Do you think Disney regrets this now or are Speedsters just to Op for any kind of plot?

Do you think Disney regrets this now or are Speedsters just to Op for any kind of plot?

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I don't get why everyone loves him so much.
The guy was pretty lame.

they didn't see that coming

Dammit, I was gonna say that

Well with upcoming Infinity Gauntlet shenanigans, they could bring him back if they so desire

Nobody gives a fucking shit about Quicksilver.
>buh-but they made people care about Iron Man
Yeah, I'm sure Mr. Blandzilla just exudes charisma.

I personally found Quickslav more entertaining than Foxsilver. At least he didn't solve everything in an attosecond

Pietro was good because he was fast but not bullshit Speedforce fast

Like he wasn't even fast enough to move Hawkeye and the child out of the path of the bullets. Flash would do that, because he's so stupid fast that he can do anything. But that's why Flash is a bad character, because he is always falling on his ass like an idiot even though he can run faster than light

Fox's Quicksilver was more fun and entertaining.

They better keep him.

Being an actual character and not a plot device helped Slavsilver, I laughed my ass off when Peter Maximoff forgot he has super speed when Apocalypse caught him. Like why just stand there? Why not throw a hundred super quick punches the second the fool is close enough for you to hit, you have fucking super speed

Loved the Justice League one where the league fights Supes and he could see Flash move, scaring the ever loving shit out of him

Can't make a story around speedsters without making them stupid, or do something absolutely stupid that negates how broken they should be.

Getting real tired of Slo-Mo = Super Speed shit, Flash vs Supes would have been way cooler if the whole thing wasn't in slow motion

Right. What also didn't help is FOX reusing the "Slow mo action sequence set to a hit song" during the mansion scene. Quickslav had a clear relationship with his sister, a friendly rivalry with Clint, a personal anger towards Stark, and like the comics had the attitude of a guy impatiently waiting at the bank. Personally, Id love to see him return given that a good chunk of the cast won't return, and it gives Wanda more characters to bounce off of.
This. Its the easiest/cop out way to showcase super speed. He had 1 slow motion sequence

And, to add to this, his one slow motion scene involved him getting tripped up and falling because of Hawkeye, and personally I liked the little silver streaks he'd leave behind while running, reminded me of flash's lightening trail

Hopefully it'll be the cooler Fox version.

He's not great, practically irrelevant. He's Magneto's son and yet it means jack shit in that universe

>I don't get why everyone loves him so much.
Everyone who?

Quicksilver is less relevant than Impulse.

Easy, Infinity Gauntlet fuckery happens and we get him and X-men QS and then Chris evens Torch

Fox Quicksilver looks like a fag. It's obvious he's wearing a wig and his powers are literally god tier and beyond broken. I'll take Slavsilver any day of the week. Seriously, Fox Quicksilver breaks the movies and anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong.

Quicksilver is a pretty weak speedester and his only purpose is to make drama for Magneto and Scarlet Witch.

Honestly? I rather Disney would just buy the Flash

>But that's why Flash is a bad character

Correction: That's one of many reasons why current Barry Allen is a bad character. The ridiculous speed feats didn't happen towards the end of a particular Flash's run, but now that they are sticking with one speedster, and maintaining his high speed levels, but also wanting to make him a jobber, it is hard to write compelling Flash stories. This is precisely why he should've remained a legacy character.

>Right. What also didn't help is FOX reusing the "Slow mo action sequence set to a hit song" during the mansion scene. Quickslav had a clear relationship with his sister, a friendly rivalry with Clint, a personal anger towards Stark, and like the comics had the attitude of a guy impatiently waiting at the bank. Personally, Id love to see him return given that a good chunk of the cast won't return, and it gives Wanda more characters to bounce off of.

Therein lies Fox's biggest folly, and why their handling of the X-men has been shit. Everyone who wasn't the holy quadrant of Xavier/Magneto/Wolverine/Mystique was either a plot device or vfx machine. There's so much put into the tolerance angle for Mutants, yet there's a major lack of presenting the mutants as characters, and only highlighting their special talents.

>Quicksilverfags speaking ill of based Flash
This is like Inhumanfags trying to talk shit about X-Men.

>when gay dudes reference athletes to draw someone running at le super speed

Quicksilver is a based antihero who don't take no shit from no one

You forgot cameos. Remember when they made such a big damn deal about Jubilee and that turned out to be nothing?

>cooler fox version
that guy looks like a faggot
I want aaron back

He's not an anti-hero, he's just a whiney brat with a stick up his ass.

Quicksilver is a cuck without good stories and his daughter is most likely from another dude who just banged his wife.

