What's Sup Forums opinion about Yoyotoki?

What's Sup Forums opinion about Yoyotoki?

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I fucking loved it. I'm sad it will never get a series
Hotwings is kinda a shit character though
I wish Almonds did more lewds. I love his style


It probably should have been greenlit instead of the mouse cartoon but it was probably for the best. This cartoon seems like it would have one or two seasons before it went into DEEPEST LORE territory.

>mouse cartoon
If you give a mouse a cookie? Did that really get greenlit?

It's on it's second season right now.

Oh shit what?
Don't think I've seen any threads for it
Is it any good?


epic post, user

If you are in THAT mood, some fantastic user storytimed the entire redeemer comic plus the bonus comic, thread is still up last time i checked.

I think it is not being made.

Yup, but it has one episode at least.


I've never seen this before
Tell me more

It was a pilot. From someone who worked on AT.

I forgot all about this.
Its a boy, right?

If you want to fuck little boys, Sup Forums is that way

>From someone who worked on AT.

That gets pretty obvious when BMO starts talking.

When I saw this in the catalog I thought it was that images of tails

Wow, that's kind of a cute character des-
What the fuck.

Is the mother voiced by a man?

Was it better than AT or at least adventure time's pilot?

You can check it here:

Are you retarded?
I honestly could not remember it had been so long.
You take what I said and think right away I literally want to fuck kids. Projection much?

in fact the creator is BMO's VA: she was a storyboard artist on the first season of AT (as well as fish hooks, gravity falls, and Clarence, later being promoted to director on that show)

Is there even a mega or anything for it?

I love Titmouse


>I was taking a nap on the warmest part of the ship
My man

You sound upset.

Studio that did this pilot. You may know them from stuff like Motorcity, the Adult Swim Scott Pilgrim movie animated trailer, Hanazuki and a bunch of other stuff.

>greenlight never

Cute show but the writing is badly derivative of Adventure Time. People need to learn a new way to write adventurous kid characters.