White boys are mad about Kylo Ren being “le evil white man!”

>White boys are mad about Kylo Ren being “le evil white man!”
>Black dudes are mad about Finn being “le emasculated and possibly a faggot!”

I guess both sides just want their characters to be perfect Mary Sues like Rey?

No Last Jedi spoilers please.

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Luke dies at the end.

Finn isn't gay. The last Jedi spoilers.

Also, Star Wars already has a thread.

Luke gets BLACKED at the end

This is when you learn to take internet extremist faggot’s opinions with a grain of salt. Just enjoy the movie like the rest of the normies.

Finn better fuck that white girl though.

>No Last Jedi spoilers please.


Im still maf how hard i got the bait and switch from the mouse

Literally who is mad that Kylo is evil and white? Star Wars badguys are ALWAYS white guys.

>James Earl Jones is white

The issue with Kylo is that he's an incel suffering from incel rage

No but his character was, kid.

James Earl Jones isn't appear in Star Wars

I’ve been telling Sup Forums that for years.

Luke tried to kill Kylo in his sleep when he was young because he had a vision. The same Luke that believed in redemption for Vader.

Yoda loves burning books.

You can turn a Lightsaber on using the force.

Leia flys like Superman(her actress is still dead).

Luke loves drinking milk from Sloth tits.

Snoke’s Red troopers apparently learned all their fighting style from Christopher Nolan and Zoidberg.


It’s like I’m watching MoS again.


That's no spoiler, we've all known for years.

>enjoy the movie
user, it's fucking shit.

Better than TFA.

r2d2 dies killed by his son bb8

rey and poe end up being brother and sister

captain phantasmo is finn's mum

>r2d2 dies killed by his son bb8
>captain phantasmo is finn's mum

>White boys are mad about Kylo Ren being “le evil white man!”
Gee, its like they are saying nazis are bad or something

So does Snoke

Man, you know. It's just pretty weird that - while I don't like the idea of Finn and Rey together - Rey seems to have a thing for Kylo now.

Like, this seems thematically wrong. You flip sides, save the universe, fight a man in a lightsaber duel, end up in a coma, and all you get is the token Asian as your consolation prize. Meanwhile, she picks the school shooter / sexy Nazi who put you in the coma. That's kind of fucked up.

Oh shit, I forgot all about the heroic book-burning! That's right, they heroically burn all the Jedi Order's accumulated wisdom.

I mean, fuck book-learning, am I right? Burning of the Library of Alexandria, best day of my life, eh?

The problem with Kylo Ren is that he's essentially a teenage angsty retard which is hard to take serously as a main villain, but everyone seems to love it and think it's "deep" so what do I know.

Something something 'change is good', so fuck history and libraries.

>he's essentially a teenage angsty retard

So, like Anakin Skywalker?

Did you watch the movie?

Yup, pretty much.

You know anona just because you ACCUSE someone of being a Nazi, that doesn’t mean they actually are one.

there is some WILD fandom out there with Kylo and Finn and Rey.

He inherited a LOT from his granddad.

They tried to have it both ways (Rey appears to have stolen the books, like the gypsy she is) but the context is there. I'm more curious about the weird cubes Luke passed to Leia.

I haven't seen TLJ so I'm not going to go full defense force, but it's pretty clear from both the OT and PT that the old Jedi Order ultimately needed to go and stay gone. If Luke tried to rebuild it exactly as it was then that seems like a mistake, if an entirely understandable one. Luke himself was never a "proper" Jedi like Obi-Wan and Yoda, which is why he succeeded where they failed. If he then tried to emulate them then he could easily make the same mistakes they did.
Although I'm admittedly really not liking what I'm hearing of Luke's characterization at all. I'm willing to see for myself but I'm expecting dealbreaker levels of disappointment.

Something people tend to forget is that in Star Wars, evil is fucking lame. Villains are usually superficially impressive but almost always massive losers at heart. Badass armor and a cool voice don't make Darth Vader any less of a pathetic failure.

>I'm more curious about the weird cubes Luke passed to Leia

>Black dudes are mad about Finn being “le emasculated and possibly a faggot!”
After this movie, there's no way in hell Finn ends up being a faggot.

>but almost always massive losers at heart. Badass armor and a cool voice don't make Darth Vader any less of a pathetic failure.

People seem to forget how big of a loser boba fett was.

Yeah, but if we aren't threatened by the villains, how are we supposed to take the movie seriously? Say one thing about Japan, the villains tend to be a lot more intimidating at heart. (Or, you know, not just evil but confident and sexy in their evil.)

It's the difference between "The bad guy's after us, what a faggot" and "The bad guy's after us. If we get caught, shoot me first, I don't want to be taken alive by those sadists."

Fuck Rose. WOAT character.

I'd rather jar jar be back she's that fuckin shit

>"The bad guy's after us. If we get caught, shoot me first, I don't want to be taken alive by those sadists."

>You can turn a Lightsaber on using the force.
I thought this was already established, if not just implied

Her sister was cuter, they should have switched places.

Holy kek. Superman music is the perfect touch for this

That's quite a DFC Daisy has there

>Leia fucking flies
I haven't seen the last Jedi but how?
It was established that Leia could be force sensitive but that's as far as It went. That's master Jedi level shit

She's in the vacuum of space. Still looks dumb as fuck.

>If Luke tried to rebuild it exactly as it was then that seems like a mistake
I may catch flak for bringing up the EU, but Luke's new order there made it a point not to repeat the mistakes of the old order while preserving the old knowledge because, you know, you don't just burn libraries just because its tomes have become outdated.

Yoda was just fucking with Luke, Rey took the texts and the little green fucker knew.

So does your mom.