Barry Allen literally started a dynasty of heroes with his strong genes and remains as one of the most important comic book characters to date, having kickstarted the beginning of the silver age.

You mean that looser who lives in the basement of his mom?
Yes I can see why you think he is so relatable.

>just to Op for any kind of plot?
he wasn't to Op that's better than fox QS and flash, he got tired

Just leave.

Make me

i like him in x-factor comics and in the movie, he was likable not relevant bu the has a fans. he's not supposed to be the flash popular he's like hawkeye popular. not everyone needs to be the main character, but he didn't deserve to be killed off.

Someone's obviously butthurt. I love that I have enough power over you to make you respond to this degree. Feed me

So how will Disnox explain that after Ultron killed Quicksilver he somehow came back to life to buddy up with the X-Men and didn't even let his sister know that he's alive and a mutant terrorist is their biological father?

I really curious how they get around this.

A: X-Men are going to be rebooted, so everything FOX did won't matter.
B: Theres no guarantee that the X Men will even appear in Avengers 4. They may come in after.
C. If Quickslave comes back, its because of Infinity Gem fuckery

I don't think Disney gives a single solitary fuck about Quicksilver.

And I don't think anybody does either.

current fox mutants are never going to partake with marvel heroes. if marvel does mix in mutants to marvel movie u, it would probably a complete recast for everyone. new story lines and new take.
the only character that marvel might consider keeping intact is deadpool and that's because he's financially stable independently of what they do with x-men franchise.

if they do bring back quicksilver (i hope they do but i doubt it) it's more likely to be slavsilver and not foxsilver. marvel probably doesn't want to deal with the constant retcons and messy timeline that fox created.
there are 3 x-men movies already completed (new mutants, x-men:the phoenix one promoted, deadpool 2) that need to be released. unless they get held back/never released, to not further sink the x-men complicated universe. we probably won't see marvel xmen for a good few years after the last fox x-men movie is out.

which might be hilarious of that new mutants never gets released. it would be such a huge fuck you by marvel.

>And I don't think anybody does either
You are proven wrong literally in this thread.

Quickslav is hotter, therefore he should be alive.

>Fox Quicksilver breaks the movies
He had the best scenes s does it really matter

joss weadon was the only one who wanted quicksilver dead. they had more than one out in that movie to revive him and they simply didn't take it because of him (similar to thor being set up the whole movie to revive ironman in avengers and then not using it because wedon liked ruffalo better and gave him the scene). i'm guessing that was a point in which marvel kind of realized he was fired but they let him have it to move the project along, but they pretty much lost faith in him.
i think it was around this point when agents of shield was also told to fuck off as tied to the movies too. since weadon was working with his brother on the show. because up to that point movie marvel was still playing along with the tv show. it probably didn't help the tv show had some terrible arcs with it's inhuman bullshit. so it was probably oh fuck us out of a super hero to bank on? fuck you and your show is dead.

The vocal minority does

i do, so there is a solitary single fuck

Hell no. Disney QS is a chad. What they need to do is revive him with a power boost and make him shit all over FOX Quicksilver.

It was overdone but they still needed to show that Supes was a hair slower.

He was annoying, Magneto has the best scenes in all movies.

Also, it annoyed me how he was obviously supposed to be super 70s but looked more like a 2010s hipster than a real 70s dirtbag

This is why you don't work in the movie industry

You'll have both in Secret Wars fighting to an Smash Mouth song

Question. If flash runs faster than light wouldn't he perceive everything around as complete darkness since he'd be going to quick for light to reach him?

Yes but Speedforce.

Feige has veto power. If he wanted Quicksilver alive he'd be alive. Also Whedon left. Whedon worked on avengers 1 and 2 with Ike still in charge. Whedon had ideas shot down by Ike. You can blame Whedon, but you're making shit up too.

Are there any Smashmouth Songs about being super fucking fast? Because I can't think of any.

I was more of a BNL kid, though.

The only viable option is to reboot Xmen and keep it seperate from the Avengers Universe

>Fox Quicksilver looks like a fag
Marvel Quicksilver looks like a fag too, and FoxSilver was at least more memorable than MarvelSilver

Endless Magneto wank was one of the reasons why Apocalypse sucked
Followed by Endless JLaw wank

>Quicksilver is a based antihero
kek confirmed to have never read a quicksilver comic

>are Speedsters just to Op for any kind of plot

They break the plot of almost any movie unless they deliberately write in a hard counter.

