Bad Machinery/Scary Go Round

Somebody'bout to get got. And here I thought FutureScout had given up on killing Shelly. I honestly thought she was gonna merc the baby.

My money is on Tim getting shot.

There is still time and Shelly is basically using the baby as a human shield.

Is it about the mystery kids again. I sort of stopped reading when I got to the chapter about the guy who's retarded kid blew up the house so the dad took the blame so they got divorced which is better than the kid getting grounded or whatever

Mystery Kids have been integrated into the "main" SGR cast, getting time interspersed with other plotlines

That kid is now a time traveler who is going to murder her father's girlfriend.

Yeah, I figured that much it just seems like the comic lacks a sense of focus this way.

ruh roh

it's like it was before Bad Machinery, swapping between Esther and The Boy and Shelley/Amy/Ryan

I actually only started reading with BM. I tried to go back once, but well it wasn't clicking

Yeah, the art is a problem when I try to read before BM.

Turns out Tim built a better machine then that all along, one a little kid couldn't fuck with enough to explode a house. Her older self deliberately sabatoged it in a desperate attempt to hold off what's apparently a fixed point in time: Even without that crisis, even when she's fucking KILLED Shelly Winters, Tim keeps leaving her mom for Shelly Winters. But in the new timeline she's now the reason why (even if younger her doesn't realize in what way) and it seems she's gone insane.

Go Scout, take that bitch out.
Go Scout, take that bitch out.

She should have gone back to before Shelley got knocked up, therefore this story's going to end predictably with Scout calling it off at the last moment because "muh morals" and "muh baby".

Someone please explain why Shelly somehow keeps coming back?

Since there was no thread from the last comic, I'll ask it here. When did Blossom go from stocky to thicc? I

probably after all the punching and smashing bitches' faces in that she did

She looks pretty was stocky then too

Her last appearance, I think, was when she joined the band and she was still the same back then, I believe. So yeah, in between that time and now, she shifted from bulky to buxom.

I'd say she really... blossomed.


Scout has gone back lots of times before Shelly got pregnant. See Straight-up murdering Shelly with her baby in her arms is a last resort since the time machine is broken.

It'd be a big loss for the series.

Though wouldn't that also cancel out scout because he won't be able to create another tim machine?