You guys do realize that America is still fucked, right?

You guys do realize that America is still fucked, right?

Here's the full pic

Yeah but at least it won't be ableist racist misogynistic homophobic transphobic problematic literally not okay anymore

you do realize people get more conservative with age right?

I was a commie when I was in highschool.


Did you vote when you were in high school?

people change political views as they age, and if trump has a good 8 years the next generation of voters could lean republican.

For one thing, drop the social conservatism.


Republicans are their own worst enemies.


people still living with their parents and likely have never gotten a paycheck in their lives in order to see how much of thier pay iss being taken from them voted with thier feelings, not their wallets.


Nice dubbs Gary.

That's because these children grew up under Bush, a great failure of a Republican, and Obama, a popular Democrat. With Trump, I believe, that a Republican age is upon us. Those that grow under his presidency, will learn to love him, and Party.

Not a liberal at 25 no heart
Not a conservative at 35 no brain
etc etc

Give them 5-10 years of paying taxes in a job

All the more proof that you shouldn't be allowed to vote until you are 25. You haven't really experienced the real world at 18 so why should you get a say in how it's run? Coincidentally 25 is the exact year of age I stopped identifying as a liberal.

Only if Trump doesn't screw this opportunity. His promise of not touching the rights of the LGBT communities they currently hold is promising. Let's hope he doesn't get cucked by the Evangelicals.

If they didn't vote then they can fuck right off.

The fact that he proudly flew a rainbow LGBT flag on stage at one of his rallies bodes well on that front.

Like any other country,

There's a saying:

If you vote right when you're young adult, you have no heart.
If you vote left when you're a grown adult, you're an idiot.

I don't know who said this, but it's true for me and many others. My position is that I like the left parties in my countries more, but their policies on issues such as immigration are downright dangerous, and therefore I have to begrudgingly vote right.

Our "right" party is in government now, and thanks to that, Norway has remained uncucked compared to say, Sweden.

Does this mean California has the mindset of a millenial?

You guys are completely missing the point on why Millennials are voting Democratic.


Individuality and personal liberties are their most favored rights.

They'll grow out of it. Most people start off as liberal then change later on.

No shit. People get more right wing the older they get when they start seeing and experiencing the real world. I was a hippy liberal in my teens and early 20s, probably would have spewed SJW rhetoric if it was bigger then with how much I mindlessly repeated drivel I saw on the Daily show and shit. I started questioning everything I "believed" in at around 23, then at 25 I was openly right wing.

Wait until they start paying taxes

>people will hold the same views forever

protip: you get more conservative as you age

I was a liberal in college. Voted Obama in 2012.

Corrected my mistake yesterday BIGLY

Well they are one of the youngest states, so probably.

yeah i bet the people that grew up in the 60s were really conservative back then too.

Pretty much. It wasn't until GooperGate that I finally sow through the silver lining.

Similar margin in the Brexit vote. These faggots will slowly start to realize their bullshit world view is wrong, and the younger generation is showing signs as being way ore conservative than their gen x parents

> people's opinions don't change over time

yeah me and all my friends voted liberal up until about 24 or 25 as well. Once they get a taste of the real world plenty of them will change

get back to plebbit. he says big league

As they get older and smarter they will get conservative views :)
None of us are worried.

Why do you guys even dislike Obama though? I like him.

If it's because of Obamacare, then that's the conservative party's fault and you know it.

Kids are fucking stupid. I used to listen to gangster rap and wear baggy af pants around my ass. I was a fucking moron, and I supported Gore and Kerry.

Then I crew up, you fucking cunt.


>being this big of an autist

Was it Winston Churchill who said.

'If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain.'

All 10 of them?

Yes, rednecks and chanposters are truly the epitome of maturity and intelligence

>but they aren't working yet
Both the Millennials and Generation X are solid Democratic.

What a fantastic pic

In 4 years, I have a feeling that these will be red as fuck. They'll grow up and realize how fucking retarded they were.

Lol and if this statistic was republican heavy they would just toss it out and call it irrelevant.

>he doesn't know about gen z

18-25 year olds always tend to go this way then flip after college and they have to get jobs

>relying on polls

when will you retards ever learn?

you realize the democrats said that same shit before. young people grow out of being liberal between 25-30. there are more old people than young people. average life expectancy is 75-80 in america

Wait until they start working

I think Obama, in the grand scheme of things, was a better choice than run of the mill neocon McCain or Romney. Because of those crushing defeats, Trump was able to come in and blow both parties the fuck out.

We are on the verge of a renaissance. Soon, Democrats and Republicans will uncuck themselves and elections will come down to "fuck, I dont know who to vote for because they are both such great choices!"

>Why do you guys even dislike Obama though?

Obama is a cool dude, but he's a war criminal

That study was exclusively for Great Britain, the same country where Mohammad is the top baby boy's name. Doesn't take much to connect the dots on why Generation Z is more conservative then the older generations.

Liberal in the 1920s had a completely different meaning
in fact most conservatives now, would more closely fit that description then modern liberals

Still waiting on a single source on this claim. In my experience gen z isn't a mega conservative group like every cunt here thinks.

Kill them all.

I don't want to have to work guys.

Seriously, I will gladly do anything other than be a wageslave as long as I'm not homeless.

Kind of makes us look stupid since we gave him the peace price.

That said, he's an improvement over the previous presidents, and hopefully, Trump will also be more peaceful.


Its happening to us as we speak. We see the shit like lesbian mothers in kids TV shows and think back to "wow, back in my day we had SpongeBob and catdog, so much better, I wish it was still Iike that".

