ITT: Published Tumblr comics

ITT: Published Tumblr comics

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What is she up to anyway? you don't hear from her, or Bryan Lee O Malley much these days

"Pub Burger" feels like an oxymoron.
>Most Americans don't call it a Pub
>A proper British Pub wouldn't serve burgers


We don't call every bar a pub, but we do have pubs, and they all have burgers.

Isn't O'Malley still doing Snotgirl

I feel like a deconstruction comic based off titles like these is long overdue.


>this is getting a movie adaptation

Is she wearing a hat or she has an awful awful haircut?

Anyone got more, feel free to keep the thread alive

True, I don't hate the style on most of them but the writing ruins it

awful SJW haircut

I usually hate it when someone uses "Tumblr" as a pejorative adjective, but holy shit is this tumblr

I enjoy this one to be fair

I think the problem is that deconstruction is best done out of appreciation. It's hard to not do one like this angry.

This has some tumblr, but its mostly bad amateur art style


It's not really "tumblr" honestly

the target audience is girls, but yeah it's not "Tumblr" other than the artist got famous through Tumblr and IG

can't go without the holy grail

I think "frustrated" is more accurate. I'm not a bleeding heart, but I get it, if someone wants to do a story about girls doing girl stuff that other girls are into or something about gays and what that's like, hey, more power to them... But they just do it so poorly and in such a misguided way that it genuinely parallels the kids from the 90's trying to be edgy as fuck and totally shocking and new, when they could barely draw anything that didn't go into liefeld territory. Like, those guys and these new tumblr kids, its like they feel the intent alone is impressive, and not the execution.


True, I can get into a gay comic if its written well, I enjoyed the manga Ichi the Killer despite not knowing much about Masochist/Sadist culture. the comic was weird but it gave me an insight on their mindset, which made it a good read

Anything from Marvel right now.

Haven't read Marvel in 5 years, is it that bad? is it continuing to go that trend?

I still fucking hate myself for paying 20$ for this piece of shit comic. Can't believe there was a time where I loved this show. I feel so retarded

>there's a school facing the temple
>the globe doesn't have West Afrazil or a giant crater where Siberia is supposed to be

Trash-tier fanfiction

I still like the concept, Hoppy and Hopper was possibly the best episode

I only wish it went into that direction but instead we got fucking Ruby and Sapphire, and thats were it escalated to trash tier


I can't believe Peridot is fucking dead

I got one from the Webtoons app, Big Jo, started interesting but the fat Lead pulls in so many hunks and boys that its fucking annoying. I only stayed for recent because the jock was actually interesting and learning that peoples value isnt skin deep but nope throw in a fucking love quadrangle and make the runty fat boy who likes main protagonist a hunk too because there wpuld apparently be no competition otherwise. Fuck this ANNOYS ME

Weinstein took it to another level

Kakihara is such a great character.

Yeah he's writing and Leslie hung is drawing

this was the one that had tons and tons of only text stories and was not advertised that it would include that at all, right?

It's not Tumblr but it does currently have shit writing and is all over the place. I honestly can't keep track of anything

Why does this look like JoJo

I read some of the issues and I don't think the ones I read had text only stories, maybe some dialogue-less stories though

Of COURSE the fattest one has an undercut

Fuck I made a thread about that and I was bashed for pointing out the similarity

How come any time you get a bunch of women together and leaves them to their own devices it always ends horribly?

I bet she is even browsing Tumblr

I dunno I like Benji Nate

why is everyone butt ugly in these comics?

Because most women suffer from a "crabs in a bucket" mentality. They can't stand to see someone more successful than they are so they'll constantly find means of degrading each other.
Why do you think they always complain about attractive, desirable women?
A group of a men from different backgrounds and culture may dislike one another but they'll bite their tongue and put aside differences if they're working towards a common goal that will ultimately benefit one another.

Just my opinion anyways.

Jesus Christ

The look like melting Raggity Ann dolls..

American comics were a mistake

how come all tumblr styles look so similar?

the same reason capeshit looks similar, they just copy each other

I thought that was a reddit comic.

Every time I see their eyes I can't help but laugh, they look like they're retarded or something


Is it trying to reference The Simpsons and botching the delivery horribly, or is it just trying to ape the joke without anyone noticing?

Read the damn comic, it's much better than you think.

The funny thing is, in my experience usually the only men that hate each other and refuse to work together are the pathological liars, a.k.a. the men that harbor the most feminine traits. Otherwise, you're right, from my direct experience of seeing it a white supremacist guy will work side-by-side with a mexican guy or black guy on a construction project, no question. He may hate them afterwards, and wish he didn't have to be near them, but he'll do his job with them same as if they were white. No backstabbing.

