Characters looks, acts, and sounds like they're eight

>Characters looks, acts, and sounds like they're eight
>Say he's well into his teens
Why do they keep doing this?

The only shows that do this are this shit and Steven Universe though

Is there a problem?

In SU, he had the excuse of shape shifting not under control.
What’s the excuse here?

What happened to MC's just being unapologetic jerks? I don't want nothing but that, but everything on CN now is so squeaky clean and safe. Well except for Gumball, which I just remembered.

try every TTG character, especially their leader?

>Why do they keep doing this?
Because the people that makes these shows are more successful at making shows than you

>but everything on CN now is so squeaky clean and safe
CN is controlled by leftists now, so of course all their mains are going to be as safe as possible

Look at those fucking hands

I enjoyed it, it was weird and I like interpersonal drama

>he thinks that's something new
Okay, 10 at the most.

At this point I'm thoroughly convinced you could shit on a paper plate and someone on Sup Forums would call it a good show.

keep crying man
I see a lot of potential for this
>Oscar mans up and stop think about Hedgehog
>Get another waifu , even hotter
>Splitt spaguetti so bad makes her cry
This is the AT crew we are talking about

Positivities are endless.

If only conservashits could be creative and make successful media that isn't propaganda

It's not unheard of


>What happened to MC's just being unapologetic jerks?
Was that ever really a thing? Most of the cartoon characters I grew up with had nice protags.
>I don't want nothing but that, but everything on CN now is so squeaky clean and safe.
Because it’s a channel aimed at children.

>those hands

And this is bad because?
Why does Sup Forums want everything to be It’s Always Sunny?

Those fingers really fucking bother me for some reason. They look like they belong to a grown man.

"Art style"

KotH was more of a centrist show than a conservative show.

>And this is bad because?
Safe is sterile, a joke that comes at the expense of no one within or outside of the cast isn't funny because comedy is derived from tragedy.

I don't want sauce, I don't want to know anything about it because I KNOW the MC ends up fucking her. I just want to know how the fuck a twenty year old ended up looking like that.

mizugi de obenkyou


>This is the AT crew we are talking about

How is that a good thing? Sure, adventure Time was good starting out. The premise was simple: a boy and his magical dog going on wacky adventures exploring the land of Ooo , learning life lessons etc etc. At some point the show turned into a teen drama and it never bounced back. That turning point, for me, was easily the death of the show.

I don't know what it is about teen drama, but I fucking hate that shit. Its just feels so lazy.

it's ok when japan does it

>Good things end. More news at 11
That's what happens when kids can't get enough of a good thing and end up ruining it.

Because they don't make it obnoxious and lolsorandomdumb as westerners do, and generally add in other genres into the mix quite often without making it out of place.

Use buzzwords all you want, but it's what separates a genuinely funny show like EEnE from something like SU where the humour is just awkward "I think it's trying to make a joke, but they forgot how to."

I thought that chin was the mouth

Who let my deviantart era self draw this? What creatures are these? Where am I?

I feel as if every time we have another thread about this show, another shitty aspect about the artstyle is pointed out

Pedo bait, where do you think you are?

Written by a woman.

>genuinely funny
Funny is a subjective trait
Otherwise post an objectively funny joke

It's not the funniest show in the world, but there are a ton of jokes in Steven Universe at the expense of other characters. Also the show isn't really trying to hard to BE funny anyway.

But this show was able to poke fun at itself, something conservatives are unable to do

I just don't understand how something like this could be allowed to see the light of day. Who thinks this looks good? Who thinks this will be good? Who thinks kids will think this looks good? Who thinks kids will think this will be good? Who thinks this will bring in ratings?

Because adultingis hard amirite? What's the DEAL with taxes??

EEnE wasn’t funny because every joke was at the expense of another person, dumbass
Go back and rewatch the show

A lot of the best jokes had nothing to do with anything, ie, lolrandumb humor
See: basically all of Ed’s one liners

I had such a fucking crush on Will, goddamn.

she lied

Going the exact opposite way is not going to work either you moron. A show that does nothing but try to offend people is just going to end up with a bland, tasteless show, just like the vast majority of Adult Swim content.

>What happened to MC's just being unapologetic jerks?

Nobody likes Screwed Squirrel, that's why they died out. Hell, when were they ever really a thing?


If this show makes it past season one I swear to the almighty they'll see a strongly worded letter in the mail. That is all.

>What happened to MC's just being unapologetic jerks?
They died out because 90% of the time they’re just as shit, if not more so, than squeaky clean protagonists. Outside of comedies like ATHF, most people don’t like watching Assholes do asshole things.

>thinks variety of Relationshit bullshit Are good possibilities
End yourself

>Writer/Animator is well into his forties
>They act and dress like they're twelve
Take a guess, anoninsky

KotH is both considerate of conservatives, and pokes fun at itself/them. It's definitely an example of funny self-critical conservative-sympathetic media.


Yeah usually it's the other way around.

>Characters sound and act like Teenagers

>They look like 8 year olds

Looking at Gravity Falls and DuckTales

Cartoon for babies

Eh its better then the other way around which is what most shows do.

>posts a video game for babies

So funny user

Any lewds? Looks like a challenge.

>responds with another video game for babies

la AT audience. Same with having little creatures talking like toddlers on meth.

>toddler VAs
I want this trend to die