I am genuinely curious why people are freaking out so much

I am genuinely curious why people are freaking out so much.

People are saying they are scared

They are treating this like some kind of terrible act of violence.

What the fuck do they think is going to happen?

Do they think death squads will be formed to kill all women, gays, and minorities?

Do they realize Democracy is still in place?

Is common sense dead?

Fearmongering and media brainwashing are one hell of a drug

I don't understand either. I live in a liberal leaning city in California and people on my Facebook are flipping the fuck out. Literally nothing bad will happen.

You mean there won't be death squads?

If you believe everything the liberal media feeds you, that's pretty much your mindset.

The suburban white goys are scared for there token gay/mexican/disabled friend of being gassed and then deported
I do feel bad for the mimetic and though

The media has demonized him to the point that they think he's Satan. While in truth the opposite was true while Hillary is a literal Satanist.

my kikebook is a shitstorm (Austin, TX)

a couple people posted this, one of which is legit talking of suicide

theyre brainwashed by echochamber social media to think not getting what they want is end of the world

sheltered as fuck millens who didnt grow up basically (for some reason they happen to be in cities often)

Sup Forums isn't going to leave his house lol

too busy masturbating to anime so no need to be scared

CNN has already pivoted and accepted a Trump victory.

I think we'll be fine. The faggots trust CNN.

dude on my facebook people are treating this like the fucing apocolyps and some people are sharing links to a Cascadia uprisings and "some please kill Donald trump" posts.

Welp, time to pick up my bricks and mortar

>Is common sense dead?

pretty much

infantile minds


Talk shit get hit mentality.

They're bullies. All bullies are pussies.


It always takes the less intelligent a few months to catch up

Good luck, my amigo

coming from a board that was 100% convinced hillary was gonna start ww3 and finish it in thermo nuclear hellfire this thread is rich

common sense has been dead for at least 20 years

Their imaginary world came crashing down. Also they are pussies.

They are fucking stupid..

The legit think they are "fighting" for something or that anything has changed in the last 20 years. They are 100% delusional children.

>why they don't matter to you
Will do!

>Sup Forums is one person

they dont live in reality

I have friends fighting friends online.....pretty ugly behavior

I'm not that concerned desu, except for the next POTUS's stance on climate change. Not because I'm part of the earthy crunchy movement, but because increasing desertification could end up with even larger and more frequent refugee crises as entire countries' farmable land progressively dry up.

They are like children but follow the SJW propaganda

100 percent honest, only Americans would be dumb enough to elect him and that is kind of worrying. Here in the UK we all watch it like it's a spectacle

>CTR shill
nice m8

>tfw BLM activists rioting and looting and most democrats dont bat an eye
>tfw democratically elected leader causes democrats to panic and be afraid to go home


The weaklings fear the rising fire.

I 100% agree with this.....I hope no irrational decisions are made moving forward with clean energy.

Oh God, Im going to rag on those mudslime apologists. I'll keep it subtle but I'm sick of everyone sucking Muhhameds cock

If you do well on the wall, you can come live here legally!

this, actually.

>lgbt, female, black, latino, muslim friends

friends lel

I don't get it either.

I don't know if it's a generational thing or not, or if people always felt like this, but now it's more readily and easily broadcast.

All my friends, who will be no more affected by this than a Hillary win, are shitting the bed and freaking out on facebook.

I'm guessing that, back in the day, this would be internal. Then after a sleep and a few days of noticing nothing changing, they go to work and it's just not at the top of the mind anymore.

But because they can instantly communicate their immediate thoughts and feelings to everyone, we get raw, unfiltered OPINION.

Then the echo chamber effect. Their facebook feeds are flooded with professional media shill pieces, they repost, they opine, their friends see that and opine HARDER, so they begin a game of over sharing hysteria.

I mean, personally, either/or doesn't make THAT much of a difference to me. Sure, for an American it's a bit more, but even then, not to the extent they're acting like. This isn't 9/11 or even the crash of '08.

Also, I see people posting things like;


Which makes me wonder if it's just that people are incredibly ignorant and their reality is informed by TV shows and video games.

It was the same thing with Brexit, which was a much more momentous decision, but even then, my god, the hyperbole and overreaction.

But we're anonymously joking.
These people are doing this in their real names, completely seriously.

arent liberals against gun? i doubt that will work

Abortion rights are likely to be removed entirely from many states.
Most of the progress towards universal healthcare is going to be eroded.
Most of the progress towards legalization of drugs is going to be eroded.
For the next 40 years there are going to be 3 scotus justices who make decisions primarily based on their m morals and feelings instead of logic and the Constitution.

These are legitimate concerns and for many they are really quite appalling.

People, especially millennials, are afraid of change

Personally, I'd be fine if he just mostly ignores whatever's currently going on with developing alternatives to fossil fuels, including nuclear, and just doesn't bother touching it.

Scott Adams is a fucking moron but he is right regarding SJW/leftists

They believe whatever the leftist leaders say to the point of hypnosis. They LITERALLY believe he is a Hitler equivelent.

Fortunately the leftist leaders will soon be removed from power completely, or at least close to it, and that portion of the media will be neutered, and many of the liberals will wake up and realize the world is not ending.

common sense died years ago.

The butthurt is fucking strong. It's almost amusing how every blue pilled fuck I know is just so torn apart by this to the point where you really have to worry for their sanity. They aren't used to being a minority and not having the mandate for whatever bullshit they wish to be pushed through the halls of our government. Sweet sweet salty tears.

People are fakin dumb. What do you expect?

