Those with more education tend to vote for Clinton.
Those with less education tend to vote for Trump.

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those with autism tend to post threads like this

so what's the problem? poor, uneducated people wanting better lives for themselves, not voting for Wall Street candidate? Isn't that what social justice means?

Fuck you :)

but it's statistically proven

Fact-based threads? In that case, bring on the spectrum, bro.

Am I supposed to be with her now?

Look who it is again, CTR. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a Drumpfkin, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably got out the vote more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a shill when you call others Drumpfkins? Just because you learned how to sell your soul and shill for Crooked does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

>more education

What did he mean by this?

>Those with more education* tend to vote for Clinton.

*TL Note: This means leftist indoctrination

It's obvious a lot more education makes you actually stupid

There are enough old fucks and high school dropouts to get Trump elected.


Education does not reflect intelligence, the ability to regurgitate what your fed is not true knowledge

Are you saying poor people without education are lesser people? That's very classist of you.

Trump should walk it in America then.

We know you dont actually think like this and youre just doing it because of the precious sheckles, but their is a better path. kek is god, follow him to the light

Trump confirmed SJW.

Makes sense why late voters vote Trump after work. These more educated are all unemployed.

what does that say about common core?

how ironic

Funny how that works out

People telling other people how to think for a quarter of their lives tend to do and believe what others tell them

This desu

Cucks are more likely to vote for Clinton

The same stats you use show lower income vote Dem, Higher-mid Income vote Republican

FACT: Trump will win

yassssss bitch slay yassss

>those brainwashed vote hillary
Go figure

Thanks for correcting the record

I agree that more educated people seem to be voting Hillary. From what I've seen though, more intelligent people are voting Trump.

FACT: Women, niggers, and spics tend to have significantly lower IQ and SAT scores than white men. Women, niggers, and spics are much more likely to vote for Clinton.

luckily the government has been dumbing down the education system to make people less educated thus asking less questions.

That surely hasn't backfired on them here


education doesn't equal intelligence.

wtf i hate you now

What a surprice... the educational system and colleges are leftist central.
In US if you are openly are a republican or conservative you will not gonna get a job near a educational center, not even as a janitor.

Education =/= Intelligence. I make more than double what my friends that got their BS's from universities do, and I don't have a degree.

Fact: an art degree counts as higher education today
fact: you're probably not confident enough to wager the same holds true for students of STEM fields

I have a masters in a STEM field
I voted trump

yes elite education breeds elitist minds who think they know better than the rest, thats why liberals ban sodas and rednecks fight for their property

now fuck off

so Obama fucked Hillary with common core? lol

Thank god the majority of Americans seem to be uneducated! Trump gonna maga you bitches if you like it or not!!!!

Education is a broad word. People with liberal arts degrees are "educated".

Educated =\= elite, maybe in Brazil, but not here.

>sheltered suburban faggots vote for feelings & bullshit over reality, which they themselves have never known


>Those with more government sanctioned brainwashing tend to vote for Clinton.
>Those with less government sanctioned brainwashing tend to vote for Trump. Also, their jobs are more likely to be taken by spics.

Those with more education tend to trust the media, and focus on their studies

>i am smarter than hillbillies
>i will never bring myself to vote with them

Should you be hanging yourself right now CTR?

sleep well old lady

Yeah, I'm a gender studies major, and I'd vote for Hillary.

Sending classified information in an unauthorised manner is a crime

>racist rural men-children vote against their own self-interest while genuinely believe the Earth is flat


>more education
>not literal brain washing from overwhelming liberal professors

Fuck Hillary and fuck niggers

What do you expect when colleges are overran by crazy leftist professors indoctrinating them.

Intelligence is highly (positively) correlated with a successfully attained college degree.

>Those with more education tend to vote for Clinton.
You mean entitled kids brainwashed by universities. I will agree.

Stay salty Shilldawg ;3


Too much education makes your brain get smart, but your head gets dumb.

Yeah good thread you dickhead.

The American education system beyond high school is gynocentric and feminist
There are fewer than 1/4th the amount of programs to enroll men that are available to women
College education and liberalism are largely indistinguishable

I'm getting a Master's degree at one of the most liberal institutions and I support Trump


...proving that higher education is a system of brainwashing.

Thanks for the reminder user.


>The only education I need is right-wing news articles, the Bible, and Rush Limbaugh
You people are retarded.

>Those with more education
420 thousand views.

Those Cleverly educated College racists just made Clinton lose 400 000 black voters.

oncology resident here--would vote trump

Say the line it might be your last chance.


>friendly reminder that those "highly educated individuals" are all liberal arts students working at mcdonalds or some mall clothing store

Explain blacks and hispanics then.

>Those with more (((education))) tend to vote for Clinton.

FTFY fampai

Masters Degree here

Liberals tend to be arrogant and out of touch with reality with ivory tower jobs

>Those with more education tend to vote for Clinton.

depends on which group of educated people you're looking at. pic related.

Why do the left believe that the establishment is corrupt while simultaneously voting to continue it?

>>vote against their own self-interest

>babbys first talking point

>Millennial College Education
>Worth a damn
Gender studies degrees do not make you smart.

>more education means you're smarter

If I had a dollar for every woman I knew with a worthless master's degree I'd be set for life.

Says the MSM. I interact with a lot of people in business who are pro Trump. All college educated

Atheists have a higher IQ - are you also anti-religion?

Education is a double-edged sword of enlightenment and indoctrination. Wield it too long and you'll die by it.

>Women's studies



like I give a fuck

Education =/= Intelligence.

If you were intelligent you would understand that.

Oh, I totally forgot I should listen to a shitskins in debt.

forgot starbucks.

Atheists also vote like 80% blue m8.

So much to do so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets?

Genderstudies or any college education that ends with "studies" isn't actual education, faggot

>Education means repeating what others tell you.
Confirmed for high school dropout.

The average American is a retard, and I support Trump. Seriously, most of you are manchildren barely knowing anything about the outside world, living in bubbles filled mostly with American pop culture shit.

However I'm not dumb to think Sup Forums is really average, so dont take it personally either.

The "educated" Americans I met seemed just as clueless as the "uneducated" ones.

What do I get if Trump won?

>my women's studies degree means I'm educated lol you're so muhc less intelligent than me

meanwhile college educated people who make more than starbucks money are overwhelmingly for trump

FUCKING THIS. Thank you for posting this.

Just because I'm educated and young people assume I'm voting for Hilary and I fucking hate it. It's only the poorfag shitters that vote for Hilary.

>the only education I need is professors of black feminist dance, Twitter, and Jon Stewart
If I can reverse a statement by merely replacing a couple words and it makes just as much sense, then it's not an argument.

The difference between male and female average IQ scores is negligible. The main diference is that men have a larger standard deviation.


nothing, comrade