CGP Grey is pushing the "The Electoral College is Bad" Agenda yet again

CGP Grey is pushing the "The Electoral College is Bad" Agenda yet again.

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he's a moron I thought he was like 15 and googled it and he's 30 wtf

>being pro electoral college
Literally why? There is zero reason for it. They only reason it has lasted this long is cronyism.

He also lives in Britain and works as a physics teacher somewhere.

It was made by the founding fathers to prevent bribes and imbalance of powers. They are infinitely more smart than our politicians today, so it should stay.

He's such a piece of shit.

Baked into all of his analyses about alternative voting systems is that direct democracy is the best system, and he refuses to acknowledge that anyone might have a valid reason to disagree.

Trump was leading in the popular vote until they counted most of the California votes.

I live in California. I don't want the faggots here to have any bigger of a say in choosing the President than they already do.

CGP Grey doesn't give a fuck about who won, he just thinks the election system is retarted, both in America and Britain. He even said that it was fuckng stupid that UKIP only has 1 seat in parlament even though they clearly represent more of that when you look at the votes.

>There is zero reason for it

Imagine if Presidential candidates only had to try to appeal to people in the biggest cities and could be openly hostile to people who lived anywhere else.

You think the people in rural areas might want to secede from a country that guaranteed them no representation in the highest office?

electoral votes are based on representative seats, which are based on population.
If you made it a pure popularity contest shitlibs could pack their state full of immigrants and sweep every election. Politicians would focus entirely on NY, CA, IL, TX, FL, etc. and ignore everyone else.

you faggots are these fucking scared of states getting out of the union?

And he's wrong, in both cases.

UKIP denouncing FPTP was totally self-serving.

If the UK had proportional representation, it would just be UKIP getting seats in the Parliament. All the fringe lefty parties would get seats too.

And you wouldn't have any control over which fringe lefty you were getting as your party's representative because they wouldn't be a local representative, they'd be a national representative chosen for you by the party.

It's a totally shit idea. CGP Grey is a complete fucking idiot who has a smart sounding "NPR voice".

This dude has wayy too much influence on people. We should start organizing to stack comments and break through his wall of retards.

Long term, there needs to be a conservative version of this channel.
>inb4 (((pragerU)))

According to his data, the other times the candidate who "won" the popular vote had over 50%. Hillary is sitting at 47.6% last I checked. She didn't get a majority. If you change the electoral college, you need to change other things as well, or you'll just be stuck with a different kind of "wrong" results.

Trump won by 90 electoral votes, which means at least 10 states didn't even matter at all.

By the way, hillary only won the popular vote by a few thousand, meaning EVERY SINGLE person's vote mattered, except for like a small city's worth

Hillary won the popular vote because of illegals.

I don't think it should change but Trump didn't get a majority either.

>Liberals are all of a sudden bitching about the electoral college
>Never said a word about it when Obama was elected through it, twice

He is right. The electoral college is bad. His arguments make sens.

I don't understand why it's not just a one person one vote system, to me this seems the most democratic way. Anyone got a good reason for the electoral college system?

If it's true, it's an issue with the ballot system not with the concept of popular election. In France you need to be register and to have and ID with photo.

>all of a sudden
How can you call yourself an American and be pro-EC?

I honestly don't know any good reason to have an electoral college today.

I guess they were afraid states would simply leave the Union since they have low population, highest density areas would be mandatory and campaign runs would only go to this places while neglecting the rest of the country

it's not a better or worst system overall, has it's defects but so does standard majority of population voting

He says it in here. The top 100 cities is only 20% of the population

>we should use this retarded system because this privileged minority wouldn't be priveleged anymore
Stop being a cuck. That isn't an argument. No one is going to secede.

>people actually believe this shit
That's bullshit. The EC is cronyism, pure and simple. It's a way for politicians to ingratiate themselves to friends and family. The system is MORE susceptible to bribes due to the EC.

