We're all voting for trump's success

>we're all voting for trump's success

what a great and humble president
I'm actually gonna miss the guy, the last four years weren't that bad except for all the inflamed racial relationships provoked by the media

If he weren't owned by lobbyists, Obama would have been a great president.

>wants to enact healthcare reform
>pushes for Obamacare
>health insurance companies post record profits afterward
>premiums steadily rise

Yeah I don't get the hate. He was a pretty mello lefty. Could a been a shit ton worse for us but now Trump's got the wheel.


something had to be done. What else you got?

yeah the house and senate fucked him over multiple times, that's the shitty thing about a bipartisan government

doesnt matter what you think about his politics
obama is a pretty cool guy and eh doesn’t afraid of anything.

Obama had a great presidency.

So glad Trump made him eat crow.
>hurr durr come on man hol hol hol up America would never ever elect Trump, never ever gonna happen man

fine, ill be the first to say

he was awful. seriously obamacare completely fucked our healthcare system, driven rates up and made it less affordable.

he has at least doubled the national debt, divided the country racially, and thrown the police, the people who protect this country under the bus for his liberal agenda.

he never took a definitive stance on anything but gay rights.

every compliment he had for the police was followed by a backhanded comment about their treatment of minorities. no leadership on that issue AT ALL

Thank fuck I wont go to jail for not buying into Obamacare.

Obama was a good little puppet nothing more nothing less at his inauguration he couldn't contain his laughing . that his fake persona actually won him the election

I find it funny how everyone who opposed Trump, are now kissing his feet.
>P-please p-pardon me!

i have no hate for obama. he was and is a class act. good orator, good inspiring people etc but you dont get points for good PR. it shouldnt be forgotten that his foreign policy has been fucking disastrous and he tripled the debt, plus his healthcare legacy seems to be a vanity project and i know vanity projects when i see them

he kept me from buying cheap russian surplus firearms and ammunition.

i'm glad he's go and stay go.

No, I agree completely.

The Iran nuclear deal was actually the perfect diplomatic outcome, so much so that it should be a model for future de-escelation talks, and he still received nothing but vitriol from Republicans, faux-liberal Jews, Israelis, Saudis. They gave us literally everything we asked for and have no capability of building a warhead. It also took invasion and or "regime change" off the table, which had been circling over our heads like a vulture since the mid 2000's.

Now, let's hope Trump continues this diplomatic strategy with Russia, and we can finally finish off IS together, rather than letting ourselves be attack dogs because an international cabal is mad that there's countries who refuse the mark on their foreheads.

He was ex-CIA he always smelled of the same shit of the establishment

If Obama did what he had to do America never needed a Trump. He was a cool and funny guy, yes. But that's about it.

You see how maturely Clinton and Obama accepted the outcome of the election?
What do you think would've happen if Hilary won?

This is true. Most everything he did get done was so gutted by pettiness across the aisle that it was completely without teeth. The only thing everyone seemed to shut up and fall in line over was donating billions of tax dollars to keep corporations in the black, if that's indicative of anything.

tbf there was never any suggestion of voter fraud on repub. side. democrats have been documented doing it in this election even though it doesnt make a difference anyway... its a slap in the face of the electorate

He was fine, we didn't like Clinton.
I don't have a short memory. He didn't like Clinton either.
Hat for you, Kek-worshiping, Infowarrior faggot.


>tbf there was never any suggestion of voter fraud on repub. side.

You're retarded and uninformed

Probably a comparative concession speech from Trump, with widespread vitriol from Hillary supporters, instead of tears.

Hillary was an absolute bought and paid for Neo Conservative and glad she'll never hold the reins, but it's her supporters that made this election so nasty, for the common people. Even in defeat, they can't possibly shut up. These people are zealots, and don't like the idea of democracy or supremacy of law when it isn't convenient for them.

I've been saying for a while, this is simply a repeat of the previous century, and these are the Red Flags.