The last cartoon/anime you watched has been invaded by the Anti Monitor. What happens?

The last cartoon/anime you watched has been invaded by the Anti Monitor. What happens?

DragonBall super multiverses invaded.

Red skies tmnt vs monitor,

>Last anime that I watched is a romcom with no fantastical bits.

He's right. This *IS* the day the universe dies.

Aw geez I just happened to see Gurren Lagann. Great.

Why do DC Cosmic characters have such doofy names?

I can't actually remember the last cartoon/anime I actually sat down and watched. It might've been GARO or some such, but I'm not sure. Would comics and the like work as well for this scenario.

Popeye eats some spinach and punches the ever loving fuck out him, and that's the end of the anti-monitor.

Idk if reality warping and object creation and pocket dimensions can save them from the wall of antimatter

maybe just maybe

Rewatched Haruhi out of nostalgia, she easily stomps.

The Anti-Monitor is a great name. Why do YOU have such a doofy name?

I just watched Venture Bros. so I'm sure they would find a way out of it. The way might be stupid, though.

He needs to wait in fucking line

The universe is fucked. Like proper fucked. Unless Anti Monitor can choke on a fucking football.

Eclipsa tries to suck his cock and when he refuses she erases him from reality

Makes a hell of an episode, but everything goes back to normal next week.

A really badly written episode of South Park where they bring back Kenny as some kind of deus ex machina bullshit so the universe stays alive and anti-monitor is defeated through plot armor. Kenny then dies because fuck you, Kyle and Stan do their old schtick, and the writers use this plot device as an opportunity to rehash all the previous episodes from the very start of the series.

Does the Anti-Monitor have giant whale-like "teeth" or just a big chapped upper lip?

>Kirby animé
He gets his ass kicked cause Kirby eats reality bending horrors for dinner

His teeth have always weirded me out too user.

your mother is a doofy name

Well time for another Crisis.

Animated rendition of Crisis on infinite earths

I think it's just his face. I've never really been sure, though.

They're teeth, weird teeth.

>bayonetta bloody fate
Should be interesting

Is that fucking waldo?

Uhm, yes.

How does he move his head?

Anti Moniter looks like a Kirby Villian the same as it always does?

Prime sacrifices himself to stop an ultimate evil...


Did everyone get Legion flight rings during COIE?


Finally, Jaya is no more! Zane gets scrapped for good.

>Boku no Pico

I would unironically love this

It would be great to see Popeye getting erased by a wave of antimatter. Then he eats the spinach and begins punching it back to the Anti-Monitor.