This is Clyde Donovan

This is Clyde Donovan.
Say something nice about him.

crybaby faggot

There is nothing wrong about being fat. Be proud of your body.

He is chubby best boy

He hides his weight well

Went from second fattest kid to Third fattest kid, congrats


He killed his bitchy mom, making him the most ALPHA MALE in his class, even Cartman failed to get rid of his when she got uppity.

Also future bearmode.

is this the guy who mom died on a toilet or was that craig

Yep,Clydes mom is the one with toilet death, Craigs mom is the one with the bush.

>He killed his bitchy mom, making him the most ALPHA MALE in his class
Only by accident, though.

He makes a good punching bag.

Maybe eventually he'll stop being fat.

*throws parrot at enemy leader*

Is he the one with a colostomy bag?

I bet his underwear smells nice

Fuck off Jared.

>Rank 20
>still no hookhand Clyde
>every time I face someone with him he completely destroys my offensive rush
>just give up after my first health bar is taken

I ship him with Marjorine. The last two episodes, where he invites Butters to his party and Butters is seen whispering to him in the auditorium, further add to the ship.

His best friend stopped hanging out with him in favor of his new boyfriend.

they can't decide what his last name is

that could make for an interesting episode

Butters is not gay stop trying to make him gay you Cunt's

Truly the saddest truth of all.

Since Stan never relegated Kyle or any of his friends for Wendy, they could be the ones to get the episode to learn that bros always come before hoes. It was the upside that since Tweek is a guy, it could never be seen as sexist.

He's bicurious.

Thing is, Stan totally should ditch KAHL for Wendy.

Best tipper at Raisins.

In the waterbear episode, Craig and Clyde were sitting next to each other in the auditorium, so they still hang out.


Has some of the best cards in Phone Destroyer

Thing is, Kyle has been shit for years. It's time to get rid of him and bring in a new boy.

Just watched s03ep07 ''Cat Orgy''. Is this the only time we see Cartman genuinely feel bad for someone?

the choosen one

That was me with Storyteller Jimmy
and then I got him and Medusa Bebe and destroyed everything on site

I have a shit ton of Alien Clydes but I run an Adventure/Mystical deck so he's useless and I don't even have Hookhand Clyde. Fuck me.

I just Unholy Combustion any Medusa Bebes on sight. Fuck that shit.

What if they actually switch up the dynamic like they did when Kenny died and kick Kyle out in favor of Butters or Wendy or literally anybody? It'd make for an interesting season at least. It's not like Kyle would be dead, he could be either trying to claw his way back into the group or doubling down hard on what he did.

He’s a good boy.

Why he isn't here?

>Kyle gets sent to Juvie for a year

Why's Jimmy standing?

He will be after Kyle gets kicked off.

Too hard to get up afterwards.

This should be considered a crime....


He went to Raisins to watch it on the 50 inch

I've been using Shaman Token useful for purification against Poseidon and Busting Poison plays.

Took a bit to get enough cards to unlock his ability.

medusa bebe didnt make it into my deck, attack animations too slow for her mana cost and not guaranteed snakes

>Cyborg Kenny going against a Cyborg Kenny.

Always fun when he falls takes over the other and then that one dies and then takes over another unit still under control.

He is studying hard to go from class retard to Student of the Month.

>Super Craig comes out on top again!

Fucks sake Tweek.

Hurdy Gurdy Man and Atlantis are two of my favorite songs.

Calm down Australia

he did say he was tired of always being on the receiving end

>Let me tell you the tale of Craig's mom's bush.

So does anyone think that the newest episode made a sudden spike in searches for Bootie and the Blowfish?

lemee know if you need phone destroyer help

also btw if you start lvling PC principal he outscales manbearpig FAST

probably. I know I listened to the song a couple of times yesterday (Hootie ain't something I listen to a lot but I've never not enjoyed them when I do get that itch) and there were hundreds of comments saying "SP brought me here."

>according to the yaoi fangirl that worked on TFBW there is a line somewhere in the game where Tweek says 'I’m passive, Craig’s aggressive, we complete each other'
>Still can't find it to prove it
Goddamit jewbisoft. The game is bugged as fuck even with the dialogue one of the good aspects of the game and even that's fucked.

>tfw spent half of the game trying to get Craig to say "wow that was the coolest storm ever!" so Tweek can be jelly.
>tfw can't get Craig to say "You know, i don't find the new kid atractive" or something like that.

Cartman and Heidi look adorable like that

i think you need to make your new kid a girl in order to get craig to say that line
my favorite lines are
>Super Craig? More like stupid Craig!
>Okay, thunder geek.
>Don't touch my Craig!
>Your Craig? I'm my own man.
tweek is so adorable it hurts


he's cute in his underwear

>making the kid on crutches stand
Rude as fuck.

Im starting to think Tweek set that break up to the point where only he can have Craig...

I would love to see this happen

Clyde is cute indeed.
His suffering makes him cuter, though

you mean he broke up with him on purpose? i don't think so, they broke up cause of poor communication

>Craig stops responding to Don't touch my Craig line after counselling
Either my game bugged or Craig is confirmed whipped enough to not deny that.


craigs kinda possessive over tweek so I think hed probably like being claimed by his boy

When did Craig act possessive?

I mean the fake break up on Tweek x Craig


>where he invites Butters to his party
I don't remember this. This happened in one of the previous two episodes?

Yes. In the waterbear episode, Butters is invited to Clyde's birthday party. In the most recent episode, Butters sits next to Clyde and is seen whispering to him.

Craig was the one to start the gay plan. Tweek's plan was most likely to try to avoid the whole situation till Craig cam to him with the fake break up plan that has them admitting they are gay but not together.

Anyways, enough fag talk, this is a thread for best boy.

if it's a best boy thread why would fag talk stop?

He's cute when he cries.

Alright, best chubby boy time!

Clyde definitely isn't Best Boy, but he's up there alright.

Friendly reminder that Karen is cutest South Park girl.

According to the official wiki for the show, Kyle is 9 years old and the other main boys are 10. The official wiki also confirms Kenny's mom's name is Carol and that she is likely much younger than Stuart, and that Red is Skeeter's daughter.


Kenny is 10
Annie is an ugly ho, even Kenny ran way from her.

>yfw they make an episode where Clyde "pretends" to be gay because he misses hanging out with Craig and goes full homewrecker

Better than that trailer trash slut that smells like meth and shit, Karen.

>Ever going gay
>Pretending to be gay
>Risking his reputation with the sluts over a friend
>Thinking about boys
>Thinking about gay boys

>Wiki says she is twenty-five
>Kevin is 13

Jesus Christ, it's true

Maybe he goes to Raisins because he wants to see something that he thinks absolutely removes him from the gayness problem that took his best friend.

Actually, Kenny is listed as also being 9 years old on the official wiki.

I loved Annie's outfit. The circlet reminded me of best girl from SD3.

I am very sure there is an episode that states that they are all ten years old.

Damn that's even worse than Skyler.

Stuart confirmed for shotgun marriage to a minor.

He hasn't gone off the deep end...

Or maybe he wants to get his dick wet in vaginal syphillis.

Stuart "If she's on the clock she's ready for cock" McCormick

The the official show wiki has made a mistake. The fourth graders are all listed as 9 or 10 and those two fall on the 9 side. Clyde did as well until recently.

>Butters sits next to Clyde and is seen whispering to him

I'm starting to believe they're actually intentionally pandering to shippers at this point.

What did they mean by this? Certainly no favouritism here.

I didn’t even know Clutters was a real ship.

Will kenny be relevant next week?