Do you think it is possible to have a new series after korra?

do you think it is possible to have a new series after korra?

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Korea ruined the series forever
Maybe a reboot in ten year but no sequel

Let it die.

While it was awful despite what Sup Forums believes it was a critical and and a public hit. The commercial failure came more from the fact that 75% of the audience it catered to torrented it rather then watched it on the television so they just said fuck it and finished the rest of the show online.

Critical maybe, but if nobody watched it, how can it be public hit?

Did it become cult classic that people marathon now like some failed shows like Firefly? Somehow I doubt it.

Weren't the critics shitting on it until the end?

hell no, they fire bended their bridges so hard

>but if nobody watched it, how can it be public hit?
Like I said, people did. It's just the show was marketed to older fans who don't pay for cable and as I just said torrented that shit.

I could very well imagine them making a round 2 with an Avatar spin-off but instead aired online to better adapt in the streaming service age.

honestly I'd be fine with it, if it's Legend of Korra-quality
TLoK can't hold a candle to ATLA but I still enjoyed at times, and it's better than pretty much any other modern cartoon in the past like 5 years

>I just said torrented that shit.

Meaningless. That pretty much means that nobody watch it in the ears of an exec.

It's not possible to have anything fucking good these days. It'll just be tainted with politics and more shoe-horned dyke bullshit.

holy fuck that is pretty

The entire Season 3 arc with the Red Lotus and Zahir was phenomenal.

just let him have his delusions

Korra should have joined the Red Lotus

>she's all on board
>gets really aggressive about it
>weirds out Zaheer
>he eventually just lets her go
>"That was weird, right?"

>8.6/10 in IMBD
>8.3/10 in Metacritic
>Every single episode has a range of B- through A
>8.5/10 in Rotten Tomatoes
Oh yes, the critics were just DESTROYING this show.
I don't think I'm the one deluded here, it may be shit but people ate it up.

Once again, I'll just leave this here.

>the comics
It's possible but there is no doubt it will be garbage.

>hour and 30 minutes


a lot of valid points. i hate korra even more now.