I call it the Politician Effect. Amongst men, liars get at odds with other liars because they realize the other liar will have it in their best interest to out the first liar and seem like an honest man. It's in their nature to hate each other because their web of lies is obvious to their own kind and stands on a razor's edge to being announced, and a lack the lack of honor in being seen as a liar amongst men is basically the biggest fall from grace that a man can have. But all women are liars and deceivers by nature, so to them it's NBD.

This is also reddit, not tumblr

He publishes it on tumblr, so I'll swing for it.

Whoops, meant
>*and the lack of honor in being seen as a liar

What is with that lettering?

Why does every tumblr comic have to have a fat brown character with an undercut and sometimes has facial hair?

user, you might be retarded.

Nice trips

>Why does every tumblr comic have to have a fat brown character with an undercut and sometimes has facial hair?

You left out androgynous looking, cause godforbid we gender someone.

>rebecca sugar is talented! its just her crew holding her back?
>her magnum opis is a comic about pop culture refferences and people who look like nagasaki bombing victims

She drew that trashfire?!
Goddamn, no wonder they changed the artstyle for SU.

not like I was a big fan of them before
but I loathe floating hearts/hearts in eyes now

Wont lie, art is fucking disgusting but it makes up for it with a punch in the gut story.

Lucky penny isn't sjw?

I remember reading this one and thinking it was okay. Then again, I don't remember the contents that well. Doesn't she end up with the jew in the end?

you have to read the comic to understand the context

Eh, mostly just the woman's lips are drawn the same. Araki has a tendency to draw curves on the face like they're corners.

Is that character meant to be attractive? Because holy fucking shit did that comic fail at that.

Wait what the fuck, Sup Forums used to love this comic, what happened?

This one feels like the writer's deadline was coming up so they shat out the rest of the script after carefully writing 2/3 of it.

same as when anyone gets too popular, their previous credits are suddenly discredited

Dear fuck those noses...

Why in the fuck can none of these cretins draw a decent nose?

A mix of not being able to draw plus possibly the sort of idiotic "progressive" ideology that tumblr is infamous for. But none of that explains the complete inability to draw noses that don't look like some sort of cancerous growth or some shit. That's not just plain incompetence, that's extra stupid with a side of the retard sauce.

They can't draw a lot of things, user.

>cutesy pastel colors
>nothing plots
>sidecuts and speshul snowflake hair color
>muslims right the fuck out of nowhere


Are Muslims even allowed to read comic books?

The dialogue in this is so shit. The writers don't know how real human conversations work.

The construction worker is the best character simply because he doesn't speak.


Yes but why noses? I mean the rest of the art in these stupid tumblr things is so far from even passable that isn't even funny, but even then the noses in particular manage to be simply terrible even in comparison to the rest of the "art" in question. The only possible cause I can think of for this has something to do with the influence of anime on these clowns, since a lot of anime from the average tumblrina's formative years either went with minimalist noses or just basically didn't bother. So these clowns grow up and some of them start drawing with these influences in mind and since they don't want to spend the time and effort to either copy anime styles effectively or develop their own unique and good style you wind up with these abortions.

oh ok

I think the thing that bothered me the most about this was just how insipid and dull it all was.

I unclean....

What is it about?

Because good anatomy takes effort and godforbid we try to actually put for effort into anything. And again, as some user's previously stated, it's all just copying someone else's style and you often wind up with characters with noses that either make them look like they have a cold or koala bears.


random nobodies getting superpowers and fighting evil while also being inclusive and safe for all genders and races and religions and sexualities and

Someone saw this.

I honestly thought this was something sexual at first and it still might be when I remember that vore is a thing that people get off to.

>Sup Forums hates Nedroid now

What the fuck happened.

>people talking shit about rebecca sugar's old stuff and nedroid

this thread is fucking bizarre, did crossposters take over or something?

>Sup Forums

this has always been the same

>tfw your favorite girl was a trap
life is suffering and I'll never get a new comfy summercamp based show or comic

Sup Forums was love, once. So very long ago.

Sup Forums is Sup Forumsnterian so I was expecting that to happen sooner or later. Franky, I'd be more scared of the day Sup Forums strongly defends and praises Dobson or BUckly

Man I need to re read Ichi the Killer. I remember it was the edgiest thing ever in 2003 or so when I first heard about it.

the movie was HILARIOUS.

A severe case of the shittest taste I've ever seen, that's what.