

It not my fault he has no talent, already bald, and overweight

This meme was supposed to mean that the faggot did something good recently and proved his critics wrong

Dobby has a deep insight into politics that you cannot fathom.

For what, he gets who he desurves.

There are rare moments where I start to feel bad for all his suffering, but there it just takes a few minuets for me to remember how much he's brought it upon himself.

Apparently I’ve said some things about him that damaged his overinflated ego and he got upset about that. Don’t say I never apologize.

mmm woo boy lookit this "art"

white man's burden
have to prop up someone else to get the spot light because they refuse to work to get there.

Remember his comic where some latina lesbian pirate keep sexually harassing her female captain even though she is straight?

Didn’t dobson tweet that he didn’t like Ready Player One because it’s using other people’s work to draw attention and yet in this webcomic he makes it about 2 different popular franchises

>So please don't point that out
Re: my ego cannot handle people criticizing my argument as flawed, so if you do, I'll offhandedly snub your counterargument and block you.

Well, what did he do?

I love how these fuckers never take audience into account. The main audience for the big two is white males. Can't imagine why they would cater to that demographic, or why said demographic would be annoyed by shoehorned diversity.

How flawed is that logic?
>Only 40 of 104 are blah blah
Why is he assuming that every comic is equal in value?
That maybe some or most of those 40 aren't potentially the biggest, most successful and the most visible comics Marvel had to offer.
How many long standing protagonists had to killed or replaced because they were white?

Because thats his gender dumbfuck, women are not the center focus for comics so they shouldnt shove their feminist bullshit into them. God this man is a fucking gender traitor and a cuck

And when there's so many legitimate reasons to hate Ready Player One. That shit is like Divergent (or Hunger Games or any other dystopian teen lit garbage) but just loaded to the brim with lazy references and pandering,

>There are rare moments where I start to feel bad for all his suffering
like? Just curious, I don't really follow up on this sad shit's life

Why? Did he off himself yet?

I'm deeply sorry you're a fatass who has to pander to feminists in vain hope to get some pussy, Dobby. Is that a good apology?

im sorry you are a creepy weirdo with a masive ego and an inflation fetish dobson

That's better than what 90% of people can draw.

so how does this man afford a living? whats his job?

Living on his parents pension.

He makes his "so you're a cartoonist" webcomic and sell other comics, the problem is that I never saw anyone ever speak about his other comics at all, like never, not even a single time, no one ever posted any page of his work outside of bad webcomics wiki

I also don't think he ever got a job at anything because his style is too awful, he can't make non chibi characters and looks way too much like anime.

>Soon after he made this comic, they announced the female Doctor

90 percent of it is the same exact panel/background repeated again Dobson

>Only 40 out of 104 titles
>Rounds out to about 40%
>Pie chart only shows 25%.

Never say that Dobson doesn't manipulate the numbers through visuals to make his already weak arguments even weaker.

40% minority representation is not bad for a country where whites rule 99% of everything.

Pff, you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


One of the most tragic things about Dobson is that he had potential, other artists even tried to help and gave him art advice, but he just spreged out on them.

>trying to force politics "SJW agendas"
the problem with most of those books is they aren't successes and live on what was considered "cancellation" range, and still, Marvel keeps pushing like a blind fool.

That's because 90% of people aren't trying to be professional artists.

yeah, but its way worse than the general person who draws as a hobby and he considers himself a professional.

Mask posting will never be not funny

If Dobby were less of a rotten person people would be more willing to give him a pass on the weak spots in his art.