Best result of this election would be if both Hilldog and Donnie died in a fire.
At least now I can watch the butthurt flow and the world burn... and enjoy it.

the guy is a complete unknown (seriously, he just makes shit up, you can't say what his actual views or actions will be with any degree of certainty) and is more likely to fuck things up than fix them. a country is a complicated thing and it's harder to fix something than to break it. I have very little confidence that we will come out of a trump presidency in any way better than when we went in.

Liberals are irrational creatures prone to fits of rage and emotional depression.

Don't expect them to realize they won't be executed by SS tomorrow because it's all a figment of their delusional imagination.

My girlfriend posted a couple of pro Trump messages, half jokingly.

I told her to knock it off. The attitudes around political discourse in Western society now are at an all time low.

It reminds me of stories I heard of Northern Ireland in the 80's - Signs would adorn pub and hotel walls warning visitors to talk about religion or politics.

We're at that point now where my girlfriend making a joke about celebrating the end of the world by getting drunk for donnie is met by;

>Wow. Okay. That's not cool. This is real.

Or blocks.

It's crazy.

It's like strong adolescent behavior.


Just gotta pitch it that the clean energy sector will be driven by american research and manufacturing.

Most of the people voting for him would have come out worse under a Hillary presidency.

The question is; How much worse?

You saw it in Brexit, and you saw it here - There is a rough red line for formerly prosperous Western Nations that the voting public won't cross.

It's been about a quarter century of increased productivity and flat wages. So there you go, for future economists and political scientists.

why do politicians elect judges? surely it should be judges electing judges?

>I'm a religious feelings first idiot who thinks families shouldn't be allowed to abort retarded fetuses in order to save tax payer and personal funds
>I'm a retarded capitalist cucked by the Jews and think people should die in the streets if they can't afford to pay 10x what everyone else in the first world pays for treatment
>I'm a retarded "economist" and feelings fag that doesn't see the immense profit available from legal heroin as well as not understanding that when Portugal decriminalized all drugs the addiction rates went down and rehab self admittance went up
No one takes Americans seriously because of people like you.

There is a ton of money and manufacturing jobs to be made in clean energy and I think he has friends ( ie Peter Theil) who probably would like him less if he would make their efforts less profitable.

What I think will happen is that many REGULATIONS for stuff like carbon caps and safety/environment mandates will likely weaken under his term.

To be fair, if these are your central concerns, you should legitimately look into emigrating.

That's not being glib. I mean it.

(not you, the people concerned).

These things, variations of them, are fairly common in many Western Nations. Most of these nations are open to migration, so it might be worth a shot moving. Same with the gun control issue.

You Americans should ride the fear wave while you can. Probably start posting pics of a noose with an all CAPS message like GATHER THEM UP.

Liberals are such whiny babies holy shit

I didn't even touch on Trump and the republican party being 1984 tier when it comes to the internet, encryption, and everything else related to that, which is my personal primary concern.

I voted for Zoltan.

Liberals cannot lose. It's anti-natural and morally wrong.

You make an excellent point, I'd have to say you are right.

People are brainwashed by the media.


its like the LHC actually did open a tear to another dimension where logic is an uncommon ability


People love to feel victimized these days for a lot of reasons. But one of the main reasons is how much attention they get from it.

common sense died a long fucking time ago

Their Supreme court is a little strange. I think it's because the rules were drafted at a time when their was much less federal oversight and connection between judges from state to state.

It's very strange to an outsider to see judges appointed based on their political beliefs. Since we view the law as having to be impartial.

Their law enforcement system is similarily strange, with the issue, for instance, of voting for Sheriffs, something that would be completely foreign and alien to us in the U.K. derived systems.

No real reason to touch on it though - Under Hillary it would have been exactly the same.

I don't want to get all /x/ tier, but it appears your intelligence agencies, going back to at least JFK/LBJ/Nixon aren't all that concerned with the President.

She certainly wasn't going to be making anything more transparent or easier after Wikileaks.

Even though she apparently objected to it, I'm sure a variation of the TPP would have been enacted under her.

None of that bullshit friend, we get back to work and make America great again. We make our children's future great again. The day the boot has been lifted of our necks. It going to take work and we all need to pitch in. Fear is how they controlled these people. But that fear never worked on us. We need the help these people deprogram and see the promise land. We need the peace and prosperity we all deserved for so long.

It's a bit the same when Schwarzenegger became the governator. All the liberal pukes freaked the fuck out because they're all over emotional little pussies. It's not like Trump has a bunch of brown shirts at his beck and call to go break shit. It's actually the dems that have large mobs of negros and paid agitators at the ready.


Yeah you're right. I just want to bitch about outlawing math.

I Knew faggot foreigners would start saying that shit. I just hope you're not a remainfag.

72nd post best post


I like the U.K. on the issue.

>You are Literally Hitler

>No I'm not

>Decrypt your drive then

>Huh? No.

>Alright - Enjoy your jail stay for admitting to being Literally Hitler

>ID: sAw4Ayes
>I love being white
Can't make this shit up.

>Call up my female friend as instructed by this image
>Tell her she doesn't matter to me because Trump is now president
>She laughs and asks if I want to go see Dr.Strange tomorrow

Nice to know that not everyone is a sensitive cunt

is the movie good btw

>abortion rights
Oh no! People will actually have to consider the results of their actions again! That's such a shame!
states are able to provide healthcare to those who can't afford it, through their state programs. If your state doesn't have one, it's a local problem not a national one
>legalization of drugs
State controlled. Not federal. Fuck off with the scaremongering.
>muh church and state separation
Keep in mind that Pence only asks those who are religious to bow in prayer during rallies. Not everyone.

Pull your head out of your ass, man. The MSM, the SJWs, and the entire left are so full with the propaganda that they have you all fucked up and confused.