What has Trump said about the LGBT community that SJWs are pissing themselves over?


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He usually just says that issues like that should be decided by the state.

This. He has never said anything negative about faggots. Faggots are just gay, and gayness is a mental defect, as you can clearly see.



(it's just fags and queers making themselves the victims as usual)

Nothing trannies for trump

This. Liberal shits in general love to be the victims in everything.

he didn't say he will pander to them

Isn't it about some law Pence voted on fucking ages ago?

This, Trump is honestly likely more pro-gay than fucking shitlery. I mean I feel that way, not to mention he loves the 2nd so even if the SJW's were right I'd at least have my fucking guns. God emperor Trump all the way from an honest to god asspounder.


People like to forget that in 2000 he ran reform party with a major pillar of his campaign being reforming the civil rights act to include gay and lesbian rights.

I literally do not understand the "hurdur trump hates lgbtwxyzqhiv+" meme. Only one of them had the father of the Orlando shooter at their rally and only one of them wants to keep people from countries where homosexuality is punishable by death from entering the country.

I really do wish I was rich, I would pay for these people to take a tour of Arabic countries so they could see what "homophobia, sexism, etc" actually looks like.

Fucking nothing. He's been defending them for almost two decades. Ironically against the Clintons.


His VP represents a Christian Right constituency and Trump says he'll appoint pro-life constitutionalist judges. The Clinton coalition is still acting like it's bound together by anything, so they're all upset about these people despite the varieties of their potential policies.

It's less about Trump and more about the all republican government. Pic related.

Gay dude here, feel way safer with Trump than Clinton. I'd rather not be tossed off a building by refugees, thanks.

Stopped reading right there.
Gotta do better than that Ahmed.

I'm really not sure where the retarded "women's and gay rights will be taken away" left meme is coming from and it's really confusing me why people acting out as such.

If they're so scared of being oppressed and killed, then I guess it's a good thing we didn't elect the candidate who wanted to import Sharia en masse!

It's a smart post thought that makes probable predictions

Closeted bi here. Trump wins the same day my 9" fling comes back from vacation.

Truly a great day.

literally nothing. didn't bruce jenner love him and went in the women's restroom in a trump tower and stuff? (maybe they're mad cause im still calling him bruce....)

I'm a 6' 4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 a year. Ask me anything.


Why does this fucking society celebrate weakness? You literally don't see the same thing in Asian countries, why is the Western civ cucking itself so hard?

Nothing in particular. This is really just another case "look at me! Please, I need attention and validation!" from the lgbt crowd. Nothing to see, move on.

Nothing. They just dont know anything else to say.


We played world police too hard. People now see it as just and brave to fight oppression and for the unheard voice, even if you're literally making it up.

>The great LGBTQ self-purge of 2016

hahaha, let's spread this hit alll over twitter, fucking gold.

>Why does this fucking society celebrate weakness?
Because being weak is now considered to make you a better human being in this shit society. It'll change in time, though.

The problem is when the state is majority controlled by religionfags who will do their hardest to try to make sure they don't get any rights. Plus as people mentioned Pence is totally in this mindset. That's what they are afraid of and rightfully so IMO. You can't trust those people.

He has literally nothing against gay people. Liberals who complain about this are brainwashed dipshits.

It's almost like states should be allowed to be different or something

What has Biden done as vp? Literally nothing. I doubt pence will do much either, and I doubt he'd sway trump's opinion on gays and their "rights" judging by what I've read on trump's stance on said rights.

He said he supports them, even the T.
They are upset because if even the Republican party becomes pro-LGBT, they will no longer have anything to complain about.

Like I said it's not necessarily him it's the people around him they have concerns about.
Because everyone is able to "just pack up and move" to another state? People should feel welcome no matter what state.
Not just pence but judges, and as I said specific state legislators/governors, congress etc. It adds up. Maybe it'll be just fine? But they do have a legit concern.

Trumps "hatred of gays" is right up there with Trumps "warmongering" as things that just baffle me on how libs can come up with shit like that

all memes aside, the man was, is and shall be a New York liberal, and is more gay friendly than Clinton

Something about protecting them from Muslim hordes that hang them in Stadiums, therefore he must be evil right?

Milo calls the guy daddy ffs...

She is a saudi royal pet, and beholden to mudslimes.

