HUMANS IN Sup Forums

why is it that the human race is always portrayed so badly in fiction?
are we really that terrible

Yes. No matter what humans are naturally pieces of shit

That's only by human standards. And if humans being pieces of shit is the standard then what's the problem?

Nobody likes a piece of shit.
You piece of shit.

>Complaining about Humans being potrayed as shitters
>Posting an image from a franchise where Humans are colossal assholes and only kept in line by the fact other forces are even bigger assholes.

But you are human (I assume), ergo you are a piece of shit. And I have no feelings of resentment towards you.

Xeno infiltrators using propaganda. Don't fall for their lies.

First off, "terrible compared to what?" Those aliens who invade Earth weekly (or who visited eons ago to perform weird genetic experiments on humans) aren't really very nice either.

Secondly, reading about _only_ nice people is usually boring. Where would Sherlock Holmes be if everyone in London was refined, temperate, and honest?
Of course, fiction in which _everyone_ is a treacherous, sadistic, bastard isn't very appealing either. Even when there's only a single rotten character who causes the conflict, a good author will try to give him _some_ redeeming qualities. Yes, he burns down orphanages with the orphans upstairs in bed, but he's kind to his mother and donates to the SPCA. If he wants to kill the hero so he can rule the world it ought to be because he's convinced he can do a better job than the imbeciles currently running the show.

>Posting an image from a franchise where Humans are colossal assholes and only kept in line by the fact other forces are even bigger assholes
One begets the other. The only reason humans are assholes is because they have to be to avoid being completely subsumed by literally every other force they encounter.

Wow, a well thought out and rational post. I honestly wasn’t expecting that on Sup Forums.

Because we have no real frame of reference for something worse.

>why is it that the human race is always portrayed so badly in fiction?
They aren't, humans are almost alwas portrayed as the good guys and one of the greatest powers in the galaxy/universe.

Warhammer40 is kind of an exception but even then humans are still the most powerful race and most of the time are defending themselves rather than invading alien planets

In Wh40k, humans are invading alien planets all the time. It's just that the planets they do invade belong to primitive no-name aliens that aren't worth being given a mention in any book.

>you're human
in all levels except phisical.
[acts as a piece of shit]

all our best moments occur in private.

you can't really understand the human struggle until you've walked a mile in our shoes. What makes us great is also what makes us so tragic.

Humans are pretty good in Star Trek, or at least they are by the 24th century. The Federation's core worlds are described as an ideal society, the closest thing they have to an armed force is focused on peacekeeping and exploitation (incredibly moral even in the face of existential threats like The Borg), and they go out of their way to aid other species.

All fiction is derived from someone's perception of reality and in reality we have no other species to which we can compare ourselves to on an intellectual and/or spiritual level.

So of course humans end up looking bad in fiction written by humans.

Go teach an elephant to draw a comic to get some other point of reference.

>are we really that terrible?
Yes. How is this even a question?

>and they go out of their way to aid other species.
> StarTrek
> aid other species

if you don't have warp technology, it doesn't matter how much the captains of the starships may care about your life, they're not allowed to help you during any natural disaster; up to, including, and even beyond any "my planet is literally exploding" kind of situation

because it'd be another fucking mouth to feed dilithium /antimatter fuel to, and another brain to wash out the endemic violence and other shitty traits from. no one wants to deal with another group of space-niggers /space-jews /space-nazis

>are we really that terrible
I, for one, have hope in the human race to become an intergalactic superpower, but to answer the first question, humans usually seem boring in media involving other intelligent species because we're used to them and comparatively much less used to all the other fun races on display in whatever book or game we're currently playing.