are hundreds of theses written about how he "proves humanity's virtue" and shit.

I know for a fact they've been trying to make me care about Apu for twenty years.

Now they're pulling this?

Yup. It's all intentional. Make retarded parents who make weak children who can't defend their country and you can destroy cultures and solidify over world power structures. Typical.


Remember when Whites got Speedy Gonzales yoinked because he was a Mexican Stereotype, but it turns out literally everyone over in Mexico loved the little bastard, so they had no choice but to bring him back or face significant backlash?
This is basically the same shit, just White People thinking everyone's as thin-skinned as them.

This is Speedy Gonzalez all over again.

Same thing happened recently with Mario Odyssey. Some American Latina girl on Twitter got mad at Mario wearing a poncho and a sombrero and then dozens and dozens of actual Mexicans told her to shut up, saying that they love seeing their culture represented in a big game like that.

Is he next?

Because the Simpsons was farther down the list of things to try to ruin.


millennial sjw culture.

He's not a significant character like Apu.

I remember when people were trying to get The Simpsons banned for being a bad influence on kids. At what point did the typical outraged group switch from white, conservative, Christian soccer moms to liberal millennials on social media?

But how is Apu not a good representation?

>responsible father of 11 kids
>manages the Kwik-E-Mart well enough to probably reach the upper class, he franchised it last I checked
>often the only sane and intelligent man in Springfield

>Make retarded parents who make weak children who can't defend their country and you can destroy cultures and solidify over world power structures. Typical.

People are fine with Apu, it's the literally retarded SJW troglodytes who are offended.

>N-n-no, I'm not triggered, you are!

>They literally tried to call Apu blackface

I'm tired of this new form of "comedian" that act like comedy has to be surveillanced. Patrice O'Neil nailed it on FOX when he said that if the attempt is humor as opposed to hateful rhetoric, then just admit you didn't laugh and move on.

>This is basically the same shit, just White People thinking everyone's as thin-skinned as them.
But isn't the guy complaining actually Indian? Still stupid either way

>tfw indian and Apu is best character
Why do white people always have to get offended for fucking everyone other than themselves?


Because the indian comedians are now adults and they can now say that he was offensive. But Apu was everything right about an Indian based character and actually didn't exaggerate whatsoever.

The moment you point out that something's burning, everyone wants to be a fucking hero and save the day.

Yeah and he mentioned that Indians seem to love Apu and that they didn't get what was so hurtful.

I think the complaint is more that all Indians in fiction are now just Apu-clones using the same accent so that people instantly recognize the character as being an Indian.
So in short, it's more that writers just suck at making an interesting Indian character.

There have been other Indian characters in cartoons, like that Sally Bollywood girl that has two Indian-identifier traits, like that dot on the forehead, and her family name. But at least she doesn't do the Apu-accent.

>Apu has a funny accent
>works in a convenience store
>voiced by a white guy

Are these the only problems with the character? Because other than that he's actually a three-dimensional character with very strong and positive traits.

I understand WHY people are offended with him-He is a pretty damn offensive stereotype.
I'm offended by him
But do we really need an hour long documentary about this?

Is he offensive? Apu's never shown in a disrespectful light and his culture is never disrespected. He just has a white VA and that's really not a huge deal.

>Make retarded parents who make weak children who can't defend their country and you can destroy cultures and solidify over world power structures. Typical.
Its not like the cheeseburger culture was worth saving anyway.

t. white guy offended by the notion of others taking offense to things he doesn't personally find offensive

IIRC characters like Apu were praised in the Simpsons many years ago, because it showed diversity among the residents of Springfield. I haven't watched any new Simpsons since 2014. This is surprising news to me.

Because nowadays when your career is in a downward spiral you can just hop in front of a green screen and complain about how unfair the world is to your group.

ha, that got me.

Are you assuming his ethnic background ?

>when a fictional character of your ethnicity is funnier than you so you gotta complain about how offensive he is
Never change, comedians.

-a triggered user

this should've been a harry potter spell

well KEK

No, he's a joke on El Chapulin Colorado and is just a parody of hispanic tv, not hispanic people in general.

Who cares about the feelings of some SJW-Indian-Americans?, they can leave their supermarkets!, also I love how they say "Thank you, please come again", hilarius!

No one has a problem with apu, it's just that shitty comedian who is trying to boost up its career.

Says the guy posting on an anonymous forum for children's media enthusiasts.

