what's next?

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Obama will issue both Hillary and Huma blanket pardons before he leaves office.


Give it time, you can't rush these things. The dust from the Trump victory has to settle first.

Clintons for prison, expose peado ring, take back Germanistan.

Party, retard.

MAGA yourself


Now Sup Forums spends the next 4 years pivoting back to liberalism as we await our lord and savior Tim Kaine for 2020.

What do you mean?

>hillary cannot be allowed to slink back into the shadows. She must be held accountable for her crimes
>the corruption must be brought to light.
>Trump must be protected from an almost certain assassination attempt.
>The Leftist fucks that vowed to leave the USA after a trump win should be held to their word.
>We must further the destruction of the EU and make sure that the UK exits without fail
>We must destroy the sandniggers
>We must take back europe.

Deus Vult. The time is now.

Have a beer. Enjoy life.



I'm actually prepared for a Pence presidency, I get the feeling Trump won't last long.

when the fuck was Sup Forums ever liberal?

The same thing we do every night

I'm in

I'll say this too. There is nothing to do in Spain because I won't do shit in favor of PODEMITAS pieces of shit.

liberate europe?

We keep memeing


Drain the Swamp

did anyone notice that david duke got fucking smashed by a kennedy?

this reality is a roguelike, the best one ever. You dont quit it, you managed to get a small foothold in it, your next step, as it was in wow, and other mmo's, is to keep on leveling. Keep on getting experience and slaying enemies.

The first and foremost goal is to remove all jew. From this reality, and preferably, from the entirety of the multiverses as well.

After that its the negro dna.

After that its the complete mental destruction of the arab (terrorist) races.

Once that is done, we should try to figure out how to stop white people from switching into r selected, from the K selected people so that we wont have traitors among the whites in the future.

Then we start to re-colonize the rest of the planet, reduce the population numbers there where they run rampant. Reduce their poverty by all means possible, but no need to eradicate them as they are not as bad as the 3 evil races.

After that, once the planet is stable. We can go inna space.


uh free Assange?

We need to crush the eu

You critique him from the right, tirelessly.

make sure Hillary, Pedosta, Huma, et al get their comeuppance (much digging still to be done).

Keep triggering Liberals until they give up

Bolster and build our culture

Keep Trump to his promises

The ride never ends pham

Yeah we have to be for the underdog. Who here /libposts/?

>The Leftist fucks that vowed to leave the USA after a trump win should be held to their word.
This one. Is there a list somewhere? I didn't pay attention

now we wait for the eventual assassination

Nothing will happen, you all got duped into letting a Russian First Lady into the White House.


He lists them

Reconquer California.

Nice. Who the fuck is Lena Dunham?

Hambeast liberal cunt who called for the extinction of straight white men along with many other asinine things. Complete shitstain of a person.

Nothing, Trump will not do shit. He probably will be another mediocre president and that's it.

t. angry bean

Yeah because Obama was revolutionary and accomplished everything he promised?