Really disgusting, America. At least my generation is breaking free from a society of institutionalized racism...

Really disgusting, America. At least my generation is breaking free from a society of institutionalized racism. The time will come when equality and rationalism runs the world, siblings.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do they always talk like they're a character from a book or something?

Because they're copying off a script?

Because their thoughts are written out for them.

Faggots who spread those memegraphics seem to be unaware that wisdom comes with age, and democrat votes among elderly are always in minority.

Actually, every generation gets conservative as they get older.

Gen X used to be as liberal as millennials, but now they are majority conservative. The same has happened to every generation throughout history, even boomers.

It's almost like as you get older, you learn more about the world.

They forget that every teenager starts as a liberal and when real life hits them they become more conservative. It's just how real life works. Half of those voters will be voting red in 10 years.

Yeah the millennials would have loved to get their free beer bong with a draft notice for the syrian war inside it. Thankfully that future was avoided.

This. I wonder what I will be when I'm 40. Because it's hard to get further right.

This. Happened with me.

Old people in America are mostly uneducated and dumb and don't deserve to live.

Old people are old fashioned.


A fucking leaf

>literally the generation that made america a superpower
>dumb and don't deserve to live

Well, consider the follow.... oh wait, you're canadian. I dodged a bullet right here.


I wonder what the turnout for millennial voters actually was. Similar to Brexit by any chance?

Tweens grow up.

They say that nothing makes a person a republican faster than getting a mortgage.

Is trusting polls really the wisest thing to do after this election?

Especially when you get a job and see how much of your paycheck goes to taxes.

Not fun feeling poor on a 90k salary.

I am right though.

Born in 96 here, go to most liberal college in Texas, still voted Trump. Having grown up with a family of businessmen and businesswomen, they emphasized the value of hard work and the importance of fostering business growth in our nation. I know that I don't know much, but I trust our older generation, who've been through more and learned more than me, and worked harder than me, to know what they're talking about. Most millennials are close minded and think only of themselves. Not surprised they'd vote ignorantly. As our generation grows older we'll probably see a shift towards a conservative bias.

Let's MAGA, one day at a time.

I fucking hate this shit. It reminds me of the Brexit fallout when asspained millenial remainers, who are always the same people preaching against sexism, racism, xenophobia and whatever the fuck else, were saying that older people shouldn't be allowed to vote, completely blind to their own hypocritical ageism. All the other dumb shit they say doesn't phase me at all but reading posts like that made my blood boil.

aka "people who don't have jobs yet"

m8 old people are stupid as shit

>why did you vote against brexit?
>because my father fought in World War 2 and the EU was formed to prevent another World War

They're not logical or analytical and mostly vote the way they do for asinine reasons

Does anyone else feel like they did something wrong? I've never seen such anger on Facebook. I feel like I missed some developmental milestone that everyone has experienced. Am I a bad person for unironically liking Trump?

The graph is for people born after 1982. I am pretty sure most of them got jobs.

Self-righteous, and the assertion that educated=left-wing and uneducated=right-wing. Hence all these faggots go to University. Most of them waste their time and money doing art degrees and shit, but as long as they can be seen to look smart they can at least get the moral high ground over waysists

> and the future will be brighter
Better put those sunglasses on then

Old people were into more degenerate shit than a lot of young people.

Too bad for millenials

generation Z will be at voting age by next election.

Reasons given on the spot to an interviewer are not indicative of the person's actual opinion once they take the time to think it out. Unless you force them to make one on the spot and they decide to double down on it at least.

why are you still posting here? I thought they'd stop paying since Hillary lost

>They're not logical or analytical

And are millenials any different? In my experience, absolutely fucking not. They are even more self-righteous and dumb, and college education doesn't mean much anymore. Old people at least have experience, thing usually underapreciated. See Everybody is a leftist until they realise nothing is ever free.

I've read that Killary has lose because she didn't get the minnellians vote...Obama was +15% amongst them.

most people are liberal when they are young, and then they get wiser

no, they are either bots or people who look up to bots

They have a total lack of self-awareness. They're basically children. They lack self-reliance, they're afraid of fucking everything and when it comes down to arguing the best they can do is shit sling the same tired old nonsense.

What is their supposed 'intelligence' good for if they can't comprehend their own hypocrisy?

Meanwhile those that work, are grounded in reality, understand cause and effect... those people just took control.

It'd be interesting to see a breakdown in employed vs unemployed votes and/or a breakdown in tax payer vs non-tax payer votes.

Young and stupid. You'll realize your naivete in time.

How can they tell if votes are anonymous?