>At what point did the typical outraged group switch from white, conservative, Christian soccer moms to liberal millennials on social media?

The Christian Conservatives who were outraged and offended in the 90s are the parents of the Liberal Snowflakes who are outraged and offended right now.

Jokes are racist, user.

It'd be a repeat of the Speedy Gonzalez debacle a decade ago.

Well KEK

From personal experience, I've found that Hispanic people love their own stereotypes to the point that they'll embrace even the shittiest of media if it has a Mexican joke. I have this Mexican friend in LA and her entire family fucking love Nacho Libre and Speedy Gonzales.

SPICS loves Speedy Gonzalez, I think only SJW belive in racism on cartoons...

>Why the hell is this only NOW a thing people are talking about?
To cash in on the OUTRAGE climate. It's hard to believe, especially in these times, that such a widespread climate doesn't move lots of money in the background. There's good coin to be made in playing the Diversity game, and people want in on it.

Ah, so its one of those 'I know better than you' assholes being offended on the behalf of an entire race that doesn't give a fuck scenarios.

Yeah, that's what I meant. It's only ever crazy liberals that seek to demonize everything outside their tumblr blogs.

How about we just go back and edit every episode so that Apu is a Spanish Jewish man named Hank whose family came from Greece? Will people be happy then?

Never heard anyone complaining about Groundskeeper Willie, who offers a far more negative portrayal of Scotland than Apu does of Indians. He's a lazy, uneducated pervert. At least Apu is a successful (if a little shrewd) business man and probably one of the more competent characters in the series.

Do you think if I, as a Scottish person, write to the BBC and ask them to publish an article about Willie I'll be taken as seriously as an Indian person writing about Apu?

I'm guessing not.

The only reason people are talking about it is because trash media is talking about it.

This doc could have been made and been forgotten, but since race sensationalism sells advertisement opportunity, now we're talking about it.

Actually, Willie is portrayed as a manly heroic uberchad in most Simpsons episode. A little bit daft, but definitely someone who can wrestle bears and pumas to save kids.

The normal accepted Scottish stereotype ought to be Scrooge McDuck, who's a fucking cartoon duck.
A stingy miserable miser who would rather sleep on the ground and wear centuries old clothes if he could save a penny.

Caricatures of the "thrifty Scotsman" still persist while caricatures of the "greedy Jew" do not because Scots don't complain/litigate while Jews do. So nobody cares about Uncle Scrooge being an ethnic stereotype and Castrol can use a miserly Scot to advertise their motoroil via the "think with your dipstick" campaign. Nobody complains, nobody cares.

But try using a penny-pinching Jew as a character in a kid's cartoon or to advertise the thriftiness of your product. The Anti Defamation League will sue you into homelessness and take every cent you have to your name (while no one being permitted to point out the hypocrisy of complaining about Jews being portrayed as greedy while simultaneously greedily taking an individual's life savings from them to silence them).

I'll trust a Scot before I'll ever trust a Jew.

People aren't having a problem with Apu. One Guy is, and he's making it his personal agenda to kill the character.

And don't forget that the media outlets are giving him numerous platforms to exaggerate his cause. That's how the UK wound up with things like nunchakus and the word "ninja" being banned in all children's media for over a decade. It was literally one crusader saying they were too violent for kids to handle and the media gave him enough attention that eventually he got his way.

Jack Thompson almost got the same results with video games in the US during the 2000s.

If ever you feel like making concessions of any kind to brown people, ask yourself one simple question: "Would they do the same for me?"

Of-fucking-course the answer is no,
they hate you down to your soul.

Eh, genocide gets you some free room to complain. Go kill some Scots explicitly for being Scottish, cite their thriftiness as a reason, and then it's a fairer comparison.

But frankly, Scrooge is the only example of the stereotype I can even think of. Is it more prevalent in the UK? Most Americans just think of Braveheart and bagpipes, and it's the Irish that get associated with poverty.

Everyone knows white guys are the most eaily triggered pussies on the internet these days. There is an entire cottage industry of pandering to these fags.

>But frankly, Scrooge is the only example of the stereotype I can even think of. Is it more prevalent in the UK?

Scots being cheap is less common these days, but it used to be the big stereotype in our parents'/grandparents' eras (a lot of old cartoons did the gag and it's why Scrooge exists in the first place). The thirfty/cheap/greedy Scot stereotype came into existence because Scots used to be poor as shit, so they were famous for pinching their pennies to the extreme. Scots aren't all dirt poor now like they used to be, so the stereotype has dissolved. It still pops up now and again, like that Castrol "think with your dipstick" ad campaign from a few years back featuring the cheap Scotsman mascot.

