Now that Marvel is whole again do u guys think ms marvel will be a mutant now?


No. Being a mutant would be a death-sentence for her, literally.

At worst, her powers will just be ret-conned to the result of a freak accident ala Spider-Man.

>Now that Marvel is whole again do u guys think ms marvel will be a mutant now?

It might be a bit of pointless retcon, the only reason I could see for it is to give her an excuse to hang with the X-Men.

Here are some possible outcomes:
1. Literally nothing happens.
2. She stays Inhuman and is nabbed by Attilan in case her book stops selling, basically putting her in storage.
3. She is retconned as a mutant, either because: A) They want to keep her around and making her an X-Man is the easiest way to do so. B) It's a way cleaner origin for the adaptations and they want to keep consistency across mediums.

i hope not, id rather she not die for no reason

No way. Being a mutant carries so much fucking baggage.

there's really no reason to throw inhumans under the bus, so no, i think she'll remain the same.

>Completely cut off from the entire outside world
>Made to fight in Xavier's eternal pissing contest with Magneto and other wars against your will
>Not allowed to have any personal dreams or desires, only your total servitude to the mutant cause
>Have a couple strong stories, then do nothing of importance but stand/sit around as background-filler.
>Eventually die in the next big mutant-killing event to prove that shit just got real

did anyone else get transformed the same time she did? You can probably retcon it as the inventor dumping his failed biochemical experiments in the area and it created a mutagenic gas that gave her powers

>The origin mechanic that (by it's inventor's own admission) was designed to make an origin story as simplistic as possible.

No, being an Inhuman is her only connection to the Kree.

nah, good ol' radiatiion or cosmic rays. Like Lee and Kirby intended.

That was before Claremont and everybody else made mutant origins too overly-complex.

No one cares about the Kree.

No, people need to stop making these threads there have been too many already.

But Kirby made inhumans in the first place.

Nobody's perfect

>did anyone else get transformed the same time she did?
To my knowledge, only three people got affected in Jersey: Kamala, Kamran, and Kaboom.

Less than an inuhman origin.

why is she not an Inhuman anymore?

this, the X-Men don't fight crime, unless it's for PR and all Ms. Marvel does besides nothing for 18 pages a month is fight the pettiest crime possible.

Now if was to drop the Superhero persona, we could talk turkey about her being an X-Man, she has a power set that's not used in the books and could really be interesting paired with Dust, Kamala has such a strong sunny outlook on life kinda like Molly Hayes it would be fun in perverse way to see the X-Men snuff that out like every other kid that walks through their doors.

>why is she not an Inhuman anymore?

She is, people seem to believe she will be retconned now the movie rights are back. Honestly I don't think anything will happen. Despite all that happened only a few mutants were retconned despite them being pushed in a corner. I doubt they will retcon any Inhumans now. If anything they will undo the mutants that got changed like squirrel girl, and the Maximoffs.


X-fags aren't people.