Yeah, that's the DC democrat opinion too.
They're polite enough not to say it (outside of magazines. Or private speeches. Or in conversations they don't believe are being overheard. Basically they're polite enough not to say it on a podium.)

But the voters pick up on it, amazingly enough. It's as if they're not the cattle (((some people))) believe them to be.

Millennials can be 34 years old today. They aren't very young.

Well those millennials are going to grow up eventually and grow out of liberalism

Also I'm a millennial who voted Trump

It's almost like people become wiser as they get older...

How can you know those older ones aren't voting red?

How do you feel about the pre-teens of today being the most conservative since WW2?

Must be really hard. Knowing by the time Trump is out of office your youth vote is already red.

When you actually grow up, your perspective will change... President Trump was the right choice, just trust us

> everyone should have equal rights
> except people that disagree with me about things
> they should die

This attitude, this disgusting level of entitlement, is what cost the left control of the government. It is also why the 2nd Amendment is so important.

And millenials don't? They both suck

They had a chance to vote for accessible college and fix their country but instead decided to vote for President Camacho.

They're dumb as bricks and basically should be exterminated.

I would expect more red states in that case and not just 5. I am guessing that most of them voted blue.

>muh millennials
this is basically TYT's rhetoric

There were two types of voters in America during this election, millennials and people who are old enough to have noticed that casting votes based on social issues doesn't change anything.

I hope they realize that they will become conservative as time goes on. This same map was true 40 years ago.

Good point.

Let's just sit back and chill. The big fight is over.

These pulsating bags of hormones are practically discrediting themselves.

>Meanwhile those that work
Millenials do work though, the issue here is that they blind themselves, they edit their information input so that they only see what they like. Funny thing is, journalism is doing the exact same thing, maybe because so many millenials go for it, but they are failing and failing and will continue failing until they get their head out of their asses and take time to asses all kinds of information

Trump's real support was in front of them all along, they chose to see the 30sec edited version, so they entered a virtual reality distinct from everyone who saw the entire speeches. Thats why they are getting mind-fucked by the fact 30% of latinos voted Trump, in their mind Trump proposed to fuck latinos to death. In real life he spoke about illegal immigrants who commit crimes and aren't deported cause of bullshit regulations.

millenials can't even conquer their own mental issues and they think they will make the world better, topkek.

Democrats have overwhelmingly won the 18 to 24yr old vote since atleast JFK. People get more conservative as they age.

You can rest now leaf. Your kind has already lost.

Still, to make definite statements you would need a more precise statistics.The newest generation (call it whatever, millenials or else) refuses to take responsibilty for anything, including their finances and their country. Typical gibsmedats attitude. But no economical system can maintain a growing population of manchildren, so either these people will grow up and go red, or US is in serious trouble.

Not to add that their culture is that of the "sassy bitch", so their sense of superiority is their biggest vulnerability. They chose to judge a man by his hair, they deserve it, they have more access to information than ever, yet they chose to consume shit, fuck them.

They talked about this on NPR last night. Apparently millenial disdain for Trump is nothing next to their distrust of Hillary.

I never ever claimed they were, the lunacy of the progressive left and what's being taught at western universities should be seen as toxic to anyone striving towards logical coherence and critical thinking

People who argue there are no biological differences between men/women or between different races/ethnicities, and who wholeheartedly believe there to be more than two genders; have no right to accuse climate change deniers of being anti-intellectual or anti-science, they're both retarded

White """people"""

If you have a 90K sallary, and you feel poor, that's your own dumbass fault for likely trying to live beyond your means.

Though I question how "poor" you really feel. Ever not eaten for a day, or only eaten the $1 loaf of bread that you can afford at Wal-Mart?

I have. I am right now. And it's got nothing to do with taxes and everything to do with my own dumbass spending habits.

>I have so little respect for women who voted for Trump. [...] Look, I don't think you're a single issue voter, I just think you're dumb. Okay? I think you're fucking dumb. When you vote for someone like [that], yeah, you're an idiot. You are voting against your best interest. I'm losing my mind because of how stupid the majority of the country is

So if ten thousand wrinkly midwesterners turned up at your Uni to learn... history, or whatever, you would see this as a positive development and stop wanting to send them to the gas chamber?

Your hatred is much less logical than you believe. You are disgusted by their bodies and by their low social class.

She didn't get the White millennials vote. Other races of millennials don't vote.

>It's almost like as you get older, you learn more about the world.

More like, it's almost like as you get older, the harder it is to change your way of thinking. You don't necessarily "turn" conservative as you get older, the world changes around you. People are simply stuck in their ways. How true this is varies from issue to issue, though.

hmm, those people hating on "whites" sure seem pale to me

You do know you're on Sup Forums right?

