Preview Mister Miracle #5

In which things still don't happen yet.





>waaaah why isnt every comic mindless action all throughout

>waaaaaah where's the bad guy to smash

Not that kind of story why are you even posting the preview if you have a problem with it honestly I don’t know what you were expecting

Is MM reliant on prior Fourth World knowledge? I'm reading it as someone who's never read any of that stuff and it's a fucking chore. I liked Vision and Sheriff, but this does absolutely nothing for me

It's also abusing decompression, to the point where it's killing the pace. King also overdoes the naturalistic tone of dialogue he's usually a lot more restrictive with in other books. Not everybody should read like a stammering retard.

>Is MM reliant on prior Fourth World knowledge?
None whatsoever, if anything you'd probably like it even less

user it's taking him six issues to even start the plot. i'd say it's a slog

>Replying to yourself

Man! That quote always makes me sad no matter the context.

>King feels he'll never be as great as the greats and that makes him feel sad
Huh, never thought about that. At least with developing video games, there are no greats. Just some overblown creative idea men.

Where did Barda's ass go?

I'm having a hard time following the story, so MM thinks people (and himself?) are being influenced by darkseid and now he's being executed for accusing others of that?

The truth is that yes, many concepts require a prior explanation, because only scott can see metron or the ambiguous of what is the anti life equation.
I recommend reading the original MM, Orion de walter simons and original new gods.
I would say the fourth world john bryne but it is too dense and boring for anyone who has not read something from him before.

It does not matter if you do not like this book, This comes to anyone who likes king.

No. I've only read the 11 issue New Gods series and I still enjoy it. On the other hand I cannot for the life of me bring myself to enjoy Kirby's New Gods. I'm about to start the original Mister Miracle and hopeful it's a step up from how boring the New Gods was. I really don't think I get why this series gets so much praise, aside from the art and setting.


I don’t find the plot to be quite moving but then again I normally don’t have the attention span of a gold fish

>King expects us to forgive his complete misunderstanding of the characters because he acknowledges how poorly he measures up to Kirby
Typical needy gen-x bullshit.


>Those last two panels

Godammit why did the preview end there.

King, go see a therapist

No because if you know anything about the 4th world this is pretty shitty.

It gets even worse when you hear King's thoughts about Scott, he even said Scott didn't qualify as a superhero because he's just a showman.

Although being honest scott almost never was much to save people, I mean, if there was an obvious occasion to save someone it was. But almost never going through the streets in an altruistic way rescuing and fighting crime, In the king's run he was almost always trying to make his shows while the darkseid soldiers tried to kill him and in the bryne he directly denied being a God to remain the MM of shows.

Orion's clearly evil and fucking with Scott.

Makes sense. MM KNOWS the Anti Life equation.

Man, I hope they make a hard cover compilation. I want to buy this shit as big book.

Wasn't he in the fricking Justice League? What did he do there if he's not a heroic character.

>and in the bryne he directly denied being a God to remain the MM of shows.
Wasn't that because he knew the anti-life equation? And he didn't want to abuse his power. It also kind of contradicts King's statement that Scott also resents Orion because he's Highfather's heir when that really wasn't ever the case. Not to mention the people of New Genesis would not accept Orion as High Father, especially not after what happened in Simonson's run.

But yeah just going by Jack Kirby's stories Scott's main thing was just doing his show, You can argue Orion was more heroic than he was even if his priority was stopping Darkseid he did go out of his way to actively help people from time to time.

I remember that I was in the league reluctantly, It was the one who had insisted, It was not so long and we had to resolve certain issues as a team about apocalips.

Nope, It was because he directly just did not want to. He did not feel at all comfortable because he reigned being that for highfather he was just part of a deal. Orion if it makes sense desu, scott would never have been jealous for that, But hey, King does his new interpretation, It's ok, No better than Kirby but it's fine.

Only King knows WTF is happening but people theorize it's Darkseid using the Anti-Life Equation to fuck with him.

Darkseid and Metron subjected Orion to the equation to see what it did to him so I wouldn't put it past Darkseid doing something similar to Scott.

Pretty sure they are going to compile this.