>Being an actual character and not a plot device helped Slavsilver
He was the definition of a plot device and his whole purpose was to die and give Wanda something to angst about.

there will be surely retcon. since X-Men is now back in marvel.

my theory is Fury will reveal at Avengers 4 or after that the dead quicksilver is a skrull. showing his skrull dead body to the remaining avengers. just like Earth's Mightiest Heroes, paving way for the next phases to go cosmic.

and eventually original quicksilver will return and will be surely used in X-Men movies. cuz magneto-twins relationship wasn't touched on big screen (yet if Dark Phoenix does). so all options are on table for Feige

And he was still more of a character than the plot device used to get Magneto out of plastic jail

Fassbender Magneto fucks everyone over so many times it's depressing how they keep letting him get away with it.

Upon careful consideration, they both look kind of terrible in there own ways. Who would you suggest if you could choose a substitute for either?
>I'm thinking someone older but that wouldn't quite fit either universe unless the X-Men movie took place in the present rather than the past.

yeah sure and that's why they killed him on his first appearance. Great character development there

Fox's Quicksilver is too likeable. Quicksilver is an asshole, so MCU's is more true to his character.

That's not an argument. You still can die and be a character.


Not even the people who read the comics care about the guy. He's second rate at everything (villain, avenger, x-factor member etc)

There are dozens of way to bring him back to life within rules of Marvel universe.

why doesn't he just lift weights at super speed and get fucking swole in a short amount of time

>You still can die and be a character.
Of course, but that's not the case with Slavsilver. Everyone cared more about Wanda's reaction to his brother dying than the actual death.

Slavsilver was till his death on the same level as Wanda.

Just becuase something's true to the comics doesn't mean its a good thing. He might be an ass orignally but obivously that still doesn't mean its BETTER for this story. If something doesn't work in the new interpretation, then change it so that it does. Things dont have to be I to I adaptions, some of the greatest films of all time, like the shining, are radically different versions of their original stories, and it works. Whats the point of a I to I accurate adaption if it doesn't work.

Ah, Sanic physics.

It's not like the next movie is going to feature a macguffin so powerful that it can easily bring back the dead.

or rewrite history/reality so that y'know...anything they want to have been true will always have been.

They can easily retcon it.

But really they should just Yo-Yo more.

Can't do any of that shit, they need room to make up for lots of funny Thanos quips instead

Honestly, until this thread I forgot MCU Qucksilver even existed and how awkward this situation is now that disney bought fox.

awkward how? do you suspect that Disney will just poof Foxsilver into MCU and replace slavsilver like nothing happened?

that'd be the worst.

All of the current X-Men cast will be jettisoned bar those from Deadpool.

and New Mutants if it turns out good

Wtf Why didn't he walk it off?

Cause he kept running, duh.

>They better keep him.
I really like the actor and they way how Fox do his scenes, Marvel should copy that if they bring back Quicksilver in the MCU because works great, but he shouldn't be Quicksilver, he could be a great Bobby or Warren, Is the same problem with Fassbender and McAvoy, both are great but Fassbender is too young to be Elizabeth Olsen's father and both should be the same age

Maybe Chthon will bring Pietro back.

And the Gifted, maybe Legion too ...

Those quips are probably gonna be hilarious so I'm all for it. Movies need to stop being edgy grimdark crap


>Flash is bad because he can save people
Someone needs to watch more Rick and Morty.

He's a Mary sue. Holy shit you're dense

yes and no
the closer you get to the speed of light the more of a tunnel vision you get. A bright spot in front, darkness outside of that
Even beyond the speed of light there'd still be light there. But i have no idea what you'd actually see

>superheroes are mary sues because they save people

To be fair Quickslav is the only non-OP live action speedster so far, the other Quicksilver could solve most problems in the blink of an eye and the only thing stopping show Flash is waiting for his pointless quirky cast of friends to remind him that he can run really fast

But i don't why they'd regret killing him, the MCU is already so full of characters, and now they have the Xmen and F4 too. I'd like to have him back tho

If they make any sort of reference to that one commercial comic with Spiderman and Hellcat I'm going to fucking explode
>Ah! I knew you'd both FALL for it!
But unfortunately i don't think it's mainstream enough to gather that sort of attention from the writers and directors

>no funeral scene, he was jut shot down and that's it

I'm positive they'll revive him.

>no funeral scene, he was jut shot down and that's it


Isn't Skull coming back for IW tho?

I say have Zola rejuvenate Quickslav's corpse (hes Infinity Stone powered already) and have him come back as Whirlwind in a Masters of Evil.

>Fox's Quicksilver is too likeable.

He comes across as a sociopath who doesn't care about anyone else and just does whatever might quench his boredom in the moment and you're just lucky that doesn't include anything too bad or anyone worse than Xavier has asked him to do something illegal, and then when the one thing he cares about comes up he pusses out and cant tell Magneto he's his son even if it'll save the world.