There is few things more antithetical to American freedom, including the freedom to be an honest to god asspounder, than islam. As a child of the 80's I used to have an honest concern about the christian right wing controlling everything, but the most radical christians are pretty tame compared to moderately serious islamists. Even the most back-woods hillbilly preacher would probably hesitate to advocate for fag bashing, but its not that difficult to find an islamic preacher who will gladly tell you that it is your duty to righteously smite sodomites.

they fear iron mike

He actually has a history of supporting some gay Republican group and said the Supreme Court had settled things
They're just being sheep and doing what the media tells them to

But then why pick people to surround yourself with who aren't that? I'm just confused about that. I mean I aint gay but I can understand they have some legit concern. Overblown or not it exists.

Good. States shouldn't become homogenized and should be able to express some form of sovereignty that respects the larger population's wishes within reason. If you're a faggot, maybe you should move out of Bumfuck, Alabama instead of trying to turn the entire country into New York City. There is 300 million people in this country; the federal government shouldn't be making sweeping legislation that is in conflict with half the states in the union and good portion of the population.

No. You don't have the right to be liked and accepted no matter what your behavior anywhere you might want to live. Nor should other people be expected to not only accept, but facilitate that behavior

Because his VP believes in shock therapy for gay/straight conversion and is anti gay marriage

kys faggot

he has yet to address their persecution complex yet, and so is naturally regarded with scorn

Trump has literally said he wants to protect fags from extremist ideologies like Islam that actually chuck gays off rooftops, and this is how they repay him. Sad!

Mike "Zap the gay away" Pence

The truth is, Trump is the most pro-LGBT president in history. But it doesn't fit the narrative.

Literally nothing.

This is a man who has been a Hollywood star for decades. Do they really think that he could get away with being an unabashed homophobe and still work in that town?

>make sure they don't get any rights.
Please tell me, right now, what """rights""" they don't have.
And don't say something stupid like they can't shit in the other bathroom.

>he loves the 2nd so even if the SJW's were right I'd at least have my fucking guns

i think more gay women have guns than gay men

Like Clinton, he's a puppet of banks and big corporations who sponsor LGBT (retards are easy cash) so he won't do anything against them.

Pence was for two reasons: to show the GOP he wasn't trying to overthrow the party, and as a life insurance policy. Killing Trump means Pence is president. A much worse scenario in the mind of any would be assassin.

>People should feel welcome no matter what state.
Yes, including the religious. People are different and have different cultures and values, what makes you feel welcome might be a horrible sin for someone else.

the whole 'trump is racist/sexist/homophobic' is just a fucking meme that normies like to parrot.

the only way they can back it up is by misquoting him

Nothing, but Mike 'AC/DC FOR LGBT' Pence did.

Does anyone have a screenshot of the stupid pic where it says "good luck explaining your Trump vote to your LGBT, Muslim, and black friends" or whatever?

I'm gay and my mother is as terrified of a Trump presidency because she thinks gay marriage would get repealed or something, as if I'd want to marry some faggot anyway.

Even if Trump was anti-gay or some shit, who could be so selfish as to vote for the objectively worse choice just because the better one might not like them as much


Nothing. Donald Trump is about the most pro-Gay Republican you can imagine.

For all the talk of him being a racist sexist xenophobe, one of his danger areas in the Republican primaries was the fact that he's absolutely none of those things.

"New York Values."

Oh yeah, and at least trump would fucking tell you to your face if he didn't like you, instead of talking about it for years and then switching positions at the very last second and pretending you've always been their best friend

i haven't seen it, which doesn't mean it does not happen, but on all the occasions i've seen someone of the wrong gender in a bathroom no one has ever tossed them out
hell, base women go to the men's room in clubs all the time because their gender bathroom always has a wait

>I literally do not understand the "hurdur trump hates lgbtwxyzqhiv+" meme
because these retards don't leave their echo chamber ever. They see he's republican, and thinks he's one of them when they fought him the entire way.

I actually saw someone say that Trump is in favor of globalism because he's rich.

>guy who likes camera more than money and life
>guy who spent half his life in showbiz

He is surrounded by fags all his life, he doesn't have to pretend that he loves them, but he will be neutral at worst.

Goddamn I hate that cunt be she is looking delicious.

Literally nothing. They are fucking stupid.

Then move to a gay state!

It's like they assume right wing = anti-LGBT.

What's wrong with state where everyone hates faggots to not let faggots adopt children and destroy their lives?

