Shipping Thread

The weekend is approaching so let's get one of these going.

Some people will tell me I’m stupid, but it won’t stop me from shipping these two

it might be a worn out drum but I still love the beat

Static and Frieda . I also ship Static with Gear but a little bit.


I thought it was a black chick with an Afro


Posting best odd couple.



me too
that booty didn't help either

Its cute, pure, and the shenanigans are endless


Who are Gear and Frieda?



Christmas is right around the corner. How does your OTP spend the holidays, Sup Forums?

Good taste.

>end of Smurfs 2 teases a Grumpy/Vexy pairing
>even though the movie before that looked more like Vexy and Smurfette were getting pretty close





Forever and always.

Gear and Frieda from Static Shock.

i hope when they get around to bringing back the marvel family the two of them get to meet.



Holy shit, they're perfect for each other.

My negro


Sora could be together with any princess and I would be okay with it.


congrats user!

im a wendip but this was cute.

still haven't watched it

helga's side hair repulse me but she can be quite beautiful with a different hairstyle.



I ship wendip and dippifica




The one thing I've never understood is the incessant need for people to ship characters

Can any of you explain this to me?

I have no idea why I do it.

I ship myself with my waifu.
Because I love her.

Same reason so many popular songs are about love.
A need for fantastical romance.

For shits and giggles





In my case, a desire to vicariously experience the sort of happy, loving relationship I can never know myself.

They’d probably spend it at one of their houses, where they exchange heartfelt and thoughtful gifts with each other (discreetly of course, if either of their parents thought they were friends or something they’d never hear the end of it), watching movies, and maybe playing some video games, all while confusing their parents with how their tireless bickering and animosity has been replaced by downright amiability with good-natured banter and ribbing.

Of course this is only in a hypothetical alternate universe where the timeline diverges from canon after the end of the OS

Proof of my autism

It’s cute and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. That feeling is apparently incrediblly additive because I keep finding myself coming here. I blame you for this Sup Forums.

This. This hits too close to home.

Pretty much this. I just want to see two people be happy with each other



What about all the gay shipping?

Fujoshits and yurifags are like Orkz. They work off of shoddy logic, and where there’s one there’s a hundred of them.

My first thoughts when I ship a couple of characters:

"Hey, they'd be nice together."

And that's pretty much all it takes. If you've ever done this, you've shipped. The insane dedication and online arguments are just the deep end of that, but not necessary. Obviously an interest in romance leads one to discuss it with others with the same interest, thus these threads. If you don't get it, you just don't have any interest, which is fine.

Probably fighting off that giant Santa robot monster that comes every year since Zim tried to steal Christmas.

Otherwise, yeah, the usual.

Gay shipping is good, but most fujo ships are pretty baseless.

>He thinks that’s Autistic
Get on my level brah


Cute, but I prefer the pig and the skunk.

kek, thought that was black spidey and mj before I started reading

Really cute ship.

I've never done that with any characters ever
Romances are the worst part of every fucking story

yeah because he has zero personality so he'd fit with anyone

Static is basically black Spider-man but with different powers.


>Romances are the worst part of every fucking story
In execution? Maybe. In potential? Not necessarily.

Yep, all the way.


Disgusting cancer

There's never been a good one
That's my opinion
I do hold a very negative opinion on romance and relationships
But I've always cringed at romances in every book and comic I've read and every movie I've watched that contained them
That's kinda why I don't understand why anyone would want to add to that

>There's never been a good one
Allow me to prove you wrong twice over in a single image.


You probably won't understand and there's no real way to explain it since you're coming from a totally opposite perspective. You admit you have a negative view of romance. The reason people ship is because they are the exact opposite. That's literally it as far as why.

Storywise it's hit or miss, but if you already hate relationship stuff, you will never enjoy that aspect of a story.

I don't know who the two in the middle are
But I do know who Eve and WALL-E are and that romance is shit
I guess I'm the only one who believes that

They are cute together and you know it.

I prefer HiroLemon

>I don't know who the two in the middle are
Razer and Aya from GLTAS. Theirs was pure, beautiful, and tragic.

>I guess I'm the only one who believes that
Damn right you are.

Clean freak Pig and foul smelling lovable skunk girl is best ship.

They even get married and kids in the future. Too bad they didn’t do this ship in Static Shock it would’ve been popular.

I'm guessing that was cut for time/story constraints. Because it makes sense.

>But I do know who Eve and WALL-E are and that romance is shit
>I guess I'm the only one who believes that
Please leave this existence

Do you ship your microwave and your toaster?
That's basically the equivalent of that romance

it's a girl/gay thing, you wouldn't understand

>Equating two AI that are not only Sapient but capable of human emotion to a toaster and a microwave
Are you mentally handicapped?

At least for me, it's not a conscious decision. I just get hit with shipping feels for some couples when for whatever reason something in their (potential, sometimes they've never interacted in canon) dynamic appeals to my id or subconscious or whatever. I'm not sure why I start to like the pairings I like, though I can explain why I feel they'd be a good fit afterwards.

I was well over 25 before I ever shipped anything. Also in most canons I don't ship anyone at all. It happens if it happens. Usually not the main canon pairing. I guess it has something to do with whether I'm emotionally invested in the character(s) for some reason or not?

I'm gonna have to go with this user here, they have AI, you can't take random appliances and use that for your argument.

Niggers are never cute


I think most people don't self-insert in their ships, though some probs do. So if you don't self-insert, it doesn't matter at all what sexuality or gender the characters you're shipping are, as long as their dynamic works and they're good, cute or interesting together. It's about the emotional payoff and envisioning them happily in love. Or tragically dysfunctional, if you like your ships angsty.

I'm a hopeless romantic. Give me a cute yet reasonable romance, and I'm sold. Can't help it, just the kind of guy I am.

There's no reason for them to be sentient beings
Also Eve is the only thing WALL-E ever meets other than that bug
Kinda convenient they're compatible

I dunno
Maybe I'm just cold inside
It's not like I'm asexual or aromantic even
I just couldn't care less about it happening to anyone else