Nah. That will change because some of you will actually grow up

Oh please. The Democrats were against the most hated candidate in history and because they are fucking retarded they did everything they could to get the second most hated candidate in history on their side. What was Hillary's message? She didn't have one. People don't resonate with "vote me cos the other guy is terrible", they need something to vote for.

Democrats would've won in a landslide if Sanders had won the primary. But they couldn't let that happen because he's not a neo-conservative like the rest of their party is. Hopefully the party dies completely and actual liberals who know how to fight for causes take it over, instead of the losers that make up the party today who give Republican lunatics 90% of what they want and gloat about that "victory".

Anyone who voted for Clinton for any reason other than "she's abysmal but Trump is even worse" is an uninformed idiot.

good riddance with that. the next generation will be nazi as fuck and fed up with tolerance bullshit forced down on them by cucked millenials

>a woman shaming other women for their choices and forcing them into a certain worldview based on their gender

You can't make this kurwa up

every single person who complains on facebook is either a feminazi or starbuck hipsters. and theyre so fucking hostile, if you dont openly hate trump they just jump at your throat

theyre not even fucking american

This might actually be the best chance we've had since the 1800s to eliminate the two-party system. And Trump would probably get behind it, if only for the lulz.

This election was an embarrassment and Trump supporters need to be hated and ridiculed. All the young people voted for accessible college because they wanted to actually work on making America great, but instead all their ambitions were crushed by old people who voted to spend that money on a wall or whatever bullshit Trump is going to use it for.

That ambition is gone, because eventually they'll grow old and tired and disappointed and everything the previous administration worked on will have gone to waste.

Stupidity should be harshly punished. Old people deserve hatred and possibly violence for what they've done and ideally they should be exterminated.

let's keep in mind she's an Armenian who denies the genocide and works for a channel named after the people who committed it

>libtards who have spent years advocating identity politics and for people to vote based on gender/race/sexuality
>get assmad when it backfires and white people do the same thing

Hillary has relentlessly pandered towards non-whites and women, trusting it would carry her towards presidency. Turns out if everything you say or do says "fuck white people, and especially white men", white men won't vote for you

The GOP will die with the boomers.

This is going to get a lot of (you)s and I want to be the first to reply

That is no equality, lad. That is the opposite side of racism and bigotry, which is still cancer.

Kentucky still based

This is true. I used to a hardcore liberal up until my late 20's

The thing about about liberalism is that it only ever works in a perfect world, and the world is never perfect, of course. Only with age, and learning how truly complex the world is, thats when you realise than a liberal attitude is not viable. If you hug your enemies, the only thing you'll get is a knife in the back. Thats the real world. If you act with pure kindness all the time, you'll only ever end up being taken advantage of.

she thinks people are born conservative? you grow, you learn, and you become a conservative, you stupid bitch.

Only in white countries eh?
Seems like no anglos want to move to Mexico en masse and disrupt their population.

i don't know man, theres loads of old liberals and young conservatives, i think it has to do with your position in life and what kind of literature you are exposed to, in fact, "liberalism" is kind of older than "conservatism", i mean, how old is weed, buddhism, and eco-living? its ancient as fuck

terrence mckenna called the liberalism brand started by the hippie movement "The Archaic Revival"

>no more shitskins coming in over the wall
>liberals don't breed and conservatives do
>next generation looking more and more redpilled

i don't think so, faglord

Yeah, whatever, that USED to be me, too.

I was a staunch lefty from my teens through my mid-20s.

31 now.


They will grow up and become republicans though.

generation Z has extremely redpilled beliefs though. it'll even out especially since millenials are young now and will go right once they become tax payers

I think that (almost) everyone in this thread was blue at the age of ~20 - I was too. And I grew out of it. However, deep inside I still believe that liberal thinking is the right thinking. But we are not leaving in a bubble of trust, we live in a hash environment and we have to fight back and judge others based on their behaviour. Liberals are easy to exploit, they are weak when alone, and at the and you will realize, that (except few close friends, but not too close) we as a species are alone creatures - we have socialized a little, but deep inside we are animals which pray on weak minds.

God bless America!

>people never change their minds or mature as they grow older
The boomers are the hippie generation and they won Trump the presidency. Get real, lady.

Shh leaf, its time to leave.

Fundie anti-intellectual nutjobs will die with the boomers*

The party will restructure to appeal to reasonable liberty-minded youth who feel disenfranchised by the lunacy of the left, there are plenty of these people everywhere but not all of them chose to vote for a divisive character like Trump

young people always think they know everything with their stupid liberal ideas

then they grow up, live in the /realworld/, have kids and become redpilled conservatives.

this will not change.

Snoop Dog posted the same thing. It's prewritten.