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Does anyone else atheist here?????

>recant your findings or spend the rest of your life in the dungeon
>I'm tired of protecting your obnoxious ass and now you're taking shots at me, go live under house arrest and stop pissing everybody off


Get out of here you dinosaur, we call them "comics for Intelligent" people now.

I liked his old art style better. The recent comics of his look like some sort of creepy real doll shit

You neckbeards seem to have lost your way. /r/atheism is on Reddit.


>Forcing dogma on a 25 year old
Yeah, because no one converts as an adult. That's not a thing that happens all the time.


I actually kind of agree. I'm an atheist, but I've chosen not to tell my daughter that she can't join a religion. Whenever the subject comes up, I tell her not to worry about it until she's older. When she's an adult she can believe whatever she wants, but until then she needs to focus on being a kid.

/fg/ - Fedora General


You're a moron, in more ways than one.


That's so helpful. Please, tell me more.

Yeah I don't get why everyone keeps pushing the whole "Galileo was persecuted for science!" when anyone with 5 seconds to actually look up what happened knows that he was persecuted for political reasons. The Catholic Church did plenty of bad shit but generally they've been pretty okay with adapting dogma to science. Hell the only reason anyone thinks there was a dark age in the first place is because the church worked so damn hard to preserve Roman texts instead of their contemporary ones.

The fragility

>I agree with the OP's comic!

You're either baiting or a moron.

The butthurt:

So is the guy who wrote these a troll or is he really this painfully fucking stupid?

Wait, so I'm a moron for agreeing that children shouldn't be forced to accept the belief or lack thereof that their parents have? Because that's the part I agree with. Not the idea that adults don't convert religions, because I see it happen all the time.


>an omnipotent father figure built outer space
No one knows for sure what existed before the universe and what sparked the Big Bang. Lawrence Krauss says there was "nothing" and wrote a book about it, but his nothing is really something: a quantum vacuum (i.e. a state in the lowest possible energy exists--not "nothing"). This doesn't mean that some omnipotent figure that exists beyond time and space did it, but that's no crazier than saying it happened on its own.

>where a naked couple ate some fruit which was bad
Presuming that most Judeo-Christian adherents believe that the Garden of Eden is historical, not allegorical.

>had magic no-touch sex with a virgin
You go, atheist. You describe a supernatural act in the most comically inaccurate terms possible. That'll show them not to believe differently than you!

>until he came back to life as a zombie
See above.

>where he floats around
Fun fact: nowhere in Jewish, Christian, or Muslim scripture does it say that heaven is literally in the sky.

>teaching us all not to masturbate too much
No scriptures on masturbation, and the one OT scripture that arguably refers to the act has nothing to do with Jesus whatsoever.

>or we'll be sent to the earth's core and barbecued for all eternity
Not something scriptures teach or that anyone believes, but he gets an B for effort.

>atheists extremists drink beer and talk about outer space



Creationism is such a loaded, misunderstood term, that I can't but laugh at at C&H strip for reasons the writer surely did not intend.


Well more his point is an adult would be able to dissect the dogma more rationally rather than eating it wholesale as a child.
Because it's a lot easier to spout than trying to go into the complexities
>Or anyone believes
I'm sure there are some people who literally think Hell is underground even if that belief is built on misconceptions from popular but inaccurate depictions of Biblical Hell.
>You can have a cute girl who knows how to shoot a gun
>Or Pre-Zero Dark Thirty Chris Pratt with a telescope from the Kids' SciCenter

>low quality meme bait
Ouch. However will my faith recover from this bone-shattering blow?

You faggot don't seem to realize what a LOL thread is.


The real reason for religion.

I really want to believe this is an edit, but it's not even the stupidest thing I've seen from The Oatmeal.

Take yourself and your worrisome faith in Nickleback from this board.

Atheism has always seemed extremely reductive. These comics are just as bad as the people they're criticizing.


Isn't this comic a little hypocritical? Isn't it just implying that the author feels even more superior?

That's xkcd for you.


Fun fact: Galileo's original model actually provided worse results than the Geocentric model. This was because he postulated perfectly circular orbits, so it fell out of predictive power before the long worked out extant model. Which is why he was persecuted, not simply putting forward a heliocentric model.

Also, fetal stem cells are a dead end technology, while adult stem cells would produce results with no chance of rejection AND wouldn't require farming abortions.




I hate webcomic strawmans so fucking much.

>Hahaha, can you believe people have different definitions of what counts as evidence and have different beliefs of what feels real? Fuck those guys!

>parents realized when I was about 9 years old that they had never taken me to church or even told me about religion only after my grandparents brought it up one xmas because my grandma had said something about jesus to me and I had no idea who that was.
>Parents start taking me to church
>I don't really understand it, think it has something to do with the school system because they call it "sunday school"
>Mostly just a bunch of stories about ancient times
>Kind of interesting but they also keep telling stories about magic stuff and gods so I think they are teaching mythology as well
>Church kids group asks everyone to share favorite stories from the bible
>Misinterpret this as sharing favorite mythological stories
>Talk about Jason and the Argonauts because I had just watched the Ray Harryhausen version the other day
>After awhile come to the realization that everyone seems to actually believe everything in the bible
>Very confused by this since a lot of it contradicts stuff I read about or heard in school
>Talk to priest about how dinosaurs could have existed millions of years before humans existed if adam and eve were made the same week the earth was created
>He says "If we assume that genesis was from god's pov and god is endless than a week from his perspective could be millions of years from ours"
>Think that's a pretty good answer
>Feel silly whenever I pray because I feel like I'm just talking to the ceiling
>Ask priest and other church staff how they know god is real
>They tell me how they can "feel his presence or see his mark upon the world"
>Try to do the same but I just can't, the world doesn't seem like it was made by anyone to me and I just don't feel anything.
>Start to feel out of place at church, like I'm a fraud for being there and somehow mocking everyone else's belief with my being there.
>Tell parents I don't want to go anymore
>They are relived by this since neither is very devout and they would rather do other things on sundays.