Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male

Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male.

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They'll never be happy, user. Just rejoice in their tears.

We combatted it yesterday at the polls. The butthurt must flow.

Call em racist. And if they say there is no racism towards whites, point out that you're talking about them as a person, not as a system.

Embrace it. Their tears are delicious.


With 2 powerful words:

Yes, and?

>how do we combat this shit?
By fucking ignoring it. Quit giving these regards attention

You combat this shit by voting, user

>Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male.

Ignore them. Tell others to ignore them.

Gosh, it's pretty surprising that a group that was called "weak" and "irrelevant" turned out to be so influential. I guess they DID need white men after all.

Well stop being a white male then, problem solved.

>Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male.

You kinda did. You got Trump elected.

Did you vote? Then you combatted it.

Haha that's the chick who had a vibrator found in her luggage by the TSA and the left her a saucy note. Naturally, she was so embarrassed that she posted a blog about it.

Enough is enough. Tell them they are racist, sexist and disgusting people who only seek to divide and hate and that we have had enough of them.

We have to continue to be literally the only demographic motivated enough to go out and vote, and we also need to suppress the votes of minorities and females.

We have got to elect Trump


We just elected the solution into office.

hahaha racist niggers gonna tear their "allies" apart

Just laugh at them. You can explain that just eight years of a black president would be too much of a threat, and yet it still happened. But there's no reasoning with them, and you'd be wasting good oxygen trying.

they picked the wrong female democrat.

Funny how niggers were against segregation in the 60s, but now they basically want it back.

It's funny how they think that minorities get randomly attacked just for being minorities in large numbers

Start an Ivanka 2024 campaign.

best thing is to throw the real numbers out there. white cis-males are 25% of the US, so how can a quarter of the population make change ALONE?

We've already won

The very fact that we had a black president for two terms, eight years, and they still believe that the US is dominated by white male privilege, proves how much bullshit is in their position. The very fact that the Black Panthers were allowed to commit voter intimidation by standing outside of voting stations armed with clubs, and no charges were brought forth or massive outcry from the media about the election results, proves how much bullshit is in their position. In short, fuck them.

Something like 30% of Hispanics voted for Trump. Why aren't liberals raging at them?

I've found having a lot of money and not giving a fuck about 70 IQ nogs is a good balm

With rope

>that is why he won the white woman vote and latino vote

Combat it? My friend, all we have to do is nothing.

Truth, the essence of reality itself, will be revealed in time. They will see the error of their ways.

You can't lead a horse to water if it refuses to get out of the fucking stable.

>create out groups from white people
>get surprised when they don't tow your line

Cuz muh minorities

And whites are a much easier scapegoat since everybody seems to hate them now

>this is about the safety of our fellow human beings who will continue to be targeted for the color of their skin

Do they just not understand what they're saying, or what?

Obama had a white mom born who was from Kansas. Obama went to a private school in Hawaii, taken care of by his mom's white parents. Obama has much in common with Trump as ghetto Negroes.

We don't stop them, we let them bluster on and continue to alienate every white person who isn't a total cuck from their cause. Let them continue to give us more followers and more credibility.

honestly, rather than responding in kind the best thing is to take it for a while , let them vent.

if you're angry and someone starts arguing with you you get more angry. what we want to do instead is make them less angry.

and I think that means normalising this
expressing sentiments that give them some common ground to share, but also normalising the situation and helping them accept and reassure them that it won't be as bad as tehy think.

it's tricky to get the tone right, but really I think it's best not to rise to the bait of "fuck white people" etc. and instead emphasise that certain media figures are greatly exxagerating things
-trump has renounced his muslim immigration ban, now wants simply to vet people immigrating from volatile areas of the world very carefully
-trump has never attacked the LGBT community
-trump has emphasised multiple times his respect for the hispanic community ; his comments were concerning the crime that comes with illegal immigration

be reasonable, relaxed, stand your ground, offer an olive branch
things like "we want to improve this country including all its flaws [allude to racism or inadequate police training here]. I think that's something we can all get behind as amaericans"

those sorts of sentiments

I'd say give them 2 days to vent then if you see another facebook post saying something against white people you can respond in a reasonable and conciliatory (but not subservient) way. it isn't difficult because you are bargaining from the position of strength so you can be gracious in victory and it doesn't look weak.

>claim to be against sexism and racism
>oppress and ridicule people for being a certain race and/or a certain sex

Just shitlib things.

How to combat it? Lots of rope. Just in time to decorate christmas trees.

This. Spread the tears for all to see.

>We should be judged as a group by the color of our skin, and not by the content of our respective character

And these are the type of people who supported monuments to MLK.


Tell her the majority of white females voted Trump.

this. it's over; we've won

Tell them that they and their ideas were what was at stake in this election and they lost. Take their pathetic, autocratic, divisive ideology elsewhere

what is this image from ??
tineye didn't help

We need to make this a talking point. This whole everyone can play the tribal game except whites has got to go. Things like white student unions at colleges to show the hypocrisy of black student unions. Why can people say black pride but not white pride? How come we have black history month and not white history month? (yah yah I know the joke about it being the other 11 months in the year). Honestly this current mainstream culture of coddling minorities is NOT how you achieve race peace. It just makes one race have to prostrate for the others. And all that does is create tension.

You don't need to combat it, just explain that it's attitudes like theirs which caused so many white people to go out and vote for Trump. Clinton's audience enjoys talking shit about whites, which sure free country and all that. But people don't like to be looked down on for something they were born with and which isn't a problem. So they won't support you.

They supported Trump and if liberals keep on going the same way, it'll be two terms.

Here's an idea, don't go on tumblr. Stop searching the internet for things that make you rage.
I'll never understand why Sup Forumstards do this.

