Will he take away gay marriage or keep it? I hope they don't touch it

will he take away gay marriage or keep it? I hope they don't touch it

he's the president, not a dictator

he can't overturn supreme court decisions

the president can't overturn supreme court decisions.

>liberal intellectuals

>I hope they don't touch it
Are you faggot?

Hey Russiabro, now that we're cool, is it alright if I come visit and bang some Slavic babes?

He doesn't give a shit about it.

Pence would, but pence isn't pres.

>he's the president, not a dictator

For now

>Caring about the fraction of the 2% of the general population's decision to pretend their boyfriend/girlfriend is a spouse to where it guides your election decisions

g-g-gas yourself

nice fallacy there

Trump probably won't.

Pence will push for it because Pence is a fucking dipshit, but Trump himself will be fine with it.


Sodomites will be shot on sight, of course.

What fallacy?
Homosexuals are 2% of the general population
Ones that desire marriage are a small fraction of that, we're talking the hundreds of thousands.
It's fucking nothing, the whole thing was a bullshit ploy to garner votes so some thousand people could get a piece of paper and a tax break.

Republicans will control the executive and legislative branch now and you bet Trump will pick an ultra conservative for the Supreme Court. I don't think Trump cares much himself but it doesn't look good for lgbt.

He will announce capable judges.

inquisitor joey reporting in
we have found the degenerates
praise jesus

Yes, homos deserve equal rights.

He's said that it should have been a state-by-state decision. But what this user said too

I'm with you OP
Hopefully he leaves it alone. I don't give a shit if 2 men want to be married.
As long as that's where we draw the line. No marrying animals, no pedos getting rights
Just 2 adult men blowing each other

Neither gay marriage nor abortion are going anywhere.

Trump barely talks about it and doesn't seem to give much of a shit. He ruled in favor of a tranny being in some beauty pageant he ran a few years back too

He's much more concerned with controlling immigration than anything

It isn't going anywhere.

Trump has been in NYC for 40 years. You think he gives a damn about LGBT?

He has probably seen more Hons and flaming homos than a pride parade in Sweden.

It's funny how even gay marriage was voted down in extremely liberal states like California before the supreme court decision.

All gays will go into the FEMA camps.

Dear, Libs/Dems/SJW/((())/MSM/CTR


Sincerely, user

He probably doesn't care

He's been pro-gay marriage from the beginning. Letting gay marriage remain leaves the Dems with less ammo in the long run.

He's fine with gays

>Neither gay marriage nor abortion

Abortion was 1 vote away from "not an actual constitutional right" for decades now. Trump is going to put some Clarence Thomas types on the Court and it's going to happen. Then it'll go back to being state-by-state.

State has the right to decide.

STop being queens about it.

I think you have to be a pretty big fag to genuinely care about gay marriage.

I heard it was something he promised to reversed, and I personally hope he does. Such a whiney minority, they need a kick in the guts to get a reminder of where their place is.

I would say it is a non issue and since Pence is his VP there will be no fag marragie


My state said nay. Fuck Dictator Onigger forcing this on every state

Who cares? you can still be buttfucked by your boyfriend

Not legally after the new hyper-conservative supreme court justices impose new sodomy laws

Trump openly said he wouldn't touch it. He said he'd leave that decision up to the states.

The man held up an LGBT flag at one of his rallies, there was never any worry.

he got a 80% evangelical vote

they have expectations

>le gay marriage
relax, he's not after that, you buttfucker
amazes me that anyone cares about defending a fake thing like buttsex marriage though

isis blowing up the world, global threats, but yeah let's make sure some fags can sign a piece of government paper. who honestly cares. abolish all legal forms of marriage. it's fucking retarded and serves no purpose in the current year.

It's over

The new Supreme court will abolish gay marriage

I doubt he gives two fucks about faggots fucking eachother.