>libtards/SJWs/leftists want to move to Canada/Australia


Come to Lithuania

What a time to be alive.

yeah fuck off we're full

>calls themself american
>wants to leave when things don't go there way

im liberal by the way and i'd rather live under the tyrannical rule of emperor trump than move to canada

Build a wall
And make America pay for it

Serious question; how difficult would it be to pick up the Lithuanian language? Half of my family is from there.

Why don't they go to fucking Mexico?
Seems pretty chauvinistic to me to go to another white culturally anglo saxo protestant country.

They collapsed immigration webs from Canada /New Zealand, it seems they don´t want to contribute in Mexico or Africa kek


It's rather hard, even for native speakers.
School students use the English language better then their own.
But it's definitely possible if you put time into it

surely weedlmao man is on board, it would cement your continued slide toward a false scifi utopia

how mature of you, although a bit of a poor sport already calling him a tyrant

Half my friends list on FB is "moving to canada".

Don't worry leafs none will come because they're too poor to be able to afford to leave.

I wanna be a leaf ;n;
I'm not even angry I'm just sad, I love my homeland but I don't think I can stay here now

This tbqh

We're full and -20 celcius is fuckin cold.
We cant do anything about the temperature I'm sorry.

I know, it's so funny how they subconsciously recognize they're wrong and avoid all the places they wanted immigrants from.

C'mon, Chinaman, be a dude, not a dick!

It will never happen.

Australia is protected by the ocean, and Canada is protected by its hilariously strict and ridiculously specific immigration criteria.
It's almost 5 times harder to immigrate to Canada than it is any other western white country.

Isn't it funny that the only two countries these liberals can run to are the best posters in the world?


>tfw wanted to move to canada for a long time
>tfw canada has the two things I want most, cold and loneliness
guess I'm fucking to alaska thanks liberals

This, we cherry pick immigrants and send the trash back.

Have these retards ever had a cohesive thought in their lives? How the fuck do they expect to move to another country without having the money or job qualifications to even BEGIN to think of moving out of the US? If you don't have something to offer, other countries don't want you. Do these fuck-knuckles really expect to immigrate to Canada or whatever and get on welfare? These dumb fucks would starve without state support!

I dont know why these fuckers want to come here. We dont even let gays marry. Abortion is illegal. And we lock refugees in prison.

They're not gonna move to another country, they haven't even moved out of mom's basement yet