Happening already?

So an illegal mexican machine operator at my job was just fired for having bullshit ss number. He's been with the company for 10 years. We have at least 15-20 more. Would it happen that fast?

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Do you guys feel that young illegal immigrants that are virtually naturalized US citizens with no criminal record should be deported to Mexico?

I feel that they should be given the opportunity to attain citizenship. They're not foreigners at this point, and if anything they're victims of their parents decisions. This is the predominant reason I can't support the repealing of DACA.

Millions of dollars will run through their hands throughout their lifetime, and they'll make our country stronger since they've an entire life ahead of them, so what's the issue here?

They're not bringing harm to anyone. They're not criminals, and they're not here through their own hand.

I say give them a chance.


I think you've simply seen someone fired for a fake SS number.

Donald Trump hasn't even assumed office yet.

Why do you feel this way?
They've done no harm unto anyone or anything, and they'll only serve to make our country more powerful.

Why didn't they just apply for citizenship the legal way? They've been here long enough.

coz a bunch of kids that don't go to school and sit around the barrio smoking hash are totally going to help the system

KEK, if it wasnt for your parents you would be in Mexico, dont ask pity to these people, I agree with you, you didnt do anything wrong and should be given a chance, but they wont do it because you arent like "real americans"

>been with the company for 10 years

eligible for amnesty

Those aren't the people he's talking about and you know it.

I can see where you're coming from, and it might not be the worst thing. But at the end of the day these people broke our laws by sneaking in and have been living here illegally for many years. Inherently they're already criminals.

Kids on DACA don't have any criminal records in spite of this fictional story you've created. They're thoroughly checked for crime before they attain their visas.

I don't understand. Even if they make 7.25$ for the rest of their life, they'll still put money in the pocket of others.

Deport the parents. Their Democrat welfare check kids will follow them back to Mexico.

Boss man is afraid of impending scrutiny. It's his job or their's


I would be fine with giving them a chance to be a productive citizen, but with the threat of immediate deportation for breaking the law
My parents immigrated here and worked their assess off to become citizens.


> hows that restaurant job

I actually agree with this sentiment.
Once a person hits 20, their parents shouldn't be able to hide behind them.

If they haven't turned into legal citizens within 1/4 of a human life-span, they're likely not worth it.

I read that Trump doesn't need to build a wall to fuck Illegals, all he has to do is put his signature on a bill requiring all employers to verify their legal status with the government. This would force them out of job market for all existing jobs that don't pay cash.

When you have to break a law to get into the country it kind of makes you a criminal by virtue.

>He's been with the company for 10 years.

10 years is a long time to try and get your citizenship in order.

People like that are like those who start doing something bad while knowing it is bad but because they get away with it they continue doing so for years and years and when they get caught in the end people are supposed to feel sorry for them.

no they wont....because at 7.25 they will be below the federal poverty line which means no income tax and lots of subsidies

its been happening the whole time dumbass.

>Do you guys feel that young illegal immigrants that are virtually naturalized US citizens with no criminal record should be deported to Mexico?

Yes. Wholeheartedly.

I hope their parents taught them Spanish.

>Do you guys feel that young illegal immigrants that are virtually naturalized US citizens with no criminal record should be deported to Mexico?
>virtually naturalized
They can virtually go fuck themselves. They aren't Americans and they need to fuck off right back home.

also, its not like the laws changed....they are just going to actually enforce the laws we have now

too many complications and the process takes years from what i heard(also need a lawyer costing thousands) if trying to obtain a cizitzenship from within the us if an illegal. if applying from mexico, i think it also takes a long time to gain citizenship. but, like i said, thats only what i heard. id like to hear other opinions on the matter.

>Implying that illegal immigrants don't indoctrinate their kids into being anti-american

They're probably cleaning house for a cert to do government/military work, where it's super fucking illegal to let non-citizens look at blueprints, setup drawings and such.

Through legal means. Yes

Fucking libshits

>be German
>hard as fuck to move to USA as a engineer or health doctor

>be Mexican
>jump over a little fence
>mow the lawn for a year
>get citizenship

I doubt this is true.
A big part of Chicano pride is being born in America.

It doesn't work like that.
You're so far away from the reality of American life that you've no ground to stand on.

really? out of curiosity, what made it so difficult for you? sounds like you should have gotten citizenship without a hitch.