Supposedly cartoonist James Romberger met Kirby at a convention and he showed Kirby his portfolio to which Kirby replied “Kid, you’re one of the best. But put your work in galleries. Don’t do comics. Comics will break your heart.” It was Kirby stirring Romberger away from having a career as a comic illustrator based on his experience and according to Romberger he was pretty cheerful at the time that he said that.

I don't know what the significance of it being in King's MM comic is, the only thing I can get out of it for now is "Comics are sad" which isn't what Kirby meant but whatever.

Also I'm willing to bet the "Life at best is bittersweet" quote is going to end up appearing in the last issue. It's a given seeing how he's quoting the old Kirby narrating boxes throughout his comic and the fact that said quote was said by Darkseid in the last issue of Mister Miracle. It's most likely going to be there regardless of context.

>that Barda


>King takes giant steaming shit on the themes and characters of Jack's great DC work.
>"Please forgive me. I'm just a humble writer who can never measure up to the greats."

Then stop butchering Jack's work. Typical CIA double think bullshit. I'll do one thing and then ask you to treat me as if I didn't do thing.

Oy, be careful with your words, scrub. I still have friends in CIA.

Well yeah. The CIA treats the mid east like a pinball game and then asks you to please not think about it, we're doing our best to keep America safe from the bad guys honest.

The CIA is the world's biggest joke. They can't keep secrets, can't keep America safe, can't be trusted, and can't get the candidate they back with all their power into office. They're the keystone cops of government institutions up there with NASA.

That King was fired from them says a whole lot about what a loser he is.

No, but they can kill you, boy.

Sleep tight. Fucker.

Why didn't Gerards trace someone who didn't draw women with a flat ass?

That's debatable, he didn't go out there actively searching for people to save but he was heroic, he saw an alien invasion happening or someone needing help and he went and helped. In Tom's King comic he sees horrible shit happen and shrugs it off unless it forces him to confront his feelings (Orion questioning him for example).

>I remember that I was in the league reluctantly, It was the one who had insisted, It was not so long and we had to resolve certain issues as a team about apocalips.

I don't get what you're trying to convey with this sentence, are you roleplaying? Or did your autocorrect fucked it up?

It's good that Kirby didn't see a character that he based on himself and Steranko, two badasses, be so pathetic, pitiful, and spineless.

The part were Lightray killed Bug while he was asking Scott for help and Scott just goes "Jesus" while still drinking his coffee, that was pretty bad. I guess we're suppose to get that Scott is depressed and depression devoids you of your personality or the tiring "Anti-life equation is fucking him up" excuse that at is already wearing thin, but it felt wrong. Scott wouldn't let that shit go no matter how sad he was.

I don't know but Scott just comes out as indifferent and egotistic at some points. Then again everyone in this comic, with the exception of Bug and Barda, come off as shitty people.


So what's a god place to learn about the new gods?

New Gods #1, by Jack Kirby
Mister Miracle #1, by Jack Kirby
Forever People #1, by Jack Kirby

Start there and don't stop until it's time to stop.

Don't forget the Jimmy Olsen

>It's good that Kirby didn't see a character that he based on himself and Steranko, two badasses, be so pathetic, pitiful, and spineless.
I think Jack Kirby would've told you to grow up.

You really don't get how attached he was to these characters or setting. He would have hated this.

he would've been happy to see something different and not a pale imitation or retread of what he did

>He would have hated this.
You don't know jack shit about Jack Kirby. This shit would be right up his alley.

There's an Omnibus of Kirby's Fourth World that's just come out.
Buy it or find a download.

Besides this

I also recommend Orion by Walt Simonson.

>telling people to grow up
This is the guy who did Funky Flashman and Cogburn as digs against Stan and Byrne.

He also raged when Byrne made Barda do porn and was touchy about how people handled Barda and Scott.

Depressing soyboi stories would not be up his alley.

>Hey true believers!
Lol not even Kirby was this obvious and he was pretty obvious about who Funky Flashman was.

>Fucking Kirby was more subtle than King

I can't wait for King's depression to finally kill him. I hope they publish the suicide letter.