The problem is when the state is majority controlled by religionfags who will do their hardest to try to make sure they don't get any rights.

i dont see wher is teh porblem

Who cares, let them wallow

Because California or another really liberal state is as remotely hostile to religious people ? Fuck they let SCIENTOLOGY be a religion in that state. Think about that. Christians are a majority still and are not persecuted (in this country maybe in places like middle east where they are minority) I may not be gay but I'm agnostic and myself really do feel at times like people out there hate me so I can understand a bit of what they are going through and even felt it when there was a short time I was in a catholic school. Some states they have it illegal to be agnostic/atheist etc and run for office. My state (NC) is my home , I grew up here , my parents/sibling are here , I don't want to leave it (not that I could right now money wise that's impossible) I want it to be good for everybody yes even the religious but too many of them don't care about me or other people different from them and that is reality.

There was a thinkprogress article this morning about how Trump will gas all the gays or something. I'm not linking it.

He assumed the former Bruce Jenners pronouns when he said she was welcome to use the womens bathroom in the Trump Tower.

>All these trannies/fags/etc saying "WE ARE GOING TO BE KILLED IN THE STREETS"

I can only wish, but why do they believe this?

Then move.. Gay rights was always a state issue. It's never been a federal issue and it never will be. Hello! We live in a republic.

Secondly, getting gay rights does nothing for your safety. Letting in Catholics from Mexico sure as fuck doesn't. Letting in Muslims sure as fuck doesn't.

>Some states they have it illegal to be agnostic/atheist

Name one

I aint gay but I understand them for my own reasons.
So you really just don't care about any other kind of person expect ones that fit your box? Way to "bring everybody together" as even trump himself wants according to his victory speech.

It is not Trump they are worried about. Look up some of the stuff Pence has said/worked on in Indiana regarding defense of marriage and other LGBT issues. Additionally while in Congress he always prioritized Religion freedoms over LGBT rights. That is what has many of the SJWs pissed.

don't lose hope

>Vice President
>any power


I meant as Running for office not period. Here you go:
My state specifically says this:
> “The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

He didn't even say that about most of their issues.

They're being fucking mental cases like they always are.

>So you really just don't care about any other kind of person expect ones that fit your box?

Do you care about cultures where it's ok to marry 12 year old girl? What about being able to stone her? What about eye for an eye punishment? What about capital punishment? What about concubines? What about poligamy? What about sharia law? Would you let all that in your state? Or are you a heartless careless person?

Just move to commiefornia if you want to be a fag. Just like you move to Texas if you want guns and freedom.

That's a dead link and even if such laws are on the books anywhere, they would be instantly laughed out of court the second somebody tried to enforce them.

>they don't care about anyone else
that's some slippery slope logic you got there bud. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree, I'd say christians are more concerned about the welfare of others than people who are not very religious.

As for marriage being a state's issue, it should be such. There's no reason to let the national government have so much over-arching power, if a state doesn't vote for gay marriage, well then that's democracy in action. Dunno why liberals have a problem with this just because "muh feelings"

Because not being religious or just being gay and not bothering anybody else is totally the same thing as marrying under the age of concent, violence against people, polygamy is again under concent so that should be ok too , nobody ever has advocated for sharia law just stop.

Oh there it goes. What the shit.

The other thing is people don't understand how the supreme court works. They don't haphazardly overturn rulings, there has to be a court case appealed all the way to the top.

And no judge is going to overturn gay rights in ((((((((((current year))))))))))

What rights do you want???

A cake baked for you? Marriage?

This won't change anything. People will still not accept you. It's just a fact. You will always be an extremely small minority and thus will always deal with social discrimination.

How does it bother you if my grandma got wed when she was 14? Or if someone like sharia law? Fucking hypocrite. You do realize that there is capital punishment that you call "violence agaisnt people" in some states right as we speak?????????? Sry if it doesn't fit your box hypocrite.

Stop censoring names, we live in a brave new world where we won't have the fear the libs anymore.

when aren't SJWs pissing themselves?
you can only cry "wolf" so many times
before people tire of your BS

nothing. zero.

They live in a left wing media echo chamber and somehow think that the greatest right a human can have is putting little boys in a dress and that on inauguration day jackboots will come door to door and rip faggots out of their beds and throw them into torture vans.

But should we really give the right of a majority to decide to not give right to a minority? What if you were part of some minority in the future ? You wouldn't want a majority of people basically saying "go fuck yourself" .
I'm not gay but I feel discrimination as a non religious person.
that's some slippery slope logic you got there bud. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree, I'd say christians are more concerned about the welfare of others than people who are not very religious.

Well I call bullshit there plenty of christians hate me , call me immoral (even though im not a bad guy really) a satan worshiper, saying I'm going to hell, etc. They only care about me if they somehow "save" me and get me on their side.
But if the kind you say exist out there I appreciate it if you are one, there aren't many out there.

In Canada nonetheless

They're losing it