>what is an I-9 form

look at legal immigration statistics.....they heavily favor latinos despite the fact that latinos also make up a majority of the illegal immigrant constituency

Protip: 90% of what trump wants tio do are alrEADY LAW OF THE LAND. Obongo just ordered ICE not to enforce or raid businesses.
Expect small businessesto shift into cover your ass mode and start shedding the illegals in their staff.

One of the Mexicans at my job has a 8 year old daughter that can sing all the military songs.

this....people arent preparing for new laws, they are preparing for the enforcement of existing law

and I know a Mexican man that is technically illegal that only speaks English.

Anecdotes won't get you very far.

You're weak

Yea, thats what I was thinking. The company is actual pretty huge and Canadian owned. Go figure

Bullshit ss# is a serious felony from what I know, how come he wasn't fired earlier and imprisoned?

I can't support cruelty against others that didn't bring such a thing upon themselves.

Abiding by basic human morality isn't weak.

Because our current president doesn't seem to believe these laws should be enforced.

No exceptions Pedro

See the problem with "giving them a chance" is it will continue to encourage anchor babies.

I'm sorry but for real change to this bullshit some innocents will suffer as a consequence of fixing it.

They have fired people for it before but only when they got hurt and tried to get workman's comp lol

He's making america great again already.
Under budget and ahead of schedule.

No need to go all third Reich.

Tax the money illegals send back to Mexico, deport the criminals, and stop any more from coming over.

Basically enforce the laws already on the books. Couldnt be any simpler.

If they feel like it's not worth the time, money, and effort then why the fuck should they be here.


Working ten years and he can't get a fucking visa?

Absolutely yes. You seem to forget that they live with their illegal parents and are heavily indoctrinated with La Raza mentality. Even though they were born here, they don't associate at all with American culture, but they do associate with handouts.

Only a very small minority of them are capable of rejecting this romanticized version Mecksico that they're told by their parents and develop into stern patriots. Lastly, from observation anchor babies are also just as complacent in sending money back home which continues to bleed our economy.

Yes. They breed Democrats. Enough Mestizos.


>Misusing the word complacent

Fuck you.
It's because of shit like this that I've done that too.

It's not fair to those waiting in line for years to get legal citizenship to give Illegals ANY kind of path to citizenship period. They go home, get in the back of the line. This is the kind of rules you learn in fucking kindergarten.

This. It takes time but people from my country and many other Asian countries still fight tooth and nail to get it. Why can't these spics play fair?

sounds like a nice bargain

if they shoplift, throw them in the river

>showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.

Well shit. I think I was looking for complicit.

It's not that they don't feel it's worth it, most just can't afford it. a normal lawyer alone will be around 7 grand. the rest of the process can be just as expensive. You will also be punished if applying within the states, a year or so of leaving your job? You know they have kids too. How many people, even lower middle class people, have about 30k laying around and also enough put away to go work in mexico for a year?

Is being poor an excuse to break the law and be entitled to live in a foreign country? This anchor babby meme should end

Finally something I can get behind.

If you're here illegally, you should be deported and never allowed to return to the US for any reason.

>tfw daca JUST got approved
Who /havetogoback/ here

They already require that. It's just that the fines are low and employers aren't required to be document experts.


Good riddance, Elian.

that's sad :(

god fucking willing





Nice shitposting. All of a sudden after an election he's fired and deported? Out of all the years he's worked there, no one found out or checked? Donald isn't even in office yet, so you better "blame" obama.

You should be shot, deporting is way too expensive...

Just allow to shoot them like they do in Philippines with their drug dealers. They will run back to Mexishit faster than light.

there will be some collateral damage. tough shit. doesnt change the fact that most illegals are subhuman indio filth that export capital from america to support their familia back home in their shithole countries.


>Do you guys feel that young illegal immigrants that are virtually naturalized US citizens with no criminal record should be deported to Mexico?

Yeah. Without exception.

It's weird I saw a Mexican woman selling roses under an overpass on my way home from school. It's usually a black veteran in a wheel chair.

If its true Management probably wanted rid of the filthy spic for a while, but were worried about political/legal implications..

He's not deported you fuck head. I'm a,Trump supporter and was looking forward to laughing at them today. He was actually the one cool one that was just joking about going back today