Americans are two steps forward and one step back. Sure, blacks have a tremendous influence in culture now. We've gone from bashing gays to accepting gender fluid trans lesbians to use whichever bathroom. But there comes a time when America says wait a minute, lets slow the fuck down. I don't like all this change. Lets go back to the way things were. And once we are conservatives, people feel we need to be progressive and change, and the map turns blue again. Natural course.

18-25 year olds are still living on their mom's tit. The majority of them will mature.

It's the Burke Paradox: "If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain."

America needs a kind of neo-McCarthyism to root out all these fucking commie professors brainwashing the kids.

He's tried to keep from owning guns multiple times.

He can fuck right off to Kenya with his bullshit.

If Obama's a war criminal, then so is every president ever.

"War criminal" is a completely meaningless buzzword

It was Winston Churchill I believe who said that

That's because left has had power and media for last 8 years.

Trump is going to totally transform the republican party whether they like it or not. If Trump is an awful president then we'll go back to a democrat, but if things end up working great for him a lot of younger voters will support.

The republicans just got a majority congress and president running a not so social conservative.
Hopefully they'll get the message.
imo a much better way to still be "socially conservative" without being a evangelical party is to make the platform say "pro family" and work from there for positive social policy

>You guys do realize that America is still fucked, right?
A lot of those kids will eventually become productive members of society, getting jobs, raising a family and all that stuff. Perspectives tend to change by then.

I know but it still rings true. young liberals are not bad people. just naive. For the most part anyway. It's the people that never grow out of it that are awful.

>Gen Z is the most conservative gen since WW2

Millennials should be called the cuck generation because they were cucked by boomers and gen x and later on they will be cucked by gen z

He preserved the status quo and didn't improve anything. Obamacare was sold to leftists as universal healthcare and what they got was a corporate welfare for health insurance companies. The fault of democracy is the burden of responsibility is always lost on an anonymous body of elected officials, but Obama is supposed to be the guy "in charge", so he should be blamed.

when they finish college with 300k of student debt and there are no jobs because pedro works for cents on the dollar they'll wake up

young people are mostly left-wing

more at 11

In my Anthropology of Middle East and North Africa class, we had a 45 minute group therapy session which she'd many tears and ended with the TA (grad student) saying that this is the last death knell of white supremacy and that all the Trump voters will die soon (which she received cheers for) and that they can't stop the inevitable change.

lel, not knowing the power of kek

What does neocon mean? [spoiler] explain without being hurtful please [/spoiler

Let's be fair here, if you or I were president, we'd do the same damned thing. Difference is, we wouldn't be as emotionally capable or charismatic enough to shed a tear while pushing for it.

That said, you guys do need gun control, i.e raiding gang member places and refusing to sell weapons to convicted criminals. sez no

Until that demographic starts paying taxes

> If you're under the age of 30 and you vote Conservative you have no heart.

> If you're over the age of 30 and you vote Liberal you have no brain.

> transform the republican party
Please, Trump-senpai. A Classically Liberal Nationalist Worker's party would be based

The flower generation who had Woodstock in 69 and all the other stuff is the same generation that voted Trump

THIS. I was a total commiefag (and a brainwashed christian) in middle school and early highschool.

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

>tfw 23
>already conservative, UKIP, Pro-Trump
i'll probably be hitler by 35

what a bunch of pansies

Thanks for the tip! I'll go tell the party that had the largest evangelical turnout in history for the guy that's been married 3 times to supermodels.


I wasn't a commie in high school, but I did fluctuate between your typical sweden-esque social liberal democracy and libertarianism.

My libertarian phase was the start of the red pill, I'm still economically extremely liberal but much more authoritarian on social issues.

We have 4 amazing years to show them how infinitely wrong they were about Trump.

The office of memetic warfare will fix this.

>It's ageist not to take me seriously because I'm younger
>Old people shouldn't vote

neo conservative, as in, a new type of conservative born out of the ruin of the Republican Party after Barry Goldwater was utterly crushed in his 1964 run for president

this is where the "muh jesus", warhawkish, gay marriage is the most important issue ever, goober republican comes from. And thankfully, Trump seems to have killed it

If Britain's Gen Z is hyper-conservative then America's is too, given the fact that polls show he'd be winning in a landslide if only highschoolers could vote

The future is bright

>Old people shouldn't vote
It's literally Brexit all over again

1000x this.

You do realize that the boomers you hate so much were the same hippie morons fucking like rabbits and smoking dope in the 60s right?

google wants to give u succ , go see them

>Being a commie and a christian at the same time

Either you don't know how communism works, or you don't know how christianity works.

Trump didn't hammer gay marriage at all this election, but that hasn't stopped gays everywhere from freaking out about how they're now going to be persecuted.

No, facts don't matter. Millennials care about feels, not real issues.

>gen cuX

Maybe some of them, but the ideas they propose are absolutely evil even if some of the supporters are well intentioned.

Also safe space/ sjw culture means a lot of these people will never grow up and become more conservative like previous generations

I was a diehard liberal faggot in high school and in university until I got a taste of the harsh real world.

Unimpressive bait mericunts. Go back to your CTR safe space.

So what? I was also a liberal piece of shit when I was in my teens.

You grow out of it eventually, for obvious reasons.

You're retarded.

That's about how it has always looked.

Young people vote dem because hurr feelgood, then turn republican because they grow a brain.

So 26 is when the average American gets their first paycheck?


I used to be a raging conservacuck until about 24