I guess the thing is that Scots outlived that stereotype of being cheap and don't behave that way anymore to reinforce it, which is partly why it hasn't persisted so much anymore. But Jews having never outgrown their stereotype of being cheap and greedy; they keep it alive all on their own and then sue anyone who observes it too loudly.

No one told you you could speak, darkie.

I remember an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he feuded with a stereotypical Scotsman. Everytime the Scot fired his gun and missed, he had to chase down the bullet and reuse it because "it's been in me family for generations".

As a kid, I never got that it was a joke about Scotsmen being cheap. Likewise, Uncle Scrooge being based on that stereotype went over my head. It's genuinely outdated. Meanwhile, Jews being sneaky or black people being stupid are stereotypes that will live eternally because they will always be true.

There was a "documentary" called The Problem With Apu that blew up on twitter recently, that's why.

Don't tell me what I can and can't say, Larry

Because you couldn't get famous for it early on. They'd probably just address it and fix it. But now it's too late to be appeased, so they know they can get away with calling racism.


>Worked to earn his American citizenship
>Honored his parents by following though wth an arranged marriage

I bet it would have came and went unnoticed if there weren't so many people going 'wah wah boo hoo hoo, how dare he say that about Apu!'

Asian here, what is wrong with Apu?

I'm a poor Jew and my Jewish family is poor as fuck. All descended from Polish dirt farmers and never reached beyond lower middle class at best.

Does this mean that ethnic/religious/national groups aren't a single mass entity to can ascribe individualist qualities to, or does this just mean my family consists of failures? It's like the "Asians are good at math" stereotype, if you're East-Asian and not some kind of overachieving human calculator people label you as dumb. You want corrupt, rich Jews? Go look at fucking Haim Saban or Woody Allen. Do you think they represent Jews as a group any more than Dick Cheney represents Caucasian Americans?

It's fine if you hate Jews. Totally cool. Just... blaming a group for your hatred of them seems kinda odd to me is all. I legitimately don't get it. But I expect all the (you)s to be people telling me to fuck off back to tumblr or kill myself, so whatever.

I should have picked an even more generic white guy name.

He has an iconic accent that everyone playing as the token Indian must now copy.

>shit airs on television
>people notice
>blame people for noticing

Do not speak unless spoken to.

this and veryone is now bitching and entitled in their opinion.
Some people just exchanged religion or isms with their opinion.
And some like to find something to bitch about to make them feel important or strong, so they seek a group to do so, and what is the hot topic in the internet? Either rascistic or SJW.

Back then people would just say 'what a nutter' and changed the channel. Now faggots gotta make entire youtube videos having to expain why it sucks which only brings it more attention.

>Back then

You're 20, shut up.

>easily triggered society we live in now.
now? It always was.
>What? They showed a boob on television, quick bring the fork and fire
>They like nature? These hippies
>They destrfoy our world these rowdys
>What we evolved? That heretic
>They are not christian? Burn them.
>They are protestants? Burn them.

It always was and always were. History like to repeat itself. Just in a different coat and with different tools. Internet and better communication just made it easier to ear all that.

I'll try to come up with something deep to add to this conversation.
Would anyone here actually like to meet Apu?
Also part-German here, where's our Apu, I would love to have a somewhat positive portrayal instead of Baron von Count Badgai.

>where's our Apu

You guys got no-go zones yet?

So are you, what's your point?

But we had.

And a background character too



I dunno, I've heard and seen plenty of discussion on Apu well before now. It's just that now the climate is where people are actually entertaining discussion about it. I think I get where people are coming from because Apu's whole deal is that he's a stereotypical Indian convenience store owner. But that's also comedy, and something inherent to the Simpsons: Everyone is a caricature. Characters are supposed to be reduced to a handful of traits. You should be able to get a character's "whole deal" in a single scene with them. I think it's less that Apu is a "harmful stereotype" than it is that A) some really dumb or misinformed people think that one character on a cartoon show is actually perfectly representative of everyone who looks vaguely like him, and B) people are upset because a cartoon character who looks vaguely like them is a poor representation of who all half-billion of them are.

Fuck Kumar.

You ever wonder why "Scotch Tape" is called that? Because it was marketed as a cheap product.