Anyone feeling bad for Nate? His career basically ended last night. It's hard to start over from nothing...

Anyone feeling bad for Nate? His career basically ended last night. It's hard to start over from nothing, does he have any other marketable skills?




He should sell shoes.

Didn't he have the poll that gave trump the highest chance though?



his fucking hair


XCOM Ironman is a bitch

He has the skill of losing hair at incredible rates


>the JUST haircut would literally be an upgrade

Spokesman for male pattern baldness

I wouldn't say his career is over. He actually gave Trump a better chance than the other pollsters.

Nate Bronze gave Trump a 28% chance on election day.

NY Times and HuffPo were giving him 1%. Princeton was giving him

Maybe as a bomb squad assistant. He picks all the "right" choices and safely defuses the "wrong" ones.


Well it actually looks like he hit the nail on the head. Way to save face even with shit data!

To be fair, his job depended on a shitload of polls that were fucked since day 1. His fault for thinking they were real though.

Other than being a hideous nu-male kike? Not really, no.

It's over for Nate, expect to see him working the drive throu at burger King next week

>His career basically ended last night
You'd think so, except every other forecaster did worse than him. And people will still want forecasts, even if they can't forecast shit. Therefore despite all the credibility lost he and his peers will always be in demand.

he's got a face not even a mother can love