What have you degenerates done to Darkseid

What have you degenerates done to Darkseid

Man I wanna hotdog that bitches ass.

Isn't that his daughter?

I wonder how pissed off Darkseid'd be if saw this shit.

no this is Femseid

the internet was a mistake

But that's Grail the Original Character

da vices of humanity...........

Jack Kirby would yell at us in rage while hiding a massive erection for what we did to his creation.

(post the rest)

He'd laugh at our humanity and love of booty. But we'd be the ones laughing last for he will never know the joys of booty.

Looks like a stalker.

Improved it.

The one in the OP is his canon daughter, Grail

im intrigued

but also...

futa, it just screams it

That would require downloading the rest, which I will not do

[renthedragon] Not Your Sky 2-

Jesus christ, it is. 150 years ago, planes didn't exist, now they're being anthropomorphized to women with penises for people to jack off to.


Jesus Christ, this Femseid reminds me of Gail Dines.

No man, beast, or god is safe from the lusty wiles of man's creativity

Say it with me F-E-M-S-E-I-D







I want to fuck the stalker.

I wish I could remember the Voice Actor suggested for Lady Darkseid. Has a 20 minute clip of all audio lines in a video game.

But that isn’t mighty Darkseid.

That is Grail.


Those can't be good for radar stealth

Why do you want to shove hotdogs in a dogs butt

No kink shaming. Now get the frankfurters.

Improved it, obviously.