Why do modern heroes prefer fighting each other rather than help people?

Why do modern heroes prefer fighting each other rather than help people?

more fun

Because WE MUST DECONSTRUCT THE SUPERHERO GENRE! WE MUST BREAK IT ALL DOWN! sort of bullshit is really prevalent in the cliques that have the power.
And yes, Mad Stan caps are there for a reason.

Comics run a similar gimmick to professional wrestling, in that to maintain a constant and never ending show while maintaining fan favorites that can be sold to the public, they need to keep spinning a web of feuds, infighting, reocurring villains, etc ad nauseum.

If you track Spidermans character development over the past decade it reads exactly like a professional wrestler going through multiple eras and character relaunches, including his recent face-to-heel turn as Superior Spiderman

This is mostly because all the current staff came up reading in the 90's.

Guess what was big in the 90's

>Why do Marvel* heroes prefer fighting each other rather than help people?


well, yes, that. And edgy.

>one of the first recorded stories is of Gilgamesh and Enkidu fighting each other before teaming up
>superheroes only fight each other because deconstruction!
What did he mean by this?

Bad ecample, user. Enkidu was an umtamed wild man prior to that. He's a villain that turned into the hero's best friend.

A hero with so many personal flaws the people he "protected" cried out for someone to save them.

Though, everyone knows mythological heroes were moral paragons with no personal flaws or issues before the 80s and 90s. Morrison said so! So clearly the writers of mythology and anything else that went into capes as inspiration didn't really understand what they were making.

Makes sense: Spider-man started his career as a wrestler.

> Implying any of the Heroes vs Heroes was fun

didn't this issue actually end with Spidey turning out to be the wrong with trying to fight Whatsisname (golden molten man villain) who was actually a change man, just visiting friends and looking for a job? IIRC Harry even gave him a position at OsCorp

jesus, this post sounds surprisingly retarded even coming for me. excuse my grammar and that sea of typos, please.

They don't.
See, in 90% of stories, heroes are in fact helping people. It's just that the stories where they fight other heroes tend to garner more attention because they're often big events, thus making it look like heroes fight each other more than they do.
Not to mention, often the reasons they have for fighting each other is because they disagree on what would help people due to different priorities and morals (like AvX or Civil Wars I and II), and in the end they make up and don't hold any hard feelings and keep teaming up.

Yeah it's that. To be fair, Molten Man went nuts instead of trying to explain from the syatt, but I doubt Peter would've listened.

This argument is filled with more holes than Swiss cheese.

Same reason superdickery is so prevalent.
Sells more issues.

If anything, Enkidu and Gilgamesh were more like rivals turned bros like Krillin/Goku, Little John/Robin Hood, etc.

At least most of those were entertaining stories.


This, people who go "hurr durr all heroes do is fight each other" are casuals who only pay attention to events and ignore monthly books where they fight villains and help people all the damn time.