Why do women hide their BBC obsession behing progressive ideologies ? Is it to feel better about themselves ? Is to say to themselves : 'I'm not thinking with my vagina, I'm thinking with my brain' ?

Whites have been dehumanised in the eyes of the leftist. This is why you have shit like that one white bitch defending her rapists in Haiti by reasoning she was a "receptacle for black rage" and not a human being who should defend their God-given right to resist the will of those who wish to harm them.

It doesn't follow their agenda lol

Upcoming Final Fantasy Record Keeper multiplayer

They're silly as fuck so I like them

Also, consider responding from the position of being a bernie supporter or democrat leaning.

express civic nationalism (protect jobs for americans of all walks of life rather than sell away manufacturing jobs and leave workers high and dry )

Don't seem angry about havingbad against white people said, they'll play the "u mad" or "white people tears" game.

remember you're secure, you're the one who has won. They're like children throwing a tantrum and making a mess when they post things like "fuck white people" rather than something genuinely offensive and threatening.

Your imagined motivation for engaging them should be to teach htem or help them understand . imagine you hear a stupid person ranting about something totally wrong and you feel sorry for them and want to help them understand.

but like I said, wait a couple of days first.

thanks Elias

wow, cool, ya they're great

I like how they think this is the time to double down on the FUCK YOU WHITEY to people on their fucking side. That's what got them in this mess to begin with.

ask her to change her fucking surname.
what an embarrassment

Tell them that policies come before gender, and that if the economy falls there's no place for minorities at all.

They must be triggered until they can't take it anymore

>Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male.

We just did.

The Democrats humored the SJWs bullshit and it just bit them in the ass and lost them the Presidency and the Senate. The SJ's political clout is gone, let them cling onto their dead ideology it will only further alienate the American people against them.


that's right daddys home. and daddy wants anal

why do white people cuck for these angry joyless sjw, you can't even these niggers are educated

encourage it, this behavior only serves to alienate them further

I do think that is true though, but as a non-white homo, I saw that as a threat to society as a whole.

You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? You see the one about lions?
You got this lion. He’s the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He’s laying under a tree, in the middle of Africa.
He’s so big, it’s so hot. He doesn’t want to move.
Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn’t do anything.
The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this.
They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that’s in his domain.
They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder...

>Hey Sup Forums, how do we combat this shit? I'm so tired of being villified for being a white male.
How bigoted of you

This to be honest. Men have always been stoic. Just collect the salt and enjoy that victory. Nothing you say will change their mind.

Killing these people with kindness and shattering their perception that all trump supporters are Nazis is the best way to trigger them. They'll implode and only make themselves look bad.

Just ignore them. If they try to talk to you about shit at work or school say you don't want to talk about politics and walk away.

Try to record them and show to HR and say their combative behavior made you feel uncomfortable (repeatedly) and get them fired

Dissing a president because he's male is sexist desu.

>first black president

He was the first mulatto president, not black.

cringed desu but the numbers are fitting

>And all that does is create tension.
Which is the point. Keep the tribes fighting among themselves over trivial shit and they won't pay attention, (or care to pay attention) to what is happening in higher power structures. Use them against each other harder with tribal baiting bullshit if they start to take notice of what you're doing above them. Classic tactic.

>blaming white people when it was probably lack of blacks at the voting booths that helped Trump win

These people are the reason trump got elected, they are actually attention whores. They don't truly care whether they realize it or not, they just want to feel like they are part of some movement.

By pointing out that Hillary was the establishment candidate and the support of the white patriarchal systems that keep women and "POC" down. Like banks, oil concerns, Saudi Arabia, insurance companies, etc.

Well, they said the market would crash... We are seeing the biggest stock buy off in months!

We are at a volume range already 3 hours into market open that you would see in a whole day of trading.

People are stoked for a Trump economy and what he will do for businesses/jobs.

Fuck these people.

We unite and dominate.
That's it.

I am sure, if the global trends keep going that way, white solidarity will be a thing in the future.

Even the smallest oppression unifies people over the discriminated properties.

>be dem
>talk about progressive change in the country
>pick a white woman with strong ties to the financial sector and a "fucking white male"

blunder of the century

Liberals just can't handle that Hillary lost on her own merits. They're the real sexists here.

It will never be enough for them! They'll just end up eating themselves if they're allowed to get their own way.

>Something like 30% of Hispanics voted for Trump. Why aren't liberals raging at them?

If you listen to places like NPR, the libs do rag on the "uncle tom house niggers" that didn't vote for them. Constantly. Their contempt for minorities that refuse to follow their orders is extreme and barely contained.

Liberals are a disease.

You are correct. It also ties into why democrats never wanted to help minorities financially progress. Having peaceful and financially secure minorities would completely remove them from the democratic voting pool.

8 years of a socialist followed by a communist tyrant was too much for the hard working American families who want to raise beautiful children in this country.

Yup, time to remind you who's really in charge...



The irony is that it's always the opposite, minorities trying to gang up on people

>You don't need to combat it, just explain that it's attitudes like theirs which caused so many white people to go out and vote for Trump. Clinton's audience enjoys talking shit about whites, which sure free country and all that. But people don't like to be looked down on for something they were born with and which isn't a problem. So they won't support you.

This. You need to remind them that they're the racists. They're the seixsts. They'll rage, but a few of them might eventually grow up.

This is how a child learns.

>She accomplished things because she's a strong woman!
>She failed because of CIS white male patriarchy!
>There's no way it could ever be the other way around under any circumstances

What did you expect, considering the current narrative of these lunatics?

Embrace it man. They think you're the fucking Darth Vader of this movie, be the best goddamned Darth Vader you can be.