So how they gonna beat this guy?

So how they gonna beat this guy?

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Thanos is his own worst enemy. He'll defeat himself. But not until Avengers 4


He’s going to accidentally drop the gauntlet and flee in his helicopter to start a farm.

>oops! I let go of the cube!

By calling the cops on him

Dance battle u & me bro

Have they confirmed if death is going to be in the MCU?

Shooting to the windows, so he can't walk where the shards fell.

>death is going to be in the MCU?

Why how else but with Hostess™ Fruit Pies™. Light, flaky crusts and real fruit filling, not even Thanos is immune to their delicious tastes.

dance off

>oh no, the world is in danger again
>this time its serious guys, did you hear the dramatic music?

Capn Murrica will stab thanos in the chest with the mcguffin that only he can use, but die doing it.
Yes he is the only one who can do it, no they couldnt save him stop asking questions.

I didn't realize they cast Bruce Willis as Thanos, but it's working for me.

There's 68 opponents all aiming to kill him. Even if he kills half of them he only has to make a mistake once and he's dead.

>uses Time gem to freeze time
>uses Power or Reality gem to create a new star
>uses Space gem to teleport them into the center of new star

psh, nothing personnel, Avengers

Wait a're just Zack Snyder in a mustache! Git! Get outta hea, shoo!

By the power of quips and friendship!!!!!!! Not by actually using a plan that conveys the desperation and seriousness of the situation. NO. QUIPS AND FRIENDSHIP

Asking for Battletoads

I dunno, kick the shit out of him? Strange already stopped a bigger threat by himself

throw a banana peel and then he slip and fall down lol

Strange didn't beat Dormammu though, he just kept turning back time until Dormammu got pissed and left.

And how is that not stopping him, user?

He is going to stab him with a burger?
How many cholesterol does it need to have to kill a being as powerful as Thanos?

it doesn't mean he can beat up Thanos

Bad news user, turns out that cholesterol in food actually doesn't really matter.

>Ant-Man shrinks down and enters him
>Ultra expands once he's inside

I wonder so myself. How do you defeat someone who controls everything in the universe without the aid of a multiversal being?

He's too tricky for his own good!

>gimme ur gemz lol

They don't

doesn't he literally stomp 616 so fucking hard that some cosmic entity had to rewind time or some stupid shit

The stone “have a mind of their own” and go to those that they have a connection to. In the end Thanos loses because each of the stone removes themselves from the guanket and go to the good guys

Can you imagine the reaction to such nonsense?


I think Nebula takes the gauntlet away from him during his nappies and the good guys take it away from her because she didn’t read the manual. With the IG, Thanos is stronger than any of the beings in the Universe, supposedly only being outclassed by multidimensional beings like the Old Ones or TOAL, I believe

>So how they gonna beat this guy?
His eventual and retarded existential crises will do their work for them

Multiverse fuckery.
Multiverse will be introduced in Ant-man & The Wasp, where they'll find Janet in an all too similar universe, though with slight differences.
The survivors of IW: Strange, and a couple of others will retrieve the infinity stones from this other universe and port them over to our conquered one and either turn back time or just straight up beat Thanos at his own game.

that, or Vision's consciousness from the Mind stone sabotages it

And that's how Deadpool and X-Men join MCU. Face it tiger, you gonna have an orgasm in the cinema if they do that.

The Infinity Gems are worthless outside their home universe. The Gaunlet is a fancy glove outside 616's universe


He’s a big guy

They will hold hteir hadds and start singing the American anthem, then the space fenix that was defeated evolves into an American eagle and holding guns and Thanos says "masaka" and then there's the eagle shoots a white, red and blue beam that explode like a nuclear bomb.Thanos is left half naked but alive, and while he starts crying, Cap hands him down a green card, and tells him he has a second chance as long as he likes nascar and corn. the end.


I watched that scene yesterday, it's amazing how cheap it looked.

Something anime-ish, like the cube refuses to go at full power and each avenger starts to glow with the colour of one stone, And when they say something cheesy like "together" the raibow becomes white and the cube shatters and gives each guy a power boost (like in the game) and the have an "equal fight" this time, and at the end it pulls a dragon ball, the gems fly away and banner say something stupid like "wow I calculated they drained lots of energy they will need to rest for a century now". Then credits roll, and we see someone grabbing a stone with a "maybe not"

I don't get why people go on about this as if that's the actual ending of the film. Quill does something stupid to distract the bad guy long enough for Rocket to shoot the hammer thing. It's not a plot point, it's just a random dumb thing to confuse the baddie to buy time.

>thanos trips on a banana after arriving
>dies after breaking his neck
>”looks like thanos’ arrival was quite the killer”
>that’s our tony
>2 billion worldwide


Sup Forums is pretending all the times Thanos lost weren't dumb as fuck.

comics are full of stupid ass ways ot beat stupidly overpowered characters

but, go on with your triggered self I guess

They'll do that Captain America Scene, except it'll be Carol with Captain's shield, would also have Mjolnir and she'll physically beat him to show girl power. Then Spiderman with help of Mister Doctor would steal the Gauntlet.

old comics were so good! we need more classics like this!

adapt the source material!


they gonna break his stuff

>Criminal America and his team meet up with Stark's
>they trade a few punches and then go "wait why are we fighting? this is stupid. welcome back"
>further kicking JL while it's down

People mock it because the baddie is this close to acheiving his goal, and somehow he gets befuddled by human making a jack arse of himself long enough to lose.

I vote for this, or something similar

Do people understand that the Electric Company stuff with the Thanoscopter was a joke comic for little children?

This is the same Spider-Man comic that gave you Thumper and The Wall. It was never intended to be serious. Sometimes the way people refer to it makes me think they don't get that.

You underestimate the power of the american bovine

Yes you 13 year old fuck. We use it because its hilarious and its funny to fuck with normies.

it's poisonous too

Fuck Avenger pride! Fuck the Nova Corps! FUCK ALL OF IT! The universe is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN!

I want to see Thanos school Chris Prat and then kill him.

was it the heart of the universe storyline where he restored back everything and became a farmer? that's what i want to see the bad guy got fed up and restored the world back to normal, replace Adam with Strange or better yet Cap.

Some part of Sup Forums genuinely thinks all old comics were like this.

The existence of silver age stuff that's almost as ridiculous reinforces that belief.

No, every single comic before that nasty ol' Miller/Moore/insertboogeymanhere was constantly full of Fun, where Fun means the most ridiculous Silver Age comic covers concentrated into one thread which were themselves more ridiculous than the actual content as a marketing gimmick. And if you don't agree that all comics should go back to being that kind of Fun despite never having actually been like that, then you don't "get" comics.

Time stone nigga

Scarlet Witch goes Super Saiyan and destroys him with a red Kamehameha.