Why is he such a badass? He's literally the coolest character our there, man

Why is he such a badass? He's literally the coolest character our there, man.


Because they couldn't muddy his character up with drama, inb4 his girlfriends he never really cared for them

I had a good laugh, thanks mate.

..uhm yeah but he's still a badass. Not only does he have cool dialogue but he's not one of those typical guys with omnipotent powers who are all like, "World domination--I'm the best. hahaha evil laughing"
Honestly, he just cant be bothered and there's something so awesome about that.
YET at the same time he's scary. Think about it.
There are two types of scary people out there
1. The unpredictable ones
2. The ones that just don't care


He's incredibly Nihilistic.

See also: Owlman.

He got cucked.

No, he is not. He may appear to be however he's proven otherwise by doing meaningful things.


Okay? People get cucked all of the time. So what?
This meme is fucking dead and it's annoying how people keep bringing it up.
It's supposed to be an insult to how a man is unable to keep his woman for himself however the concept of doing so isn't even a thing.
How can you 100% guarantee your partner is going to stick with you? Is 100% satisfied?
yeah, that's right. Shut your whore mouth.


>tfw to smart too care about humanity

I wonder if Rorschach ever asked Dr. Manhattan's help to make Nite Owl fall in love with him.



His character is dumb.
>his body got destroyed, and rearranged into the most powerful body possible
Okay, I can get that.
>he is also okay to leave Earth furever to explore the universe and never talk to another human being ever again
So....... did his MIND get rearranged also? How and what changed his human nature?

His perceptions and perspectives changed.

It's more than just him stepping into the machine and him coming back--it relates to both his childhood and his knowledge on physics. His father was a watch maker and he taught his son about reassembling things in the correct sequence--once he got zapped that thought somehow stuck with him or went beyond the physical and he was able to reconstruct himself back but into the perfect body and with the ultimate understanding of everything.
However, he's still kinda human. It's weird but that's why he's interesting.

So, his normal desire for human interaction evaporated? How is that even possible?

>and with the ultimate understanding of everything
I love how a machine can just automatically teach you the secrets behind life universe and everything, and you could just understand it.

okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit but somehow his intelligence expanded beyond human comprehension.

It's in the process--like, it's evaporaTING.
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. One of his quotes is, "I've walked across the surface of the sun. I've seen events so fast and so tiny they could hardly have been said to have occurred at all."
Maybe it's a matter of him being the only thing that could experience that? Nobody else can understand him or his perspective on life so maybe that's the root of it.

He isnt nihilistic at all