Would he have stood a chance against Trump?

Would he have stood a chance against Trump?

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no, hes a stupid socialist.

How can a man stand against a god?

No. You have to be 18 or older to vote.

Probably. He had like a 70% Favorability rating last time I checked.

at the very least two anti-establishment candidates would've been interesting
but that's all assuming he isn't a piece of shit like the emails make him out to be

Yeah,he may be a socialist but he isn't a corrupt pedo.

Fuck no. Working class whites hate commies.

This fucker said that whites should apologize for slavery.

Burnie said "Burn the Bridges"


Yea. Mainly because he had momentum with the people. But also it would have been harder for trump to differentiate himself from bernie on alot of goals. Trump would have had less avenues of attack against bernie without sounding hypocritical in his own goals.

More likeable on a base level and basically no baggage, so yes, he would have had a better chance. This is a lesson to the Democratic party who, in the "anti-establishment" election railroaded in their handpicked favorite and stifled Bernie along with the media.

No, the thought that he would is nothing more than a meme.

The man is a spinless cuck. He's not a leader.

This. Anti-stablishment, non-full-globalist like Clinton politicians would have been really interesting

Of course.

But Hillary just HAD to be the candidate didn't she? :^)

Don't know, but the race would have been more interesting with both being anti-establishment candidates.

I think he would have won. Trump just barely managed a lot of his states. This was a close electiom overall.

He certainly wouldn't have told over half of his own party to get fucked, that might not have won him the election but it certainly wouldn't have hurt him. The Democrats are going to bear Bernie on their chest like an open wound for a long time to come.


I sincerely believe that he is the one person that could have stopped Trump.

This entire election has been a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors between Hillary, Sanders, and Trump.

I think Trump could've Jeb'd him. Complete character assassination like that wouldn't be too hard against Bernie.

no it would've been a landslide

Bernie would of beaten Trump soundly. Hillary was just that bad of a canidate between those emails and Bengazi etc. The country wasn't eady for a woman president.

The only reason trump and Clinton had a chance was that they were running against each other

No the black voters wouldn't have voted for a Jewish candidate.

They have similar messages, Bernie is less acerbic and has a better favorability rating across most demographics. Polling during the primaries showed him easily besting TRUMP where Clinton struggled, even six months out. He certainly would have done better and that's for sure. Trump only squeaked by AFTER multiple corruption scandals tainting Hillary's already poor image. Bernie wouldn't have had the same weaknesses.

Democrats sure are fucking stupid. They had their own populist uprising candidate who drew in crowds and galvanized independents like TRUMP and threw him under the bus in favor of a thoroughly unlikable and unpopular candidate out of intra-party loyalty.

She probably regrets whatever she 'agreed' to at bilderberg meeting in 2012 to let Obama win.

Backstabbed by the jews ;3

Is she our girl yet?


> He had like a 70% Favorability rating last time I checked.

>Believing (((polls)))

Even without superdelegates, he'd have lost to Hilldag

a ghost of the chance, murica is doomed

Did Bernie even have any scandals at all?