The fact that the EC has any support on both sides is very worrying. It suggests they don't actually care about who wins, they just care about the illusion of choice.

But what is the reason behind another layer of bureacracy between who the people as a whole wants in charge and who gets to be in charge in the end?

It is bad though. Popular vote should determine the winner in all cases. I voted for Trump and I'm glad he won, but I'm not going to sit here and defend a bullshit system just because it benefitted my guy this time.


It blows my mind when people are so blatantly anti-democracy. It's even more retarded than the fascistboos, it's blatant short sightedness.

>being pro-democracy
The state of America is because of democracy.

Your constitutional reminder that the United States is a federation, not a unitary nation.

Stop focusing so much on national government, devolve power to the States, and participate in your State and local elections for once.

public sector, what can you do.

I thought Mr. Trump won the public vote.

>the United States is a federation, not a unitary nation

sounds more like a heavy Republican system not necesarilly federal, the system would be federal if allstates had the same ammount of seats

Jesus Christ, no, the electoral college exists because the USA is not a single country, it's a union of multiple states.

When I voted, I was NOT voting for who I think should be president, I was voting for who PENNSYLVANIA thinks should be president. The reason why our election is this way is because the opinion of the states matters more than the opinions of every single individual. This was a perfectly fine system until the federal government started gaining power.

Now in a post-FDR world, people seem to forget that the USA's states are more than just regions that people live in.

>all states had the same ammount of seats
They do. In the Senate each State has two senators, no more, no less.

If there wasn't an electoral college (aka centralized parliamentary system), the most densely populated areas would be able to control the rest, regardless of differences.

he did. Globalist shills got eternally btfo in every way.

How can anyone defend EC? Dustbins like Wyoming and Vermont have near as much power as California and Texas. And no you can't just tour the 3 major cities and win in a non-EC election, America is spread as fuck and the major cities do not account for even close to a majority of America's population.

i think (since i haven't actually made any studies on it) that the system was in place to convince the states that they had influence in the Executive power and don't give the mexcuses to get the fuck out of a union they felt they didn't represent

I'm fine with the electoral college for now. I just want Ranked Choice Voting. So i can vote Libertarian first and republican second.

without the electoral college, cities would decide the fate for an entire country. take pennsylvania. its practically 90% red, but would go blue just because of phillidelphia.

>le everything should be democratic
fuck you retards pure democracy is retarded that's why we're a democratic republic


Approval Voting >>>>> Ranked choice Voting

Approval Voting versus IRV

Favorite Betrayal in Plurality and Instant Runoff Voting

>Made a video for STV
>Gets mad when the most democratic system, a Ref, doesn't go his way
>rinse and repeat
what a cuck

So liberals want more direct democracy now because Hillary could've had a chance of winning that way.

But when direct democracy fails them like Brexit they want to restrict voting rights from old people and those without didn't finish college.

What a bunch of petulant little childs.

The only problem with this is the fact that that 20% is usually the biggest part of states. Not only that but because of that it gives them more lectoral votes. Those Middle states More often than not dont matter when you look at Cali just entirely offsetting them.

But of course Libs lose and they need to change everything so that only they win.

I'd honestly be surprised if he didn't do the same if it had happened to Clinton.

I doubt he'd care if Hillary had won

>Dustbins like Wyoming and Vermont have near as much power as California and Texas

They really don't.
Anyway the USA is 50 states that form a union, not a country that was divided into 50 states.

And how come people who complain about the EC don't complain about the Senate, where Wyoming actually has the same power as California?

Libertarianism will never work


The EC makes perfect sense if you keep in mind that the US are a federation. If the system changes, the federation is over. It's not a small thing. And it certainly shouldn't be argued for or against just after winning/losing an election. That's just childish.

You're right but they're almost doing it right now.

>It was made by the founding fathers

No it wasn't, it was implemented in the late 20th, early 21st Century.