Goblins Comic

He's not going to make it is he?

thank god





You should donate Sup Forums, don'cha like cartoons?

Nice try.

4 people pledged 10 grand, each. Where do I get this kinda money?

Make a webcomic kickstarter.

what do i get by donating 50 bucks?

But he won't get that money unless it reaches 100%, so a bad scheme.


really? that sucks

I'm amazed he got this far.

Make a webcomic...uh, Indiegogo?


why would you want this?

>It's actually I'M SAD
I've always thought it was IM SAD, mispelled like that.
I've been quoting it wrong for years.

been checking this out lately. the dnd meta humor is hit and miss but it is comfy despite the SAD TIMES.

It has its up and downs. But boy, when it's down, it really digs through the bottom of the barrel.

It's Lazerbot who uses "Im", get it right

Thank fuck.
I used to enjoy Goblins until i realised the author has a throbbing erection when he's drawing the gore and torture porn.

how in gods name did he get that much money

Don't kink shame

Some people don't have a hate boner for him
Also Phil Lamar and Tara Strong

It's less that he's getting off to it, more that the art is disturbing as fuck.


>Tara Strong
The whore of voice acting industry


how was he ever going to get those two on board his half baked project

is that where his absurd sum for this comes from? The salary of a few voice acting stars?

I honestly want to support him because I can see that he's genuinely trying to make his dream a reality - I know it sounds melodramatic. However, however, I will not as 250 thousand dollars for five minute pitch is ridiculous.